
How and where to insure a car: review, description of the procedure, advantages, disadvantages and reviews

Owning a car these days is almost a feat. After all, maintaining a car is quite expensive. Constant increases in gas prices, repairs, spare parts, various fines and higher prices for insurance companies turn a car from a vehicle into a luxury. Therefore, you have to save on everything.

In this context, the question of where to insure a better and cheaper car is very acute. What to look for when choosing an insurance company? How to determine the type of policy and where to insure a car without life insurance? We will talk about these and other issues.

where to insure a car

Where is it better to insure a car?

Today, car insurance services are provided by more than 150 insurance companies throughout Russia. Moreover, more than half of the insurance market is 15-20 largest. How to choose exactly the company that not only offers the most favorable tariff, but also does not deceive in a critical situation?

When a person asks about where it is possible to insure a car, the main attention should be paid not so much to bright advertising as the reliability of the IC providing such a service. Among the most reliable and stable organizations offering insurance services, we can distinguish the following:

  • Rosgosstrakh;
  • RESO-Garantia;
  • Ingosstrakh;
  • "MSC";
  • "VSK";
  • "Alfa insurance";
  • UralSIB;
  • “Consent”;
  • Sogaz;
  • "Max".

These companies demonstrate the most stable level of customer confidence, therefore, choosing where to insure a car, you should first pay attention to one of them.

where to insure a car without life insurance

Who has the best OSAGO

As you know, there are two options for car insurance: compulsory and voluntary. On the one hand, there seems to be no fundamental difference where to insure a car under an insurance policy - the basic tariff plans are fixed at the state level, so the figures for payment periods and amounts should also be identical. Yes, it should be that way. But on the other hand, in practice it turns out that the conditions can be completely different.

Some companies, not paying attention to the legislation, set excessive rates, while others, on the contrary, lower them in order to attract more customers. To insure a cheaper car, try to follow some rules:

  1. Give preference to not too powerful cars - you will have to pay more for higher parameters.
  2. Do not chase the installation of the metropolitan license plate, the increase ratio in this case will be the highest.
  3. Try to carefully observe traffic rules - a long period of accident-free driving will reduce the cost of the policy over time.
  4. It is not necessary to expand the list of drivers included in the insurance without the need - this also increases its cost.
  5. Short-term insurance will not greatly save your budget, but will oblige you to use the machine only in a strictly specified period. The benefit in this case is rather doubtful.

where you can insure a car

Who has the best hull insurance?

Many motorists are tormented by the question: "Where to insure the car for CASCO?" Here, too, everything is not so clear. Almost every insurance agency provides this service, but only the conditions can differ dramatically.

When choosing an insurance company offering CASCO, you should not give preference to the cheapest option, and here's why:

  1. An unreliable company may be hiding behind a low insurance amount.ICs with an unstable financial situation quite often use tariff dumping as a way to attract more customers and improve their financial situation. By contacting such an organization, you run the risk of cutting back the amount of payments, delaying the process, or completely refusing to refund.
  2. Cheap hull insurance can be offered by large agencies. Most often this happens during promotions. Of course, participating in them is beneficial, but not always productive. The fact is that “advertising” insurance often has a large list of restrictions that can reduce all savings to nothing.

So, when choosing an insurance company offering the most beneficial hull insurance, you need to be as careful as possible. Otherwise, the desire to save may result in the future not only additional losses, but also the loss of a significant amount of time and nerves.

where it is cheaper to insure a car

Full or light hull

Another option for saving money that insurers offer is the design of the so-called light hull. What is it and is it worth it to purchase such a policy?

Easy CASCO has such distinctive features:

  • mandatory presence of the 2nd participant in the accident (if you hit a pole, CASCO does not work);
  • clearly limited amount of the highest payout;
  • the presence of a strictly agreed list of service partners;
  • protection only until the occurrence of the 1st insured event.

When applying for a full policy, you can cover all the risks associated with a car, including theft. The amount of payments will be tied to the price of the car. You can also completely do without a franchise. In general, what is included in CASCO and what is not - you will decide for yourself.

Choosing where it is cheaper to insure a car, try to consider all options. Easy CASCO is definitely cheaper. But can you be sure of the complete safety of your “iron horse”? Is it worth it to save, you decide.

Is it worth it to take out insurance in the cabin?

Many motorists who do not know where it is better to insure a car, employees of car dealerships offer to do it right on the spot. Quite often they argue this with the fact that as soon as you leave the gate without insurance, you will immediately be fined by evil traffic cops.

where is it better to insure a car

Believe it is not worth it. But is it worth it to insure a car right in the cabin? Of course, everyone decides for himself, but you need to pay attention to some things.

So, in the store (salon) you will be offered a very limited list of SK for selection. More precisely, the list will include only those organizations with which there is a preliminary agreement.

If the car is purchased on credit, the bank may put forward its own conditions, which will not work around. But sometimes you can refuse such insurance. The payment for this will be an increase in the interest rate. In this case, it is worth considering what is more profitable: purchase expensive and high-quality insurance or save on interest.

How to find the best insurance company

When choosing an insurance company, you should not pay attention exclusively to reviews posted on the Internet. Most often they copy each other or are custom-made. How then to approach the choice? It is best to rely on the conclusions of people who have been convinced of the reliability of the IC by their own experience. Among online reviews, you need to pay more attention to the negative than the positive. It is unlikely that they are custom-made.

where to insure a car for comprehensive insurance

What to look for when choosing a UK

In addition, there are several criteria that will help you decide. We will talk about them below:

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that you have a license provided by the Central Bank for this type of activity.
  2. Determine the level of financial capabilities of the UK - before signing the contract, ask to show information about the authorized capital. If you are refused or the amount is less than 30 million rubles, you should not contact such an organization. She breaks the law.
  3. Get advice from an experienced insurance broker. He deals with many UK, and his opinion can be considered quite authoritative.
  4. Rate the office of the company. If he is on the outskirts and has not seen a repair for a long time - run from there as far as possible. A company that does not know how to take care of its own image will certainly not take care of you.
  5. Explore the geography of affiliates. The wider the network of offices in the country, the more reliable the insurer is considered.
  6. Pay attention to the data of the chosen organization, find out the experience and experience of employees.
  7. Examine the ratio of contributions to insurance payments. With a good company, it is in the range of 35–70%. If the number is less, it will most likely not be easy to get paid. If more - the company is operating at a loss and may soon go broke.

Which is better or cheaper?

Everyone should give an answer to this question for himself. But if you are looking for where to insure a car for minimal money, regardless of the quality of the policy, you should be prepared for unforeseen situations.

First of all, cheap insurance covers only the minimum number of risks. A warning about this can be written very finely and in the most unexpected place of the contract. If there is a need for an expensive car repair, such insurance will not particularly help you.

If suddenly a previously well-known and reliable company began to sell inexplicably inexpensive policies, the reason may be a revocation of the license. And it is impossible to carry out such activities without a license. So a cheap policy can turn out to be just a piece of paper, and the expectation of covering losses is a futile exercise.

Such situations began to repeat with enviable regularity. So, in the pursuit of a low price of insurance, you need to carefully monitor so that you do not remain at your best.

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