
Hygienic certificate: design features, purpose

A sanitary certificate acts as a document confirming the safety of products. It is issued after an appropriate expert assessment. Let us consider in more detail the hygienic certificate of conformity. hygiene certificate

General information

A hygienic certificate for products is issued in the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor and its territorial divisions. To do this, you must provide a sample of the product to carry out expert research. Since July 1, 2010, such conclusions were canceled. They are currently being replaced by registration certificates. The list of goods that are subject to inspection is approved by the decision of the Commission of the Customs Union №299. In Rospotrebnadzor you can also get a hygiene certificate, which is not mandatory. This document is drawn up to increase the competitiveness of products.

Features of obtaining

Enterprises wishing to test their products voluntarily or without fail must correctly select the document design scheme. A hygienic certificate for foreign goods is issued at the place of circulation, and for domestic products - at the place of registration of the enterprise. Registration is carried out by the manufacturer or recipient in accordance with the contract. This means that the paper reflects the date and number of the supply contract. In case of any changes in the contract, it is necessary to issue a new hygiene certificate. It should also be noted that this document is issued for a certain period - from a year to 5 years. hygienic certificate of conformity


A hygienic certificate may indicate a sanitary-epidemiological examination at the enterprise. Such a document is issued indefinitely. Also issue a hygiene certificate for the goods. He, as mentioned above, confirms the safety of the product. In general, we can say that such a document is required for those groups of goods and equipment with which a person contacts. These include, for example, consumer goods, medical equipment, building materials, and so on. In the event that neither the first nor the second type of document is suitable for the company, it can be drawn up for the importer's company under a contract. sanitary certificate

Imported and domestic products

A hygienic certificate for a foreign product must necessarily contain its article or trademark. If there are many markings and additional branches of the company, then information about them is indicated in the annex to the main document. To conduct an examination of domestic goods, a specific procedure has been established. A hygienic certificate for a certain product is issued only after researching the production facilities and obtaining an opinion allowing the manufacture of products. Issuance of regulatory securities is carried out if the issue is not carried out in accordance with GOST. For some product groups, fire safety certification is required. In this case, an opinion or statement on the safety statement is issued. hygienic certificate for products

Required paper

For registration of a hygienic certificate a certain package of documents is provided. Its composition depends on which one — imported or Russian — the goods will be issued. For mass-produced domestic products, you will need:

  1. The certificate of state registration of the enterprise, PSRN, a document confirming registration with the tax inspectorate (TIN).
  2. Regulatory and technical documents for manufactured products (GOST or TU).
  3. A lease of production space or a certificate confirming the ownership of the object.
  4. Certificates for materials used in the manufacture of goods.
  5. Permission from SES for production (not necessary, but desirable).

For imported products manufactured in series, you must present:

  1. Product description. It includes technical specifications, scope, appearance.
  2. The name of the company that manufactures the products, and its address.
  3. A document that confirms the quality of products.

get a hygiene certificate

For foreign goods produced under the contract, the following papers are needed:

  1. Copy of the contract.
  2. Invoice or specification to the contract.
  3. Three first and last sheets of the Charter of the company.
  4. Certificate TIN and PSRN.
  5. Description of goods (appearance, composition, scope of use) or safety sheets for specific types of products.
  6. Quality certificates issued by the country of origin (if any).


In general, the procedure is quite transparent. Before applying for a document, you need to decide which certificate is needed. In accordance with this, the necessary documentation is already being collected. If the certificate is issued for products manufactured under the contract, it is advisable to conclude an additional agreement once a year on its extension. This eliminates the need to change the conclusion, since the contract number in this case will remain the same. Many manufacturers voluntarily issue a certificate. This document can then be presented to customers in order to prove the absolute safety of manufactured and sold goods. To obtain such a certificate, you must go through the same procedure that is established for products subject to mandatory examination. Accordingly, Rospotrebnadzor provides documents similar to the above.

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