
The most expensive cats. Description of breeds

Pedigree cats are very fashionable now. Sometimes fanatical lovers of these animals are ready to give any money for them, because the price of some representatives is truly enormous, comparable, for example, with the cost of a good expensive car. What are the most expensive cat breeds in the world? Let's talk about it.


In our article we want to give a list of the most expensive breeds. So, the first place is rightfully occupied by the savannah. The cat is the most expensive in the world at present. This breed was bred by hybridization of a home look with an African serval. She began to breed since 1980 in the United States, the first offspring was born in 1986. Savannah - a cat that can reach a weight of fifteen kilograms, while its height is sixty centimeters. Such impressive parameters make it the largest among domestic cats.

The distinctive features of the savannah

Rare breeds of cats have their own distinctive features. The savannah, for example, has long legs, a slender elongated body, and large ears. All these characteristics came to her from wild ancestors. The hair of a cat is spotty.the most expensive cats

The breed is characterized by a high intellectual level and calm character, as well as incredible activity and curiosity. Cats simply adapt to new living conditions, but they need enough space for running around and playing. Savannah gets along with other animals, she likes water procedures, she likes to frolic in the air.

As for the price, the most expensive cats, no matter how wonderful they are, are far from affordable for everyone. So, for example, depending on the gender of the kitten and its class, the price can range from 4 to 25 thousand dollars.


The most expensive are, as a rule, rare breeds of cats. One is the chauzy, which takes the second place. This representative of the rarest breed was bred by crossing a wild African and domestic Abyssinian cat. Kittens were first obtained in the late sixties. The weight of adult cats can range from four to eight kilograms. Chausies are graceful, slender, short-haired animals with large ears and long legs.

bengal cat

They are referred to as active and smart pets that retain their fervent disposition for life. Because of their so sociable character, they do not like to be alone, and therefore they will prefer absolutely any company, even a dog, just not to be alone. Representatives of the Chausi breed are quite expensive, their price is eight to ten thousand dollars.

Kao Mani - Diamond Eye

The third place on our list is occupied by a completely unique breed - kao mani. These are short-haired animals that are of Thai origin and have a very ancient pedigree, exceeding several centuries. In ancient Siam, such cats lived only in royal families. It was believed that they are a symbol of good luck, wealth and longevity.

This is currently the rarest and most expensive breed. Its main distinguishing feature is the completely unique eyes of animals. They can be sparkling yellow or blue, and can be multi-colored. This means that one eye will have a yellow tint and the other blue. A similar phenomenon looks quite unusual. rare breeds of cats

Ancient Siam gave people more than one rare breed, however, in the West, it was kao mani that gained fame and popularity. Mention of this breed is in ancient manuscripts. She was called nothing more than a "white cat with pearl eyes." The history of this natural breed has long been lost in the depths of centuries.

Kao Mani Characteristics

Real kao mani have bright sparkling eyes, a beautiful proportionate oriental physique, muscular body, strong legs, medium-sized legs with pink pillows. Males are usually larger than females.

The ears of animals must be necessarily large and widely spaced. The coat color of kao mani is only white, sometimes kittens with dark marks on the head are born, which should go away by the year.

The nature of the representatives of this breed is very cheerful and mischievous. They are playful and agile, active and curious. Animals get along well with children, they value the attention of their master very much and do not like to be alone. So unusual can be the most expensive cats, which include kao mani. The price for them varies from seven to ten thousand dollars.


Safari - a cat is quite rare. It arose as a result of the hybridization of a domestic breed and a wild South American cat. It was bred in the seventies. This is a fairly large breed. Male adults can reach thirteen kilograms, females have a more modest weight - eight kilograms. The body of the animal is lean and muscular. Eye color is very saturated: green, yellow, amber. The breed combines the beautiful color of a wild creature and the soft disposition of a pet. The color of the coat is very similar to the leopard, apparently, this is the name of the breed.the most expensive cat breeds

Safaris have a wonderful affectionate character. On the one hand, they do not require excessive attention to their person, and on the other, they love affection and do not mind climbing into the hands of the owners. Animals love water, walks on the street, games on the loose. They get along well with all the inhabitants of the house and children. The price of kittens of this breed sometimes reaches ten thousand dollars.

Bengal cat

In fifth place is a hybrid breed that was bred in the United States in the eighties by crossing an Asian leopard animal with a domestic look. This is a bengal cat. Its greatest advantage is the unusually beautiful thick coat of leopard color. Adults weigh between four and eight kilograms. They are very friendly and love companies, they just need a human society.savannah cat

I must say that Bengal cats are very devoted and even sympathetic friends. They sincerely love their masters and remain loyal to them all their lives. Therefore, such a pet is not suitable for every person. It must be remembered that such an animal requires a lot of attention and needs constant communication with you. Bengal cats are incredibly talkative, they are able to make many sounds. In addition, they are very smart and active. There is absolutely no aggression in their character. Representatives of this breed are very capable, they easily learn different tricks.

The price of kittens of this breed is from a thousand to four thousand dollars.

American curl

Considering the most expensive cat breeds, one should definitely mention the American curl. He ranks sixth on our list. This is a breed of semi-long-haired and short-haired cats. It was bred in California. It gained fame, first of all, thanks to the ears turned back like horns.

The American curl is very gentle and loves people. He needs communication and affection, in addition, he loves to be stroked, and in return he will bury his face in the owner's face. Cats are playful and cheerful, but in their hearts they remain kittens until old age, all their behavior indicates this. They have such a character. Such animals require a lot of love and attention, otherwise they will be sad. Such a pet is not suitable for those people who are rarely at home. The price of kittens of this breed ranges from one to three thousand dollars. Its high level is due to the fact that the American curl is one of the rarest breeds.

most expensive cats description


The most expensive cats are so different that it’s hard to know which ones are the best.Another representative of our list is the toyger, who rightfully takes seventh place. This breed is similar in appearance to tigers. Of course, this does not apply to their size. This is one of the youngest species. Toyger received official recognition only in 2007. According to the creator of this breed, the animal was bred to attract people's attention to the problems of real tigers.

Toiger is a very beautiful creature that will certainly cause admiration for everyone. The animal has a very sporty appearance, the coat is dense, but not long, in addition, it is very soft, truly luxurious.

Representatives of this breed are very friendly and unpretentious, very quickly make contact with all the inhabitants of the house. Cats are very playful, like all kinds of fun, but do not require special attention from people, although they show great devotion to the owners. In addition, it is an easily trained breed, but quite young and still only established. The cost of such a domestic tiger ranges from five hundred to three thousand dollars.

As we see, the most expensive cat breeds in the world are distinguished not only by their external beauty, but also by their gentle affectionate disposition and intelligence, which is extremely important.

the most expensive breeds


In eighth place settled breed elf, which is also very young. She was bred in 2006. The American Curls, along with the Canadian Sphynxes, took part in the selection. As a result, a completely unusual creature without wool was obtained. Another feature of the breed are ears bent forward. Cats have a flexible athletic body, their weight is rarely more than seven kilograms.

Elves are very sociable and friendly, they love affection, spend hours lying on the hands of man. Cats never choose one member of the family as owners, they are equivalent to all the inhabitants of the house, getting along well with other animals. Elves are good for keeping in apartments; they can walk on the street only in warm weather. They need their own warm place where they will spend the night, sleep anywhere they cannot. They need warmth; nevertheless, the absence of hair affects the body of the animal. Those who wish to purchase such a kitten will have to shell out at least two thousand dollars and provide good care.


Serengeti is also the most expensive cats, or rather, not the most expensive, but boldly taking ninth place. The breed was bred in California in 1994 by crossing Oriental and Bengal cats. And such an interesting name was given to the Serengeti reserve, which is located in Tanzania. The animals are rather big; their average weight is eight to twelve kilograms. They have big ears and strong build. This breed does not like to hunt at all, but loves to play. In the absence of people's home, any item that an animal likes can become a toy.

I must say that cats of this breed are extremely curious, they are very talkative, except for the standard meow, they make many more different sounds. Also, these animals are distinguished by their courage; they cannot be frightened by a dog. Seeing her, they will not hide or climb a tree, on the contrary, the cat will begin to attack the enemy first. Such an interesting creature. The cost of the breed varies from six hundred to two thousand dollars.

Russian blue

Tenth place boldly takes Russian blue. This breed is one of the most popular shorthair species. She leads her family from the ancient Slavic representatives. The main distinguishing feature of such an animal is a beautiful blue coat with an indescribable silver tint.

Russian blue cat is a very delicate creature and a wonderful faithful friend. Intelligent and graceful appearance made this cat very popular around the world.

The first representatives of this breed came to Europe in the 16th century thanks to the Arkhangelsk sailors. They very quickly became popular among the nobility, as well as in royal families.In Russia, there was even a belief that this cat is able to protect people from evil spirits, which is why the animal was placed next to cribs.kao mani diamond eye

The blue Russian cat has a very soft character. These smart animals still sometimes show their temper, but in communicating with people they show the best features. The cat even reacts to the tone of speech and facial expressions of the owner. They will never show vengeance or mischief. The animal loves the host society, but at the same time it will not allow itself to squeeze.

The price of cats of this breed ranges from four hundred dollars to two thousand.

Instead of an afterword

The most expensive cats, the description of which we have given in our article, are interesting in their character and appearance. All of them are quite peaceful in relation to people, and also differ in intelligence and ingenuity. The list of representatives of the most expensive breeds can also be continued, including breeds such as Laperm, Maine Coon, British Shorthair, Canadian Sphynx, Scottish Fold, Himalayan cat, St. Petersburg Sphynx and Devon Rex. As you can see, the most expensive are rare cats, artificially bred by crossing. Their purity of the breed is constantly monitored, and therefore there are not so many of them in the world, this is the reason for the considerable cost of animals.

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