
Traffic fines: statute of limitations. The new law on the payment of fines of the traffic police

Today we will be interested in fines of the traffic police. The statute of limitations (claim) for them is what you should pay special attention to. Indeed, many citizens think how to evade paying taxes and fines. It is precisely the limitation periods that come to the rescue. Since you need to pay the debt in the traffic police. What time frame? And is there a way to evade payment?traffic police fines

Whether to rush

Many people wonder whether it is worth rushing to pay the fines received. In general, it is definitely difficult to answer here. After all, many factors influence. The traffic police fines law indicates that you don’t need to immediately rush to pay for the receipts issued to you. Moreover, you will have a certain period for depositing funds in the state treasury. It is not too long, but it is better than the immediate need to close the debt.

The traffic police fines, the statute of limitations of which will be known later, should be paid, as they say, whenever possible. Yes, some offenses may require a mandatory instant payment, for example, if you were caught in improper parking or when driving under a "brick". But it is better to defer the payment for a short time when you received the receipt not directly from the traffic police officer.

For appeal

Sometimes fines are issued illegally. And they, of course, can be appealed. That is why the new law on the payment of fines of the traffic police allows a little delay in making the payment. After all, if you will prove your innocence, you need some time.

Thus, as soon as you receive a fine (receipt for payment), you will have 10 days to appeal. In this case, the immediate day of issue of the document is not taken into account. During this time, you can prove your innocence, as well as get rid of excess payment. If you are really to blame for the violation traffic rules, then you will simply be given 10 days of grace. After the fine begins to act in full force.traffic fines


In the issue of debt payment there are a lot of features. So, the new law on the payment of fines for the traffic police has several clarifications regarding restrictions on the production of payments. We have already found out that citizens have 10 days to appeal the decision. And then what?

After that, you will be given 60 days to voluntarily pay the debt. During this time, no sanctions or restrictions can be assigned. So it is precisely at the indicated time that any citizen will have to meet. However, not everyone does not always do this. After all, fines of the traffic police have a statute of limitations. And you can use them. Especially if you have already violated traffic rules for a long time, and also do not want to pay the payment issued to you. It’s not entirely honest and not according to the law, but you can get out.


Further, after the voluntary payment period passes, a compulsory one sets in. The law on fines of the traffic police stipulates that after the specified 70 days, another 10 will be given. During this period, court proceedings begin, and special measures are also taken to collect payments from the debtor.traffic fines law

That is, the next period that is supposed to close the debt is 10 days. Usually, citizens simply ignore court orders. Although with huge debts, you simply confiscate this or that property as payment. This practice is quite common in Russia. But the conversation does not end there. Not always and not all are charged forcibly. More often, a trial is simply held, during which you will be issued a decision on the repayment of debt to the state. And nothing more.


It turns out that a certain period of time is allotted to a more or less normal payment of debts. The validity of fines of the traffic police in such a situation is set, as it is not difficult to calculate, to 80 days. Almost 3 months.

It turns out that each citizen has about 2.5 months to pay the debt. After that, you’ll either have to run and hide from the law so as not to incur trouble and problems, or pay bills. And then they will leave you behind. Although debt will affect your story. With repeated “tightening” the court will definitely pay attention to this.

Thus, the validity of fines of the traffic police, or rather, the time for voluntary payment of a fine, is 70 days, another 10 for judicial debate. It is advisable to independently pay all bills that were legally issued to you. And you need to start about 10 days after receiving the payment, if you do not decide to appeal it.new traffic fines law


Drivers fines traffic police for years can remind themselves. And the more a citizen waits, the worse. But some especially courageous and desperate citizens decide on a very interesting reception. The thing is that often the so-called statute of limitations helps to get out of this situation. Each late payment has it.

The traffic police fines, the statute of limitations of which is established by law with clear restrictions, may simply "burn out". How to evaporate, if skillfully hiding from the law and the sanctions that will apply to you, in order to recover the debt. At the legislative level, it is worth considering - if you violated the SDA, the traffic police fines will bother you for the next 2 years. This is precisely the so-called limitation period.

If you can "pull the rubber" with payment, then 24 months after receiving the payment, the debt will simply burn. And all responsibility will be removed from you. Unless it remains on your conscience, and also affect your credit history. And in the event of any new debts, there will be a huge likelihood of applying a variety of measures to suppress repeated "delays." Nevertheless, exactly 2 years is the period during which fines of the traffic police are listed for the offender. The statute of limitations (claim) is really serious. Do not think that you will be left alone. On the contrary, the longer you wait, the more severe the punishments may come if you are caught.the presence of fines traffic police

Upon appeal

True, there are a few key points that play a role in our current issue. The presence of fines of the traffic police, of course, is inevitable among debtors. And, as we have already found out, the limitation period for them will be 2 years. But what if suddenly litigation or appeal?

Everything is extremely easy and simple. In such a situation, the statute of limitations begins from the moment the court makes a decision regarding your case. And it doesn’t matter what it is about filing a complaint with you or by the court. The required 2 years will be reckoned from the next day, which will begin after the court makes a decision. Easy and simple.

By the way, if there was an appeal, then the traffic police fine after 2 years is simply annulled. In the sense that it is nowhere else and will not be displayed in any way. It was as if he was not there. So, if you suddenly have problems with the law, no one will be able to see that you were already illegally tried to be fined. And this act will not be reflected in the credit history in any way. And it pleases.


The traffic police fines table, their availability and the statute of limitations - all this is not so important if you do not know about the start of the countdown. With the participation of the court or appeal of the decision, we have already figured out everything. And under normal conditions, from what point should you count 2 years?traffic regulations fines traffic police

Laws state that 10 days after receiving notice. That is, the limitation period for fines of the traffic police is actually 2 years and 10 days. Why so many? The first 10 days are exactly those that are given to appeal the decision.Therefore, in principle, if you decide to hide from payment at all, then you need to “run” 24 months 10 days. And after your debts are canceled.

How to watch

How can I find out if you have any debts? This issue is of interest to many citizens. The traffic police fines table (those that you have at the moment) can be obtained in several ways. Which ones?

Firstly, you have the right to apply directly to the traffic police in your area. And there to find out all the information you are interested in. You can either come in person or find out information by phone. More acceptable is the first option. After all, you can immediately receive all payment documents, as well as make their payment.

Secondly, the official website of the State Service or the Federal Tax Service will help you get all the necessary information. If you make a request for fines for the traffic police, all debts will be displayed in a special table. There you will see how much interest must be paid, in addition to the originally allotted amount. An “additional payment” appears only when it is past due, 80 days after receiving the receipt for payment.

Thirdly, electronic wallets. They can help to find out if a user has fines or debts. It is enough to click on the menu item "Traffic fines", and then carry out "Search by TIN". It is a debtor, not a recipient. After the operation is completed, you can see all the debts on the screen and pay them. Penalties for each payment, if any, will also be displayed.

How much to pay

The standard traffic police fines table itself is quite large. And in some cases it changes. After all, there are such payments that are established at the regional level. Therefore, it is worth paying attention only to the most frequent figures payable.traffic fines of the year

Minor violations, as well as cases when you are "caught by the hand", as a rule, are paid at 500 rubles. This is the minimum punishment that will threaten the scorcher. Also, for travel on the "oncoming" you will be assigned from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.

Driving without a license - about 1,500 rubles, without a license - 5,000. Also, about 5 thousand can be obtained as parking ticket in the wrong place, or rather, in places for the disabled.

Another common case is driving with selected rights. If you were deprived of the right to drive, but you did it anyway, get ready to give 30,000 rubles. In general, as already mentioned, there are a lot of fines for traffic violations. But in the "generalized version" they all range from 500 to 5,000 rubles. You can count on these amounts when you break the rules of the road.

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