
Generic certificate: step-by-step instructions for receiving. Gift Certificate of Birth

Any family at a certain moment has to think about replenishment. The expectation of children and their birth is an exciting and joyful process. But he brings young parents an infinite amount of trouble and anxiety - from the state of health of the future mother to the preparation of the necessary "dowry" for the baby.

Pregnancy and upcoming birth require not only moral and physical preparation, but also monetary. And the birth of a baby and the subsequent care of it is always an unambiguously costly process. This is known to anyone who has children.

That is why our caring state has decided to help young mothers and slightly ease their financial burden. One form of such concern has been the introduction of birth certificates.

What are you talking about?

What is a generic certificate? This is a document in the form of a form in the prescribed manner, issued for a newborn baby. The same term includes a set of coupons of a certain format that provide material support by compensating cash costs for conducting pregnancy and childbirth.

birth certificate

What do you need to know about it

Since 2012, the Government of the Russian Federation began to review laws and regulations regarding material support for pregnant women. Several new reforms have been introduced into the health care system. The Health project should be considered the most significant of them. Its essence is the availability of high-quality medical services to citizens of all categories.

Within its framework - several social programs. Priority was recognized aimed at the demographic situation in their native country - with the goal of improving it. And to date, the women's consultations of the country have become practically the full subjects of the program.

Be that as it may, the population is not sufficiently informed about the benefits due, many do not know anything about what a generic certificate is and how to get it. This omission must be eliminated, because the earmarked funds for it can save a considerable amount of 11,000 rubles by transferring to the accounts of medical organizations.

Who needs it and why

The purpose of this document is to increase the interest of health care institutions in the high level of medical services during obstetric care and pregnancy support. Expectant mothers can now choose a medical facility and a doctor who wants to be followed up before delivery, as well as a maternity hospital, including in another city.

It is impossible to cash out a certificate or receive monetary compensation from it, because it is a means of financial incentives for medical institutions, and not help for women in labor. In fact, a birth certificate for a child is insurance for a pregnant woman against the poor quality of medical services.

how to get a birth certificate

Why is it profitable

The state takes care of preserving the national gene pool and is interested in increasing the birth rate. It is also beneficial for medical institutions to have as many women in labor as possible - this is a direct opportunity to improve their own financial situation at the expense of budget funds transferred to the clinic according to generic certificates: update equipment, make repairs, etc.

Moreover, 60% of the funds in maternity hospitals and 40% in antenatal clinics are intended to be used to pay for medical staff. That is, applying for a medical service at a clinic of a pregnant woman directly affects the well-being of doctors and nurses. And, accordingly, the patient has the right to count on the proper level of attention and the services provided.

How to get a birth certificate

The law states that a woman who wants to receive a certificate should apply to her gynecologist with a statement in the antenatal clinic. In a consultation falling within the scope of the said program, the doctor must issue it. Otherwise, the pregnant woman is redirected to the medical institution where you can arrange it. Most often these are medical centers with a hospital.

Apply for a certificate no earlier than the thirtieth week of pregnancy. In the clinic or LCD you will need to bring a civil passport and a medical card, where the gestational age is indicated.

birth certificate gift

Who is entitled to it?

Now we find out who is the subject, i.e., which category of persons has the right to a generic certificate. Their circle is quite wide and includes pregnant women, employed both officially and informally, incapable of work, dismissed due to the termination of the enterprise, unmarried women military personnel, as well as pregnant students of any educational institutions, regardless of accreditation.

That is, almost all women are of any status and marital status. The only valid reason for a pregnant woman's refusal to issue a certificate is the lack of a document confirming her identity and citizenship (not necessarily a passport). If she cannot present either a pension certificate or a compulsory medical insurance policy, a certificate will still be issued to her, but with a note about the absence of these documents and its reasons.

Documents for a generic certificate

Although no one specifically regulates the extradition procedure, there is a minimum package of “papers” with which you should go to the doctor. What exactly is needed?

This is a civil passport, pension and health insurance certificates and, if the pregnant woman is registered as unemployed, a certificate from the employment center. Clients are not entitled to demand other papers.

birth certificate in 2015

Certificate Actions

The state allocates funds for the reimbursement of outpatient clinics and emergency rooms from its reserve funds. The material moment is sufficiently controlled and requires a pregnant woman to perform certain actions. So, the generic certificate of 2015 is a step-by-step instruction:

  1. Pregnant after thirty weeks turns to the LCD.
  2. The gynecologist, having accepted the documents and issuing a medical report, gives her 4 coupons. The root of them remains with the doctor. A corresponding entry is made in the visitors' log. In the future, the spine is sent to accounting.
  3. The first of the coupons is intended for antenatal consultation and provides the right to serve there within the amount of 3000 rubles.
  4. The woman will have to present the second coupon in the hospital, his purpose is to compensate for expenses in the amount of 6000 rubles.
  5. The remaining coupons are for the newborn, which is to be registered in the children's clinic and observed in it for the first year after birth. There are two of them - for the first and second half of the service, each with a par value of 1000 rubles.

In case of damage or loss of certificate, a duplicate is not provided.

When is it issued

A working woman will receive a certificate at the same time as a sick leave when decreeing - at 30 weeks of pregnancy (if she is multiple - 2 weeks earlier).

If the young future mother does not yet have a passport (she is younger than 14 years old), she will be given a birth certificate.

Legally, the moment of issuing the certificate is the date of birth of the baby. This paper has no material value, like coupons, but is very valuable for a young mother.

The document contains information on the date of birth of the newborn, and its anthropometric characteristics. In addition, it contains brief information about government programs and various benefits for mothers on maternity leave. For more information, a woman should contact the social assistance authorities.

birth certificate for a child

And for the second child?

The birth certificate issued for the second and subsequent children is exactly the same as for the first newborn.The law does not provide for any differences or restrictions.

You should know that for the birth of a second child, the amounts of payments and compensations are different - higher, but this does not apply to the birth certificate. Its face value of 11,000 rubles is a constant value.

Will the birth certificate “rise in price” in 2015? Life does not stand still, and we are constantly waiting for new changes. Almost every year, pensions, benefits, and other social benefits are indexed. How much the birth certificate will cost in 2015 is a matter of concern to many expectant mothers.

State budget program for 2016-2017 Allows the possibility of revising its value. But for now, everything is unchanged. The generic certificate of 2015 retains its previous nominal value.

When the document is not executed

As you know, no one is safe from force majeure. If the baby was born prematurely, his mother will be given a birth certificate after childbirth. In the LCD it will be issued when information about this fact arrives there.

Some future mothers are worried if they have to go to the hospital without this document (did not receive it on time, forget, lose, etc.). But the unrest is in vain. Assistance in obstetrics will be provided to her in any case.

If she does not have a certificate as such (was not observed in the consultation), it will be issued at the hospital. Coupon No. 1 will be redeemed with the stamp “Not Payable”, that is, women's consultation will not receive any money.

documents for a birth certificate

About paid services

If a pregnant woman is observed for a fee in any medical institution - where to get a birth certificate in this case? She needs to contact the LCD at the place of registration. But the first part of the coupon will also not be paid.

If a woman receives paid services in the maternity hospital at her own expense, the second ticket is also canceled - the Social Insurance Fund does not transfer money to the maternity hospital for this patient.

Some moments

If the pregnant woman is not satisfied with the quality of service in the consultation, can she not transfer the first coupon there? Not. If one doctor conducted observation throughout the entire period, then the patient has no right not to give him a ticket. It is more advisable to change the doctor as soon as possible if there are any complaints to him.

If during pregnancy I had to be seen by different doctors, to whom should I pass the coupon? After all, he is only one, no one will give out a second one. In this case, the specialist who conducted the pregnancy longer will have the right to receive it.

If twins are expected, a woman cannot expect to receive two certificates. After all, it is not drawn up for the baby, but for the pregnant woman herself, so that she will exist in the singular.

 where to get a generic certificate

... and other details

Is the certificate for a woman in prison? Yes, it is. How to get a birth certificate in this case? The prison administration will issue a certificate with the data of her passport, on the basis of which she will receive a certificate.

How to be in a situation of changing the name? If it changes after the certificate is issued, they will not issue another instance (for new data). The paramedic will enter the new name and the reason for the replacement in the document - most often this is the date and number of the marriage certificate.

Pleasant trifles

Not everyone knows that a young mother and her baby have a gift according to the birth certificate. True, this applies only to residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. This is a rather unusual project that exists in a number of online stores. The set "Mom and Me" containing the items necessary for the birth of any baby is provided under the birth certificate for free. Its recipients are pregnant women and mothers of children up to three months old.

What exactly can contain a gift from the birth certificate? In the package you can find diapers, baby bottles, cream, toys, nipples, oil and toothpaste. Moms get the opportunity to try and evaluate products, later many make an order in the same online store.

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