
Russian language proficiency certificate where to get? How can a foreigner get a certificate of Russian language proficiency?

Obtaining Russian citizenship is becoming increasingly difficult every year. This is due to the introduction of new items in the list of required documents. Since 2015, every foreign citizen who draws up a legal stay in Russia is required to pass a certificate of proficiency in Russian. Where to get this document and how to prepare for the exam? You will learn about this from our article.

Changes in legislation regarding the situation of foreign citizens

Starting this year, any foreign citizen who submits a package of documents for a temporary residence permit, residence permit or citizenship of the Russian Federation to the territorial body of the FMS is required to provide a certificate of knowledge of the Russian language. A law under which this provision is mandatory has been developed since the beginning of 2014. However, he entered into full force in January 2015.

Russian language proficiency certificate where to get

But where to get a certificate in Russian for a migrant who wants to live and work in Russia? You will learn about this very soon.

What is a Russian language test for citizenship of the Russian Federation?

The examination for migrants is carried out in three main disciplines: the Russian language, the basics of legislation and the history of the Russian Federation. In this case, the entire procedure is divided into five parts, which include:

  • presentation (40 minutes);
  • reading text (40 minutes);
  • grammar exercises (40 minutes);
  • listening to a recording (30 minutes);
  • oral speech with the examiner (30 minutes).

Before the exam, a consultation is mandatory. At this time, the representative of the certified organization explains to migrants the entire testing procedure and the principle of assessment. An exam is considered passed only if the examiner collects at least 60% of the correct answers for each discipline.

center of state testing in Russian

But how can a foreigner get a certificate of proficiency in Russian? To begin with, you should study well the questions that will be presented in testing.

How to prepare for the exam?

Today, you can independently prepare for testing. To do this, you only need Internet access and some free time. Any center of state testing in the Russian language has a personal website on which all the preparatory materials for the exam are posted. In addition, on the resources you can test your knowledge by passing testing online.

Thus, even before the start of testing, you will be savvy with regard to the correct answers and be able to easily submit your certificate of proficiency in Russian. Where to get this important document for a foreign citizen? And why is it important to contact government centers? More on this later.

Russian language test for citizenship of the Russian Federation

Certificate of proficiency in Russian: where to get

Thinking about getting a certificate that proves that Russian is your native language follows only after the inspector of the migration service issues a list of necessary documents for applying for a temporary residence permit, residence permit or citizenship. After all, a certificate is issued only after payment of the state fee.

Today, in any city of the Russian Federation, there are special centers that are authorized to conduct testing for migrants. In most cases, such organizations are located at state universities or directly in the building of the Federal Migration Service.Remember that only official bodies have the right to issue a certificate of proficiency in Russian. Where to get a document in your region of residence, the inspector will tell you when issuing a list of documents. Therefore, do not engage in an independent search.

How much is a certificate of knowledge of the Russian language?

Unfortunately, paperwork for a foreign citizen is very costly. So, according to the data for 2015, the following prices were fixed for obtaining a certificate of a native speaker of the Russian language:

  • for registration of a work permit (PHP) or a patent - 4900 rubles;
  • for the initial receipt of a temporary residence permit or residence permit - 5200 rubles (for residents of the DPR and LPR there is a preferential cost - 2800 rubles);
  • testing on the basics of legislation and the history of the Russian Federation for those who already have a certificate of a native Russian speaker - 1900 rubles.

certificate of knowledge of the Russian language

Details on which the state fee should be paid are issued to all examinees for consultations before testing. Remember that you can pay for testing only in banking institutions. It is unacceptable to transfer money to persons who appear to be employees of certification centers.

List of documents for the exam

Before you go for testing, you should prepare all the necessary documents. Foreign citizens should provide the original and a copy of the passport with a notarized translation. If the document already has a stamp on the issuance of the RVP or residence permit, then you should make a copy of this page. In addition, you must provide a migration card and a receipt on payment of the fee to the bank.

The exam should be booked in advance, as groups are formed within 1-2 months. This can be done both through the Internet and in person by submitting an application to the testing center. As a rule, citizens are notified about the date of the comprehensive exam in 5-7 days. This allows you to prepare for upcoming issues and plan your schedule. Remember that in case of failure to appear on the exam, funds deposited in the state treasury are not returned.

how can a foreigner get a certificate of Russian language proficiency

Certificate Validity

The document, which is issued as a result of testing, is valid in Russia for five years. At the same time, a foreign citizen needs to remember that with each subsequent change in status, it is required to renew the certificate, passing the examination procedure again. In other words, if after the expiration of the term of the RWP, it is planned to obtain a residence permit, you need to submit an updated document.

Immediately after passing the test, a migrant is issued a certificate indicating the number of points scored. You can get a ready certificate only 10-14 days after the exam. The document must indicate the personal data of the foreign citizen, the purpose of the test and the result.

Who doesn’t need to take an exam in Russian?

There are several categories of citizens who do not need to undergo mandatory testing. However, inspectors of the Federal Migration Service do not always warn migrants about this, sending them to a paid exam.

where to get a certificate in Russian

So, you do not need to apply for a certificate if you have at least one of the following documents:

  1. Certificate of education issued in the USSR until 1991. Such a document may be a certificate of completion of a secondary school, institute or other institution.
  2. A document confirming certification in Russia after 1991. As a rule, the FMS accept diplomas of graduation. But any document that indicates a course in the Russian language is also suitable.

In addition, children under 16 years of age, citizens of retirement age and disabled persons of the first group are exempted from testing. In all other cases, passing the examination procedure is mandatory.

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