
The most expensive cat breed. Domestic cats

The most affectionate, wise and at the same time wayward pets are, of course, cats. Their breeds exist a huge variety. There are purebred and quite expensive ones, as well as those that simply have a pretty face and are purchased for a nominal fee or even get free. By the nature of these pets are very different. There are differences in behavior depending on belonging to a particular breed. Although in this case there are exceptions. Two representatives of the same breed can have radically opposite character traits.

Cats: breeds, prices and description

Today, many owners have pets for themselves, not only for the soul, but also in order to emphasize their status, that is, for prestige. After all, buying a thoroughbred cat is only half the story. A lot of money is spent on its maintenance, care and maintenance of health.

Russian blue

the most expensive cat breed

The names of the breeds of cats most often characterize their origin or appearance. For example, Russian blue. She has a smooth coat, short hair, a very pretty and compact face, as well as an excellent noble color. Usually it is a gray shade with a slight blue tint. Most often, cats with green eyes are found. This breed appeared on the territory of ancient Slavic settlements.

At sunset of the 18th century, the Russian blue cat became widespread outside the Slavic states. The nature of this pet will delight the owners with its sociability. Russian blue carefully and calmly refers to children. She can be assigned the role of a nanny, with whom she can easily cope. This is the most expensive breed of cats of Slavic origin. Its cost is 400-2000. e.


The next representative of a smooth coat is a serengeti. This breed was bred relatively recently by the method of crossing Oriental and Bengal cats. Serengeti has a spotty color, long strong legs, as well as oversized ears. Animals conquer with their natural elegance. The character is dominated by sociability and peace. These cats perfectly adapt to any conditions and find a common language with all members of the family. The cost is from 600 to 2000 conventional units.


Wildlife enthusiasts will love the opportunity to establish a homemade miniature tiger. Toyger is a relatively young and not the most expensive cat breed that received official registration in 2007. Still improving its characteristic features. Cats have the characteristic tigers of striped color and short hair.

By their nature, they have little in common with their distant relative living in the wild. These are affectionate domestic cats that are always happy for their master. A miniature tiger costs from 600 to 3 thousand dollars.

names of breeds of cats


The appearance of the wild predator is also distinguished by a breed obtained by the method of crossing South American wild Jorfua and an ordinary cat. This is also evidenced by its name - safari. Cats have a leopard color, large ears and a powerful body. Despite all the external characteristics of the predator, the character of the safari is distinguished by tenderness, complaisance and kindness. Representatives of this breed have a developed intellect and are very energetic. The cost of kittens starts at 4 and ends with 8 thousand dollars.


The most expensive cat breed in the world also has similarities with its predatory relatives. She has the same exotic appearance as the name - savannah.Her close relative is the Bengal cat breed, which was crossed with an African serval. That is how the exotic savannah appeared in the last decades of the last century. Judging by their external characteristics, because they are the largest among pets, we can conclude: the conditions of a private house with the presence of territory are more suitable for them. Moreover, they, like their relatives living in the wild, are not averse to frolic in the water, as well as take a walk in the open. Their muzzle, like color, remotely resembles a cheetah. Popularity is due precisely to the exotic appearance. However, the character of these cats can be called domesticated. The most expensive cat breed in the world reaches a value of over 50 thousand dollars. However, her become and external nobility pays for such a significant amount.


sphynx cats

Sphynx cats are becoming increasingly popular. For example, representatives of the Canadian species still surprise many with their appearance, completely devoid of hair. This breed is great for people allergic to animals. Cats have smooth skin covered with anatomical folds. They are characterized by large ears and a thin body. The color of the skin can be different. Very often, sphinxes are unreasonably considered insidious cats. Although they have the inherent character of many cats, waywardness, but many owners are simply delighted with their character. Extravagant representatives cost about 500-2500 dollars.

Sphynx cats have close relatives with a similar appearance, called elves. Having appeared in 2006, they have won many fans in different countries. Representatives of this breed also lack hair, which requires special skin care. However, there is one feature in their appearance. Elves' ears have a very interesting shape - they have a characteristic forward bend. Their cost reaches 3 thousand dollars per kitten.

Petersburg Sphinx

bengal cat breed

There is also a variety called the St. Petersburg Sphinx. The second name is Peterbald. The breed appeared as a result of crossing an oriental cat with a Don Sphynx. They are characterized by a "naked" body, large ears and longer legs. We can say that this is the most expensive cat breed among sphinxes. Their cost reaches 5 thousand dollars.

the most expensive cat breed in the world


The Bengal cat breed is a hybrid of the Asian leopard and ordinary. She has a thick and smooth coat with an exotic color. Kindness and tenderness prevail in her character, which she fully gives to the owner, expecting reciprocity. Bengalis really need attention. They are distinguished from other feline representatives by one unusual trait - love of water. This loving and brave pet costs from 1 to 4 thousand (they ask so much for ordinary representatives) and up to 25 thousand dollars (this amount will have to be paid for rare and thoroughbred ones).

Maine Coon

Maine Coon cat breed

The Maine Coon cat breed is the largest representative of the cat world. Their sizes are superior to those of some dogs. They have a thick and long coat, which makes it possible to keep them in cold climates. Playfulness prevails in the character, which does not disappear even with age. They are excellent hunters and in private homes often bring prey to the owners in the form of mice and large insects. The Maine Coon cat breed has an average cost - in the range of 1800-2500 conventional units.

Kao mani

One of the three leaders by value has a very interesting appearance. The breed is called kao-mani. These snow-white cats have always been considered the favorite pets of the royal families. Their appearance has one feature - very unusual, and often different in color eyes. Cats have developed intelligence, are characterized by activity and sociability. Well trained and get along well with all family members.Absolutely not spoiled, despite the aristocratic pedigree and appearance. The cost of kittens reaches ten thousand dollars.

cat breeds prices


Prices for kittens may vary depending on the rarity of color, eye color and some other characteristics. Above is a list of elite cat breeds indicating the approximate cost of their representatives. It should not be forgotten that the nursery where the cat was bred plays a special role in the formation of the amount. If you want to get an absolutely purebred representative, then you should seek help only from qualified specialists.

However, remember: no matter what the most expensive cat breed, the main thing is to find and feel your pet, to establish a connection and understanding with it. Then another loyal friend will appear in the home, who will delight the owners with his playfulness, affection and tenderness. It is for these characteristic qualities of cats that many love them so much, not sparing any money on this purchase.

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