
The most expensive dish in the world. The most expensive dumplings on the menu of the Golden Gates restaurant. The most expensive fast food in the world

Any elite culinary institution has several completely unique dishes on its menu. The cost of such culinary delights is hundreds, and in some cases, thousands of dollars.

Many people think that the more expensive the dish, the better. Unfortunately, one cannot call such an unambiguous reality. For example, someone would like a sandwich from the nearest diner more than some gorgeous dish from an upmarket restaurant. Although, if you think about it a bit, you can understand that an expensive dish will in any case arouse admiration in a person, because no one wants to just lose a few hundred, or even thousands of conventional units.

The most expensive dish in the worldToday everyone will find out the most expensive dish in the world. Admit it, are you already interested?

Chocopologie by knipschildt

Do you like sweets? Then you will definitely like incredibly delicious and the most expensive chocolate in the world!

Who would have thought that 1 kilogram of such a treat is worth more than 5200 dollars. Produced by Chocopologie by Knipschildt in the United States of America. It should be noted that this chocolate is dark, and its shelf life is minimal, which is why this unique dessert is almost not exported to other countries.

This product contains only natural ingredients of the highest quality. Manufacturers of Chocopologie by Knipschildt confidently declare that life is short, so you should not waste time consuming cheap chocolate, which is sold in every hypermarket.

Golden Opulence Sundae

In New York (United States of America) there is a fairly expensive cafe, which many call luxury fast food. The dishes prepared there are quite expensive, for example, the Golden Opulence Sundae dessert costs about 1 thousand dollars.

Golden gatesAt the heart of this dish is high-quality creamy ice cream made from real Tahitian vanilla beans. This dessert is decorated with one of the most expensive types of chocolate (Amedei Porceleana) and a specially prepared golden leaf that you can eat.

In addition, along with the dessert, the chef serves delicious edible gold dragees, special marzipan cherries, a small saucer with high-quality caviar and a variety of exotic fruits pre-candied.

You need to order this dessert in a few days, otherwise the cooks will not be able to cook it so quickly. For someone, perhaps this is not the most expensive dish in the world, because it costs only about 1 thousand dollars, but for some people this dessert really has a very high price, almost unattainable.

La bonnotte

As strange as it may seem, but in the world there is also the most expensive potato. The cost of this grade starts at $ 500. The taste of such potatoes is sweet enough, there are some lemon and nutty notes. Such an unusual taste, according to the peasants, appears due to the unique fertilizers used in the growing process.

La Bonnotte (potato) grows only on a small French island, washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Such a high pricing policy is explained by both a rather interesting taste and the fact that, unfortunately, potatoes cannot be stored for a long time. Vegetable tubers are harvested and sold on the same day.

La Bonnotte (potatoes)Many elite restaurants of Europe buy this type of potato. In addition, you can even try dishes from this unique type of potato even in the Netherlands, although, unfortunately, it is very rare.

Von Essen Platinum Club Sandwich

If you want to visit the world's most expensive fast food, then you want to try some very tasty and incredibly expensive sandwich or sandwich, right? Now there is no need to look for such an institution, because you can buy one of the most expensive sandwiches in the world in all the hotels of the famous Von Essen hotel chain.

A von Essen Platinum Club Sandwich dish costs about $ 200. What is so unique about him? The fact is that as part of this sandwich, special leaven bread, incredibly tasty Iberian ham, quail eggs, truffles (exclusively white), dried tomatoes (only Italian) and Brest fowl meat.

Of course, this is far from the most expensive dish in the world, but it can still be attributed to such, because not every restaurant / hotel can buy a sandwich for several hundred conventional units.

Dumplings from Golden Gates restaurant

It is difficult to imagine that dumplings are on the list of the most expensive dishes in the world, but this is true. Meat dishes a priori have a high price, but it is simply not comparable with the cost of dumplings of this elite restaurant.

So, a portion of 8 dumplings costs about 2.5 thousand US dollars. For those who believe that this will not be enough, a double portion is provided with a small discount. A portion of 16 dumplings costs about 4.5 thousand dollars.

The most expensive dumplingsGolden Gates restaurant cooks this dish with salmon, pork and veal. At the same time, experts also add the glands of the fish torch. Thus, the dish turns blue-green and has an incredible taste.

Want to try the most expensive dumplings in the world? Then head to New York immediately!

Pizza Luis XLLL

It should be noted that this is the most expensive pizza in the world, because its cost is more than 8 thousand euros. For this amount, cooks add special buffalo mozzarella cheese to the dish. In addition, in the filling you can feel three types of caviar, delicious shrimp, as well as high-quality lobster and red lobster meat. Instead of salt, cooks who cook this dish use the so-called Murray River.

Diamond caviar

This is the highest quality and most expensive caviar in the world. Its cost may vary depending on the age of the fish wearing this variety of beluga caviar. In addition, the packaging from this product is a jar made of real 24 carat gold.

Diamond caviarThis is the most expensive dish in the world, and you can taste it only in one restaurant on our planet - Caviar House & Prunier. Thus, the cost of 1 kilogram of diamond caviar is about 50 thousand US dollars.

Marble beef

It is hard to imagine that meat also falls into the ranking of the most expensive dishes in the world. Animals that are future marble beef are surrounded with maximum care. In addition, every day such animals consume beer and even sake, and the food for their full nutrition consists only of high-quality products and the best herbs.

The most expensive fast food in the worldFor many years, the Japanese have been against such animals being taken to other places in order to breed them elsewhere. So, now marbled beef is also produced in Australia. Almost no one knows that this phenomenon only led to a rise in price of meat. Why? The thing is only that the representatives of Australia took care of cows even better.

To date, about 200 conventional units will have to be paid for 200 grams of beef fillet in Europe. Even more so, some pieces of marbled beef cost up to 1 thousand dollars.

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