
What is the statute of limitations for traffic police fines?

Violation of traffic rules on the road is punishable by a fine. Every driver knows this, and many even managed to make sure of this by personal example. But what if the offender did not pay the amount due? What is the statute of limitations for traffic police fines?

Violation and punishment

The driver is an ordinary person who is prone to make mistakes. But, if a misconduct committed in his personal life is fraught, for example, with family disassembly, then a violation committed while driving a vehicle already threatens the safety of others. A penalty is provided for this, the amount of which depends on the type and severity of the deed. But not all drivers agree to face just punishment.

traffic police fines

Sometimes they simply ignore the decisions written by him in the hope that everything will be forgotten, the statute of limitations on the fines of the traffic police will end, and the danger will pass by. The logic of the intruder is understandable, but how is the situation in practice? First you need to pay attention to the time period regarding the payment of such fines. They can be written out by the state inspector in person or sent by mail. In the second case, most often referring to speed violations recorded by using DVRs. Nowadays, these devices can be found at every step. It is enough to exceed the permissible norm for a few seconds, and after a few days a letter will appear in the mailbox with a photo of the driver at the time of violation and an order to pay the fine. What to do in such a situation? What to do in order not to think about the statute of limitations for fines of the traffic police? To do this, you need to know and comply with the payment terms. Any driver must remember that he must pay the indicated amount within three months from the receipt of the order or protest it within ten days. After that, his actions will be considered as evasion of his duties.

Good example

To make the situation more clear, we can consider it with a specific example. So, the driver drove along the highway, exceeding the permissible mode by forty kilometers per hour. This violation recorded the video device, and an employee of the center sent the order to the address. A citizen is given sixty days to pay a fine. You can, of course, protest such a decision, but it will be very difficult to do so. If, after the specified period has elapsed, the system does not have data on making the required amount. Accordingly, the statute of limitations for fines of the traffic police expires, and a debt arises. This is where the Code of Administrative Offenses comes into force. In particular, article 20.25 describes all the circumstances of this issue. According to it, a double amount is added to the unpaid fine, the amount of which cannot be less than one thousand rubles. As an alternative, the offender shall be punished by arrest for a term not exceeding 15 days or compulsory forced labor, but not more than 50 hours.

Two years earlier

Issues regarding the punishment of drivers are not only constantly discussed, but also periodically reviewed by the Ministry of the Interior. So, in November 2014, one such adjustment was made. The statute of limitations of the traffic police fine was partially changed. 2014 was remembered for the fact that the drivers had the opportunity to avoid arrest.

2014 traffic police fine

It has been completely canceled. Now, offenders on the road for late payment began to face only a double fine and work up to fifty hours. This is not very convenient for the violator, because such a case can be considered in court even without his personal presence.There is no way to influence its course and the final result. True, it is worth noting that this innovation applies only to those situations where the misconduct was recorded by the DVR. All other situations remained unchanged. If the guard stopped the driver and wrote him an order for speeding, then the terms of payment and the consequences for evading it (the statute of limitations for the fine of the STSI-2014) are saved.

Installment payment

Many drivers are wondering if it is possible to avoid a court decision for a crime? Article 31.9 of the Code states that any administrative penalty that has not been imposed within two years from the date of the decision can be abolished. Accordingly, the statute of limitations for the payment of the traffic police fine is 2 years.

traffic police fine

It begins after ten days have elapsed for appeal. The information goes to court, and after the decision is made, the bailiffs will deal with it. It is in their interest to have time to resolve all payment issues in two years. It is necessary to constantly remind the debtor of his direct responsibility. If time is lost, then the documents will simply return to court again. There are times when, due to the fault of the bailiffs, things go by themselves. Time is running out and there is no one to make a complaint. But this is extremely rare and should not be hoped for. True, it is possible to defer for a while, in accordance with Article 31.5, payment to the ambassador after the court makes its decision. But this is only a period of one to three months, depending on the circumstances and solvency of the citizen. And then you still have to fulfill the order.

Penalty write-off

No matter how hard the bailiffs try to work, but still there are still unpaid fines STSI, the statute of limitations for which has long expired. There are many reasons for this. Due to the huge number of such violations, not all fines are set on time. Here, sometimes both the human factor and the problems associated with technology are triggered. If, for example, the traffic police officer forgot and did not draw up a decision within two months, then the case cannot be considered in court and must be closed. If, nevertheless, the document is drawn up and the decision is made, then there is only one way to avoid payment - not to catch the eye of inspectors. The collection is given for two years, and then everything is canceled. True, this method is quite difficult to use. You can’t hide all two years and not use your car.

unpaid fines traffic police limitation

Therefore, it is best to pay on time and sleep peacefully. Otherwise, you can earn a second punishment, and it will already be much tougher than the previous one.

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