
Birth certificate: where to give after discharge from the hospital?

Today we will be interested in such a document as a generic certificate. Where to give it? Why is this paper needed? What benefits and opportunities does she provide for women in labor? All this will be discussed now. After all, the question of where to give a birth certificate after childbirth arises among many citizens. This document in itself is extremely important, which means that getting rid of it (after all, you can’t leave it to yourself in any case) also plays a serious role.generic certificate where to give

What it is

The first step is to figure out what we are dealing with. What is a generic certificate? Where to give it is the next question. To begin with, it’s worth figuring out which document is in question, and also why it is needed at all.

A birth certificate is a special paper that is issued to all pregnant women. Gives the right to choose a maternity hospital and free birth. In addition, it allows you to register at any children's clinic of your choice. Plus, with the help of a birth certificate, the state will transfer funds for the antenatal clinic and the doctor who observed you for you. A very important document, which is worth getting before delivery.

How to get

But how can you "get" a generic certificate? Where to give it after receiving? In general, no problems, as a rule, arise in the first question. To obtain a birth certificate, it is enough to contact your antenatal clinic (where you were registered) with an exchange card. There you will be given a disability certificate. And issue a generic certificate. Do not forget to present your passport, SNILS and policy (with copies). Documents are usually submitted for issuing a birth certificate for a period of 30 weeks.where to give a generic certificate

However, it is not always possible to turn to a antenatal clinic. The thing is that sometimes a birth certificate is issued by your maternity hospital. It is enough to simply declare in advance that you did not manage to receive this document for one reason or another (as a rule, it is relevant for preterm delivery). Further, as in the previous case, you provide a passport, SNILS and compulsory health insurance policy. In just a few days (about a day before discharge), a birth certificate will be made and delivered to you. Where to give it? This question is not so difficult. But for starters, it's worth considering another scenario.

Private clinic

What if you were registered in a private clinic? It is no secret to anyone that organizations of this kind do not issue generic certificates. Is it really in this situation you have to give birth only for a fee?

Not at all. You still have to wonder where to give the generic certificate. In private clinics you will be given a special referral for the district women's consultation. Instead of it (do not forget the exchange card, policy and SNILS with copies) you will receive this document. So do not be afraid. But where to give the birth certificate after the hospital and before it? This question interests many women. Indeed, if you look closely, this document is divided into several parts. They are called coupons.where to give a birth certificate after the hospital


And now it’s worth considering all possible scenarios. As you may have noticed, the generic certificate (where to give it is a rather difficult question, if you do not understand it) is divided into several parts. And each has its own line of separation.

Initially, you will have all the coupons of the birth certificate on hand. Where to give them? The first part (at number 1) is sent to your antenatal clinic. This is not necessary at all.As the doctors say, you can leave the first coupon with you if you are not satisfied with the service in the antenatal clinic. Also, this part is not given anywhere in the case of observation in a private clinic. You can keep it as a keepsake.

This ticket serves just to pay for your observation by the state. In practice, usually women prefer to give the first coupon to the antenatal clinic. You can do this before delivery. And then just wait. But do not remove the generic certificate. Where to give it further? Everything is extremely simple.generic certificate coupons where to give

Maternity hospital

The next stage, at which this document is useful to you, is childbirth. More precisely, the postpartum period. So do not forget to bring a generic certificate with you. If you have not done this, you can ask someone from your family and friends to bring it.

The second ticket comes off in the hospital where you gave birth, and is left there. And the remaining parts are returned to the newly made parents. This "adventure" does not end there. You must have at least 2 coupons left. Where to give a generic certificate? Now there is one more place that this document will require from you.


After you return from the hospital, a nurse (pediatrician) will have to come to you from the children's clinic, which you decide to contact. You will learn about this in advance at the maternity hospital.

And here you need a generic certificate. Where to give the remaining coupons? A pediatric doctor who came to see you. Or in a children's clinic where you decided to be observed. In principle, that’s all. Usually, at the first visit to the pediatrician (still at home), both coupons will be asked and taken from you. They are needed to pay for the first year of observation in a medical institution.where to give a birth certificate after childbirth

That's all. Now it’s clear where to give the birth certificate after childbirth. Please note - you may have one coupon with information about the child born. You can not give it anywhere (although some prefer to leave this part in the antenatal clinic) and keep it as a keepsake.

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