
NPF Lukoil-Garant: customer reviews

Now we have to find out what actually constitutes a company called Lukoil-Garant. Reviews about this organization are increasingly being left by customers and employees of the corporation. Can anyone trust her? What does she do at all? What features and services await citizens? To answer all this is not as difficult as it seems. A much more important question is whether it is possible to believe Lukoil-Garant. Many try to understand this topic, but they cannot come to a consensus. After all, everywhere has its pros and cons. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to many aspects and nuances emphasized by investors. Let's try to understand whether the organization called Lukoil-Garant is as good as the advertisement promises.lukoil guarantor reviews

About Activities

For starters, what does this company do at all? After all, before using its services, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what you are agreeing to. Lukoil-Garant receives reviews from customers as private pension fund. That is, this is the place where your pension will be kept. Or rather, its cumulative part.

In principle, there is nothing difficult to understand in this. The thing is that in Russia now citizens are invited to take care of their savings "for old age" on their own. Moreover, there is a choice - either to store all the money in a state fund, or contact a non-state. The second option promises you to increase cash. Therefore, many prefer this scenario.

Lukoil-Garant is a private pension fund that has existed in Russia for a long time. But is it worth paying attention to it? Is it really possible to trust this company? Or is it better to find another organization to save retirement savings? Here, Lukoil-Garant reviews are mixed. Nevertheless, the general idea of ​​the corporation can be added. What are some of the things that people pay attention to most? What pleases and disappoints them in this organization?


For example, rating remains on top. Lukoil-Garant (non-state Pension Fund) reviews in this area earns very good. In particular, for the fact that this company is now considered to be one of the leading companies in Russia. It is approximately on the 5th place among all possible non-state pension funds. A very good indicator, if you think about it. So, the level of customer confidence will be high.

The way it is. It is indicated that Lukoil-Garant has high reliability and trust level of customers. At the moment, the mark is at the A ++ level. The highest rate! And it pleases. It turns out that you can really trust this organization. But is it really so? Indeed, often statistics do not reflect reality. But how are things going in our case?pension fund lukoil guarantor customer reviews

Secure your old age

NFP "Lukoil-Garant" receives various customer reviews. There are good ones among them, and not so much. But it is worth noting: this organization offers citizens to worry in advance about their retirement savings - to preserve them, as well as increase them. Although not too much, it’s better than nothing at all.

You will be lured into the pension fund by a variety of seductive promises and slogans. It is quite a normal phenomenon, which can be seen in most similar companies. Only here often the employees of Lukoil-Garant are too persistent, assertive. We can say that they put moral pressure on potential customers. Few people will like this scenario.Therefore, sometimes Lukoil-Garant (Perm) receives reviews as not the best corporation. She behaves too suspiciously, too assertively.

But they will constantly tell you that it is in Lukoil that you can keep all your pension savings and not be afraid for them. Allegedly, this fund gives you guarantees of preservation and increase of funds. Want to sleep peacefully and wait for old age? Then Lukoil-Garant is just for you! This position is expressed by some customers and almost all employees of the organization. Can a Pension Fund Really Be Trusted? Is he really good? Maybe this is just a hoax for the purpose of obtaining the money of the population? Honestly, it’s difficult to judge honesty so quickly. But the assertiveness and perseverance of employees is already repulsive. Why so actively agitate citizens for investments if you are a conscientious and honest company? Is there really a need? Thus, the Lukoil-Garant Pension Fund has received mixed reviews from customers. And some already at the stage of "active attraction" refuse to cooperate. Why should you lure customers by all means if you are initially at the top of the rating of pension funds? People themselves should come to you, without any tricks and other tricks.jsc npf Lukoil guarantor reviews

Conclusion of an agreement

Separate attention requires such a moment as the conclusion of an agreement with the company. OAO NPF Lukoil-Garant reviews earn for this feature is not the best. In principle, like some similar organizations. But why? What makes customers doubt the integrity of the fund?

For example, the fact that sometimes you can accidentally discover that you are already a client of the company. No one actually concluded a contract with you, but you somehow find yourself in an organization. And your pension contributions will come to Lukoil-Garant. Even without your knowledge. Such surprises repel many. Indeed, to conclude an agreement, as a rule, you need a personal presence of a citizen. And secrets in this issue leave an indelible mark on the popularity and integrity of the company.

Why do you get such incidents? The thing is that Lukoil-Garant very often concludes cooperation agreements with various employers and legal entities. Accordingly, all subordinates automatically become customers of Lukoil, whether they want it or not. Information is not provided, since initially the contract is concluded directly with employers. They act as proxies who agree to transfer the funded part of the pension to this fund. Here's a little trick that repels many customers.

But it is not all that bad. Sometimes Lukoil-Garant earns customer reviews as a completely conscientious organization. This usually happens when you voluntarily seek services from a company. The contract will be drawn up in several copies, all conditions and nuances will be written in it. They will even talk about how to be if you decide to suddenly transfer the funded part of the pension to another corporation. True, some customers note that the contract for the provision of services has its own incomprehensible points. At the time of signing the agreement, they are not given any importance. This is usually about cash payments. Nevertheless, if you yourself decide to become part of an organization called Lukoil-Garant, most likely, at the very beginning of the cooperation, your impressions will remain only positive. But over time, opinions may not change for the better.lukoil guarantor perm reviews


For some, corporate returns are important. This is a normal occurrence. After all, everyone in old age is important funded pension. Lukoil-Garant gets pretty good reviews in terms of profitability. Not great, as we would like, but there are very few complaints. In any case, compared with other non-state pension funds.

The thing is that at the moment the yield is about 6.5% per year. This is more than some other pension funds can offer. Inflation, of course, “eats” most of the profits, but so far, Lukoil-Garant has every reason to rejoice at its successes. On average, the return on most similar firms is 4-5%. So, although small, there is a difference. This has attracted the attention of many customers.

It turns out that the organization is trying to keep its promises to increase the funded part of the pension. Of course, as far as possible. And for this OAO NPF Lukoil-Garant reviews earns positive. Do you need a reliable and stable place to entrust your future retirement with? Then it is to Lukoil that you are dear. So many say. In any case, if the profitability of the organization plays a big role for you, it is worth taking a closer look at this option. It’s hard to find a higher bid from competitors.


Sometimes clients change one or another passport data. They, of course, have to be changed in a pension fund. It would seem that there is nothing difficult or special about this. But at such moments, reviews about the Lukoil-Garant fund are not encouraging. Why is this so?

Customers are unhappy with the Stone Age. That is how they characterize the work of the fund. Yes, the corporation does offer to keep the funded part of the pension. Moreover, it provides opportunities for increasing money. But in terms of changing passport data and customer information, outdated methods are used. This slows down the speed of customer service. As a result, public discontent, and justified.rating Lukoil guarantor private pension fund reviews

Regardless of which city you live in, you will have to change your personal data using the head office. He is, as you might guess, in Moscow. And here the problems begin. Either you personally contact the company, the very head office, or send all documents by mail with prior notarization. It turns out extra fuss and paperwork.

But just a consultation can be obtained by phone and e-mail. But in electronic format to make changes about yourself and your account - no. All this leads to the fact that NPF Lukoil-Garant receives not the best customer reviews. There is no limit to indignation. According to customers, they could have reached the level of the 21st century, made life easier for their investors. Why have an electronic connection if in fact there is no use for it from citizens?

To another company

It is also worth paying attention to another rather important point. It is emphasized by most customers. It is about transferring your savings to another company. Initially, they tell you that no problems in this situation will happen. Only here practice indicates other outcomes.

Suppose you have a pension at Lukoil-Garant. You didn’t like the reviews about this company, you decided to transfer the money to another company. What should be done? Just write the appropriate application, and then indicate the details of the account where to transfer funds. Just keep in mind that you will suffer certain losses - for the year in which the operation is carried out, there will be almost no return on your investments. In fact, how much money was transferred, so much was transferred to another non-state pension fund.

But it’s not so scary. The normal phenomenon, it is written in the contract, no one is deceiving you in this area. Much more unpleasant is the situation when you begin to refuse to transfer pensions. Lukoil-Garant invents a variety of reasons. This may be an incorrectly prepared statement (it will have to be rewritten several times), a mismatch of your data or account details in another fund. Anything. But the fact remains - the transfer of pension savings is becoming a huge problem. We will have to assert our rights in order to achieve a result.funded pension Lukoil guarantor reviews

Also, Lukoil-Garant receives not the best reviews because it is very difficult to wait for a direct bank transfer. The process will take you about 3-4 months. That is, immediately after the adoption of your application, Lukoil will not rush to say goodbye to your funds. This phenomenon repels many customers. In fact, you are tied to a non-state pension fund. This is not the best prospect.


Another negative point is cash payments. The thing is that they say that the license was allegedly revoked from Lukoil-Garant. That is, the organization has lost the ability to make payments. This is actually not the case. But with the issue of withdrawing funds, certain problems still arise. Why?

The whole problem lies in the fact that when you try to obtain legal funds you will most likely say: "there is no money." It turns out that you made deductions, gave your funds for storage, but when necessary, it turns out that they were gone. In fact, the corporation leaves its own customers in a hopeless situation. It is impossible to leave the fund in this situation - in this case you will not receive any funds at all. As a result, only a loss from participation.

Pension payments have to wait a long time, sometimes even too much. Many customers generally believe that Lukoil-Garant is bankrupt. And he simply is not able to comply with the terms of contracts. At the moment, it allegedly exists at the expense of investors. If you do not transfer money to the fund, it will close soon. And the license will be revoked from NPF Lukoil-Garant. This theory is voiced by many customers and even employees of the organization. This kind of fund behavior reduces all trust to a minimum. Moreover, it repels. It turns out that investing in this organization, you can stay in old age without a pension. Or not receive payments when necessary. So it's time to seriously think about whether it is necessary to keep your money "for old age" in the non-state pension fund Lukoil-Garant. After all, there are more than enough pitfalls here!


What else are you paying attention to? At the communication of employees with customers. This moment, as has already been noted, angers some. The thing is that persistence and assertiveness at the very beginning later gives way to complete disregard. Why? What's happening?revocation of a license from NPF Lukoil Garant

The whole problem is that employees begin to ignore customers when Lukoil-Garant has any problems. Give advice? Easily. But to solve the issue of cash payments or to transfer to another pension fund - you will have to try pretty hard to achieve your goal. They will not talk on the phone with you; the neglect of customers is clearly visible. Even to some extent dismissive. All this repels.


What can be summed up? Non-pension fund "Lukoil-Garant" receives not the best reviews. Just like retirement. This organization, although kept at a fairly high level, still does not differ in good faith. Turning here, you run the risk of being without money when they are needed. But no one is safe from such phenomena.

Is it worth trusting your pension savings to Lukoil-Garant? Everyone decides for himself. This organization will not be deprived of a license, it will not be closed. Yes, there are some problems with payments, but you can be somewhat calm for the safety of your funds. Lukoil-Garant Pension Fund does not receive the best customer reviews. And you must take this fact into account!

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