
Chinchilla business: how much are chinchilla skins. Chinchilla breeding business plan: equipment and paperwork

Chinchilla breeding business planThe chinchilla breeding business is quite attractive by many criteria and guarantees high profits.

Such a thing is based on the breeding of animals and the implementation of both themselves and the most precious fur in the world. A pedigree animal can be sold for about $ 100.

To organize a business you will need to answer certain questions. How much do chinchilla skins cost? What are the initial investments and possible profit? We will tell about this and many other things further.

To organize activities, a project will be required, which considers all the nuances of the work of the upcoming company. The business plan for breeding chinchillas includes the main areas: organizational, financial, legal and others.

Product Features

Features of the material are very attractive. Chinchilla meat is a dietary product. Her fur is rightfully one of the most valuable, which is the reason for the proactive development of business in this area. It has a high cost due to heat and the presence of a large number of hairs on the skins (1 cm2 sq. up to 25 thousand hairs).

Skins price

How much does a chinchilla skin cost? This question worries most businessmen. The price of the highest grade skins reaches $ 300 and above. Fur of lower quality costs 2 times cheaper.

Business benefits

chinchillas breeding business

  • Profitability. Chinchilla business brings high income at low costs for the organization of production.
  • Availability. Anyone can do business. In fact, neither expensive equipment, nor special education, nor large investments are required.
  • Simplicity. Easy to organize and breed animals.

A business plan for breeding chinchillas at home

It is quite possible to breed these animals in small quantities at home in a one-room apartment, and it is also possible in private households. Maintaining chinchillas at home for business purposes does not require large areas and special conditions.

Animals do not emit an unpleasant odor due to the lack of sweat and sebaceous glands, and the fur does not shed, like other animals. They are very friendly, do not bite or scratch, even their nails bite on their own. As for the equipment, it includes cages that can be easily made independently or purchased at zoo points.

Conditions of detention

  • The temperature in the cells is 15-25 degrees, humidity by the standards of home conditions.
  • Cells are filled with sawdust. Their change is made once a week.
  • Chinchillas feed on hay and special top dressings.
  • In the daytime, the animals sleep, therefore, feeding is done in the evenings (once a day).


1. Purchase chinchillas. The price of one individual is about 6-9 thousand rubles. 3-4 males need one male.

2. Equipment. The acquisition of cells. The land for maintenance is small. On an area of ​​2 square meters up to 20 animals are freely placed.

The cells are stacked on top of each other, and therefore little space is required.

30x40 cm cages are enough for one beast. They are made independently, on order, are purchased in stores. The cost of the cell can be from 1500 to 10 thousand rubles.

3. Nutrition.For one month, one individual consumes up to 0.7-1 kg of dry food, at a cost of up to 20 rubles per kilogram. It is possible to prepare food yourself, which will significantly reduce costs (hay, dried foliage of dandelions).


One female produces about 5-9 puppies per year. With the price of 1 individual at 6-10 thousand rubles, profit from one chinchilla is 50-90 thousand rubles. The life expectancy of the beast at home is from 12 to 17 years with annual fertility.

With the content of 4 families (4 males for 12 females), which is possible even in a 1-room. apartment, the profit is 500-1000 thousand rubles. in year.


Breeding chinchillas at home is very profitable and not troublesome. In addition to the fact that they bring a very high income, these animals look very nice and complement any home. It is more convenient to keep chinchillas in garages or special rooms at your own summer house or farm, but at home they, although they will take root, will create a smell and bite everything. However, in some, even cats behave more aggressively.

In order to delve into the intricacies of the content, to estimate the costs and real incomes, it is advised to take a couple of chinchillas in a city apartment and watch them for several months. Many of these animals have problems breeding at home when they do not want to breed.

But not with chinchillas - they perfectly produce babies and, depending on their luck, can bring not 3-5 newborns, but up to a dozen. This increases the profit and return on business in the very first six months of owning such a farm.

Chinchilla Farm Business Plan

A chinchilla breeding farm involves the most ambitious activities. However, it will be more profitable. The business plan for breeding chinchillas on your own farm involves 200 females and 50 males.

Business benefits

Lack of need for licensing and special education, as well as certain skills. No special equipment required. Large areas will not be needed.

Product profitability is 500-800% per annum. The first release - after 4 months.

What you need to open a mini farm

1. The room.

2. Registration of IP.

4. The cost of feed.

5. Purchase tribal chinchillas.

6. Staff - no more than 1 person.

The list of documents that must be provided for legal registration

  1. Statement on state. registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur in the form of P21001.
  2. Receipt for payment of state. duties.
  3. Application for the transition to a simplified taxation system in the form No. 26. 2-1.
  4. Copy of the passport.

Content Features

Chinchilla mini farms are illuminated using conventional bulbs. Electric heating in winter. For cooling in the summer, air conditioners are used. You can buy animals with the help of an affiliate program provided by the owners of special farms. There you can order cells, get information on the content. Actually, what the animal needs: 14-18 degrees, 60% air humidity, sand for swimming, several hundred grams of food per day and a tree with a stone to sharpen teeth.


The equipment necessary for the implementation of activities consists of cells that are arranged in vertical rows.

chinchilla breeding farmRequirements for them:

  1. Area not less than 0.3 m² for one individual. The height of the cell is not more than 45 cm.
  2. They are arranged in a row of several floors, on top of each other (4-6 tiers in height).

Core costs

1. The room.

For 250 heads - a space with an area of ​​not more than 30-50 square meters (for 1 sq. M - 12 cells, with a vertical arrangement).


  • upon purchase of the premises, the amount is paid once;
  • when renting - monthly;
  • own territories (cottage, private outbuildings) - absolutely free.

2. The acquisition of animals - 250 goals (200 females and 50 males) about 1-1.5 million rubles.

3. The cost of feed - 50 000 rubles per year.

4. Equipment - cages, accessories.With a bulk order, the cost will not exceed 100,000 rubles.

5. Salary of staff - 100 000 rubles. in year.


The estimated cost of the 1st beast is from 6,000-10,000 rubles. and above, when selling for exotic purposes - from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

From the volume of animals that produce 200 females, you can get 10-18 million rubles a year. When selling for exotic purposes, profits will increase to 60 million. The cost of 1 chinchilla skin in the finished product reaches $ 1 thousand.

Products for sale:

  1. Living chinchillas on the tribe.
  2. Skins and fur products.
  3. Chinchilla meat.
  4. Live chinchillas as exotic animals and an element of fashion.

Buyer Search

Who is the target audience for such a business?

  • The main buyers can be both existing farmers in the fur market and new entrepreneurs who want to form this direction in their own city. Search is done through product offerings through a website and advertising. Direct commercial offers for the sale of individuals are also appropriate.
  • Functioning pet stores selling such animals.
  • Residents of the city to purchase animals for exotic purposes as a fashion statement. Attraction through advertising in the city. Income is highest.
  • Factories for tailoring fur products when selling directly fur.
  • Cafes, restaurant complexes, distributors of meat products - in the sale of meat.

Development prospects

An increase in area, number of goals means an increase in profit. Further, the organization of production for the sale of elite fur products is possible. Another option for business development is the sale of breeding animals and cutting animals for fur and meat, followed by the release of meat products and fur items.


The chinchilla breeding business plan is undoubtedly quite easy to implement and incredibly profitable. This idea is excellent for organizing your own business.

This activity is very easy, simple and does not require huge investments. Mega-high income (400-600%)! It is enough to pay attention to how much chinchillas are worth. Business involves the implementation of activities both at home and in the most ambitious way - when arranging a mini-farm. The expenses for organizational moments are one-time, and the life expectancy of chinchillas (fecundity) is up to 15-18 years. Business involves expansion.

Today it’s hard to find any area with such a huge income and such minimal investment. Undoubtedly, this is a very profitable business! One can only guess why it is very poorly developed in Russia, and the niche is still free.

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Reason for complaint
I bought a hundred thousand chinchillas in the city of Neftekamsk. The first year they didn’t breed with five pairs. In the second year seven chinchillas appeared. There is no sale, a complete divorce.
Nikolay Nizgurknko
Tatyana, you extended the farm. Electronics aren’t the right one. Kol.niz@yandex.ru
all data is greatly exaggerated. Females usually give birth until 8 years old normally, and then hardly give birth., Litter can be obtained from nothing to 5-7 maximum, usually 4 puppies per year, then an excellent female, 6-9 puppies will exhaust the female to death, the female may die at all and not be able to give birth, this fact is not taken into account at all. And the epidemics are mowing them quite a few. The real selling price for puppies is 1000-1500 rub., Adults 2-3 thousand, to sell higher, you need to look for such fools.As they say in the bazaar, 2 fools: one is selling, the other is buying.
Hello. We sell a ready-made chinchilla farm. If you are interested, write to the electronic. (Tatiana-ivanova@1976yandex.ru)
Hello, Tatyana. Have you sold your farm? Why are you selling? How many individuals? where did they take it? where did they sell it. We also have a small economy. We breed 4 years. We were going to hand over to someone we took according to the contract. There was a brake.
too-mz@mail.ru We want to buy a farm, Tell us the condition and price in detail,
I want to start breeding chinchillas, don’t tell me where you can get it, on which farm and who has already purchased there. Thanks.misha-ursan@yandex.ru
Nikolay Nizgurknko Michael
Hello Michael. My name is Nikolai. You found what you were looking for
Hello!) About income in 300-400% full TALES! Anyone who knows how to count
can understand that this is a lie! Any animal for the first time gives birth to fewer cubs for a shisha, this is usually 1 calf, the 2nd time 2-3 at best! like the third 2-3-4, but the puppies will be goods from 3 months. and that 5-7 puppies for 3 offspring and for 15 months (gestational age 4 months + 3 months. Growing up). As a result, the first year you DO NOT PAY FOR YOUR INVESTMENTS, in the best case you will receive a profit of 20% of the amount of investments (it is easily calculated on paper, a calculator)! And maybe you will increase the population by 50% (if one pair brought a male to another female) 7-8 months. individuals to further create pairs ...
But there is one more moment the “parturient woman” can take a vacation for 3-12 months at any time. will die from pregnancy although it will mate, but will not bring offspring!
Hello, I started breeding chinchillas and with the implementation is not very. Maybe what tell me?
Tatyana Dmitriy
Dmitry, how are things with the implementation? We also have a small household, with the implementation of tight.
We want to do chinchilla farm with my husband. How can I look at your chinchilla farm? My phone number is 89209524662 Maria
Michael, which breeders have such a price of 1000 rubles? maybe you forgot to draw one toe? the price of breeding chinchillas starts at least 12 thousand rubles per pair !!! female + male! yes I agree there are patients on the Internet who will sell for 500 rubles and there is still free, you choose what and whom to buy!
And where did the prices for chinchillas come from? they have an average price of 1000 r. at the breeders.


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