
Profitable home business: how to become a tutor. How much does a tutor at home earn

how to become a tutorThe foundation on which success in virtually any professional field is based is quality education.

Currently, the services of tutors are in great demand, because a well-trained student will find it easier to enter a prestigious university, and a highly qualified student will get a good job.

Some people who need the services of a tutor want to fill in the gaps in basic knowledge in a particular subject, and some want to seriously delve into a specific area.

Are you thinking about how to become a tutor? It is important to understand that desire alone will not be enough. A profitable home-based business can be organized if you adhere to a specific action plan. What is necessary in order to achieve success?

Basic requirements

Tutoring is a complex and responsible profession. A well-known stereotype is the belief that this lesson is an additional form of income for school and university teachers. However, the true masters of their craft do not work either at school or at the university.

The main conditions for organizing a profitable home business are a good education and a lot of experience. Knowledge of psychology and pedagogy will not be superfluous for the tutor. Practical skills are equally important. The longer the tutor is engaged in a particular field, the more experience he gains, and with experience comes professionalism. Consequently, over time, we can talk about increasing tariffs for the services provided.


As a rule, information about experience has to be taken a word. To create a business image, it is advisable to ask your students to leave letters of recommendation.

Anyone with higher education and the intention to transfer his knowledge to others can try himself as a tutor. However, the difficulty lies in the fact that not everyone can master this type of activity. To succeed, you need to possess not only knowledge, but also certain personal qualities that are inherent in any good teacher. How to become a tutor whose services are in constant demand? The following qualities will help to achieve success:

  1. Responsibility will allow you to take seriously lesson planning and maintaining discipline in the classroom.
  2. Interest in the taught discipline. A good tutor is distinguished by a constant desire to improve their knowledge and to improve teaching methods.
  3. Ability to spell out material. Even if a person himself is very well versed in a particular issue, he is not always able to explain it to another. An experienced tutor copes with this task easily.
  4. Punctuality will allow you to start and finish classes on time. And time, as you know, is money.
  5. Ability to establish contact with the student. The basis for building good customer relationships is personal charm. An important role is played by competence in the taught subject.
  6. Student loyalty and patience.

If the above qualities are common to you, you can no longer puzzle over how to become a tutor. It's time to act! To get started, try yourself in the classroom with friends of children. This will help to gain experience.

Student Search

Currently, invaluable help to beginning tutors can be provided by resources on which specialists post their profiles in order to find work.Among the information provided is the city of residence, the place of the lessons (tutor at home or field specialist), prices for services, preferred time for classes, education, work experience.

If there is no desire to post your resume on such sites, you can stick up announcements at bus stops, near schools and universities, throw leaflets in mailboxes, and make yourself known in newspapers. Great success can bring the creation of your own site. Skype classes are becoming increasingly popular.

Is it necessary to get a license?

Tutoring is a form of individual pedagogical activity, which is not required to be licensed. A diploma is a source of confirmation of relevant qualifications.

business tutoring plan

Since tutoring is an entrepreneurial activity, in order to legalize a business, it is necessary to issue an IP certificate. After carrying out all necessary procedures, documents are issued to you. From now on, you become a full taxpayer.

You should not be afraid of sharing your income with the state - this is a natural process in the activities of any officially registered entrepreneur. The decision to become an individual entrepreneur will entail an increase in profits, as less and less people turn to illegally working specialists.

If you are just writing a business plan, tutoring can be moved beyond homework. If you have an entrepreneurial vein, open a training center. In this case, you need to obtain a license.

Tutor cost

The issue of setting tariffs for the services provided worries many. In an effort to attract as many customers as possible, some novice tutors set minimum prices. However, this path is erroneous.

So you will not have sufficient motivation to perform work at the highest level, in addition, potential students may begin to doubt the quality of your education and services. Remember that a job well done must be paid accordingly. If you do not have experience, set rates slightly below average, but do not lower the bar very low.

Unfortunately, there are no universal methods for calculating payments. The following factors affect how much a home tutor will earn:

  • experience;
  • profile education;
  • City of residence;
  • place of employment;
  • frequency of lessons;
  • guarantees provided;
  • the uniqueness of the taught discipline.

Inconvenient questions

If a student forgot to pay you a lesson, do not hesitate to remind about the fee. You provide a certain service, so talking about money should not be something shameful. Take an interest in how it is more convenient for the client to pay for classes: for each separately or for five, for example. Naturally, for the tutor himself, the first option is preferable.

How to achieve success?

For the implementation of the plan, it is important to constantly and productively work on yourself. How to become a tutor if you are impatient with students and do not learn new teaching methods? Will have to radically change the attitude to the matter, otherwise nothing good will come of it.

Fundamental is the desire to enrich the client with new knowledge. It is important to be not only a wise mentor, but also a good friend of the student. Get to work with the idea that there are no hopeless cases. We are all trained, although sometimes this process is not easy.

Good advice

1. Decide on a single field and become a highly qualified specialist in it. After achieving undoubted success, master a new field of knowledge, if there is a desire, of course.

2. Take an individual approach to each client.

3. Be very responsible for the first lesson with a particular student. Try to assess the level of his knowledge, set specific goals and intensity of the load.

4. Make the subject interesting to the client. If you simply force a person to study something, there will be no necessary effect from classes.

five.Allow the student to express their own opinions freely. If it does not coincide with yours, engage in constructive debate.

6. Seek student respect. If this is impossible for some reason, refuse to conduct classes with him. Never doubt that a tutor providing high-level services at home will always have clients.


Tutoring is a successful embodiment of the idea of ​​working at home. Never forget that an impeccable reputation is essential to building a successful teacher career. One negative review of your work costs three positive, or even more.

tutor cost

The above tips will help you competently organize your own business. Do not be afraid of difficulties, at the initial stage it is impossible without them. Diligence and interest in what you do will provide you with a good level of income and a solid reputation.

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Reason for complaint
She taught English in college, left. While I was looking for a permanent job, I swept the announcement on the advice of my friend on Avito and you know, it worked. So I wouldn’t dismiss bulletin boards so sharply. Even when they began to consider my resumes, I could already choose, since there was no urgent need, the financial pillow is impressive, if you know English, and indeed foreign.
I started tutoring just a couple of years ago. Languages ​​have always been my favorite subjects, which, in fact, resulted in something more. I perfectly know 4 languages ​​and am happy to share this knowledge with others + I make good money, which is generally fine) I started by posting ads on the Internet, but at first everything somehow didn’t work. There are few friends who could give a recommendation, and most of the students at that time already had tutors. In general ... All this was not pleasing and after a couple of months I decided to try again. Now I placed it alternately on each platform and waited for the result. Placed on Avito, received a lot of feedback and the process began)
Hello! I am tutoring with students. I have a question about paying for a service. The child paid for the current lesson, but not for the previous one: forgot or intentionally. I myself recalled the non-payment after his departure. Is it convenient for him to call for clarification or to postpone the conversation until the next lesson?
Tutor English Natalya
Natalya, good afternoon! I think you should have called and reminded your parents about this and tactfully asked to transfer the lesson to the next. Most likely, they all forgot together. This sometimes happens with parents. I myself also work as a tutor for the fifth year already. it happened ...
I am concerned about this question. Can a woman with a diploma from a teacher training college teach English? Is any document needed to prove knowledge?
And, perhaps in this case, issue an IP certificate


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