
What is the most expensive vodka?

Vodka is a leader in the range of strong alcohol in popularity among the population. She does not have a special smell and a single color. Some use it in its pure form, others mix it into a variety of cocktails. The market presents vodka products made in different countries. Many are interested in what is the most expensive vodka.

Best vodka

The rating of vodka products is made up of specialists from the United States of America, as well as from the Russian Federation. Domestic experts analyzed products manufactured only in our country, considering it only worthy of such a title. But the American colleagues decided to take a wider and evaluate all world manufacturers.

the most expensive vodka

The locations were as follows:

  1. Gray Goose manufactured in France.
  2. Crystal made in Russia.
  3. Krolewska, made in Poland.
  4. "Yuri Dolgoruky" produced in Russia.
  5. Finlandia manufactured in Finland.
  6. Jewel of Russia, manufactured in Russia. Make it from wheat crackers. Fructose and lactose, as well as fine dust from golden foil, can be found in the product.
  7. Vincent manufactured in Holland. It is made from barley and wheat in small volumes. The process involves double distillation.
  8. Rain manufactured in the USA. The main component is corn. For filtering, coal and diamond dust are used.
  9. Ketel One, made in Holland.
  10. 3 Olives, made in England.

the most expensive vodka in the world

According to experts from Russia, the top ten brands of vodka products included: Sibalko, Milky Way, Crystal and others. These are the producers of the most expensive vodka in the world.

Vodka that you buy more often

Every year, sales of this drink are growing. Moreover, among the whole variety of alcoholic beverages, vodka is as much as 20%. The reason is simple: manufacturers have no problems with the purchase of the necessary raw materials for the production of vodka. Also, in all countries there is an increase in buyers' interest in cocktails, one of the components of which is vodka.

If we analyze the cost of all sold vodka in the country, we can make the following rating:

  1. 40% - United States of America.
  2. 25% - Russian Federation.
  3. 11% - Poland.

The most expensive vodka is sold only in elite clubs and restaurants.

The most popular vodka

Smirnoff is the most commonly purchased vodka. Almost 230 million liters are sold every year. Vodka from France takes the second position, and after it follows the products of the enterprise from Ukraine.

the most expensive vodka in the world price

Abroad most of all Russian vodka is bought by Stolichnaya brands. Every year its sales only grow. Following is the "Russian Standard". Of course, this is not the most expensive vodka. Its price varies between 400-600 rubles per liter.

The most affordable vodka

People think, since vodka is a drink from Russia, which means that it costs the least here, while enjoying wildly popular popularity. In reality, things are different. Vodka in Russia is by no means the most affordable, given the minimum price set in 2014. The most expensive vodka in Russia is in bars of famous people and politicians.

Vodka from grapes in Spain of the same volume will cost several times cheaper. Norway is known for its attitude to alcohol. In this country, the price of the cheapest vodka can hit many. It is worth remembering that you can buy it exclusively at Vinmonopol. Finland also can not boast of cheap vodka products. For cheap vodka, it’s worth going to Belarus, where it has a minimum price.

Highest Price Vodka

There are quite strange vodka brands on sale. For $ 7,000 you will be sold OVAL Swarovski Crystal vodka. For this money you will get a drink in a gold container decorated with Swarovski crystals. Belver Bears vodka costs $ 7250.In 2011, she was the official drink at the Cannes Film Festival.

the most expensive vodka in Russia

Russo-Baltique is estimated at 740 thousand dollars. A drink from Scotland DIVA will cost a million dollars. The design of the bottle without unnecessary details draws attention to the valuable contents. A sip of the most expensive vodka in the world will cost you $ 100,000.

The highest price is fixed at the Billionaire Vodka drink - $ 3.75 million. The name speaks for itself, because far from every wealthy person can “pull” such a purchase. Its uniqueness lies in the triple distillation of the best components for production. Only spring water is taken. The design of the five-liter capacity is impressive: snow-white fur and 3 thousand diamonds. This is the most expensive instance. Vodka (in the world the price of a drink varies quite a lot) Billionaire Vodka is really impressive and shocking.

There are unusual brands of vodka. Each of them has its own highlight:

  • "Hero of Genghisides" - from the milk of goats, which has already fermented.
  • Chase - English potato vodka. Note that she was awarded the status of the best vodka on the planet in 2010.
  • Pincer Shanghai Strength - Scottish vodka, which has about 90% alcohol in its composition.
  • Chambord is produced by the French. It has its indescribable aroma, because it is made from wheat, blackberry and hibiscus. The most expensive vodka can not be compared with this drink, but still many millionaires purchase it.

the most expensive vodka price

Ministry of Health warns

Remember that alcohol in any form is harmful to health. These are not empty words. If finances do not allow you to buy vodka for a lot of money - do not worry. Each bottle that has not been drunk will help preserve a particle of invaluable health. Therefore, even the most expensive vodka remains primarily an alcoholic beverage that affects the human body.

Alcohol abuse will never have a positive effect on health. If you want to simply emphasize your status, then it is not necessary to purchase vodka for millions of dollars. You can simply purchase a quality drink for a couple of thousand euros. Of course, 98% of the world's population will say that this is an excessive luxury.

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