
NPF "KIT Finance": customer reviews, profitability, reliability rating

Future retirement worries many of us. She wants to not only earn, but also significantly increase. This is exactly what many promise private pension funds, including KIT Finance. Feedback from investors indicates the reliability of this fund and its high profitability.

A bit about the fund

The largest and most successful company among non-state pension funds is KIT Finance. NPF offers its clients a range of pension services, including:

  • The disposition of the funded part of pension contributions regulated by the law on compulsory pension insurance. Obligations to pay this amount when a person retires.
  • Increasing the size of the pension under the conditions established by the state and participation in the state co-financing program.
  • Accrual of non-state savings to be added to the main labor pension.
  • The ability to create a unified corporate program for their employees and accrue additional pension for them.

The company maintains long-term relationships with its customers, partners and employees. Provides the most reliable investment of pension savings KIT Finance (pension fund). A personal account allows each client to track all the accruals by year and get an idea of ​​the size of the future pension. Its activities in the field of compulsory pension insurance the fund started in 2007, after obtaining the appropriate license.

Under the brand name "KIT Finance" brokerage, banking and pension activities are carried out. The shareholders of the fund are investors who are at the head of Russian Railways, and KIT Finance Pension Administrator is the main founder and partner.

In 2014, the organization went through the process of corporatization and was renamed from NPO to CJSC. The owner of the fund is Oleg Belay, who currently holds the post of CEO at Trinfico Holdings.

NPF KIT Finance: profitability

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The rate of return of a pension fund is an important indicator of a company's reliability. So, by years, the growth of pension savings of KIT Finance amounted to:

  • 2008 - 10.35%;
  • 2009 - 17.26%;
  • 2010 - 9.98%;
  • 2011 - 0.00%;
  • 2012 - 6.70%;
  • 2013 - 6.63%;
  • 2014 - 2.06%;
  • 2015 - 11.79.

For seven years of hard work, the financial activities of the fund brought its customers a profit of 52.98%. Not all NPFs show this result. Here, the company not only blocked the inflation of pension savings, but also significantly increased the pension deposits of its customers.

Government Co-Financing Program

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The state co-financing program ended on January 31, 2014. Prior to this date, all its participants had to join it and make an initial payment.

If a person is not a recipient of a pension from the Pension Fund of Russia, then the contributions made by clients, starting from 2 to 12 thousand rubles, doubled over the next ten years from the date of making the first payment.

All military and departmental workers who have reached retirement age are recognized as full participants in this program.

Savings in the field of state pension co-financing come to the account of a future pensioner and are invested by insurers. In this case, income is accrued once every 12 months, depending on the amount invested in a pension.

People who already receive pension payments from the state, and people who did not apply for a pension, when making a contribution, can receive payments quadrupled over ten years from the time they make their first contributions to the fund.

If a pension has already been assigned and the person wrote an application for joining the co-financing program from November 5 to December 31, 2014, then contributions from the state will not increase. If the submission of the written appeal was from October 1, 2008 to October 1, 2013, then the deposits are co-financed by the state, but payments will be made at a time - once every five years.

All contributions are received to individual customer accounts in the Pension Fund of Russia, which is responsible for the proper implementation of this program. In the future, the FIU redirects the funds received to the management company or non-state pension fund. The term of this operation should not exceed three months following the reporting period in which the payments were made by the client. You can find out about the receipt of funds in your account. Same:

  • The state reimburses 13% of the amount paid by the client.
  • The savings obtained as a result of actions under this program can be used both for a lifetime payment system and for a special one, which lasts about ten years.
  • All material contributions are inherited at all stages of the pension process, whether it is initial deposits or an already formed pension amount.

All contributions to NPF KIT Finance (customer reviews say that only qualified and polite employees who are ready to come to the client’s help at any time) are invested in the following assets:

  • 59.56% - corporate bonds;
  • 16.08% - government debt securities of Russia;
  • 14.91% - government debt securities owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • 5.44% - deposits in various banks;
  • 2.11% - bonds with mortgage coverage;
  • 1.31% - material assets;
  • 0.30% - shares;
  • 0.28% - municipal securities.

The effectiveness of this investment confirms the growth of profitability in 2015 by 14.50%.

Services for private individuals

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Since 2002, the Russian Federation has implemented a mandatory pension insurance system that applies to citizens starting in 1967. As a result of its activities, pension contributions are formed, this is 22% of the employee’s white salary. This part of the pension is divided into insurance (16%) and funded (6%). The first is stored only in the Pension Fund of Russia, and the second person can dispose of at his discretion. Here there are several options, these are: to transfer this part to management companies, to give KIT Finance (pension fund) or another pension non-governmental organization. You can do nothing and leave all the accruals in the Pension State Fund.

If the insurance part is accumulated in points and cannot be inherited, then the situation with the second part of the pension is completely opposite. It is in rubles, inherited and invested.

KIT Finance (the experts here assigned Expert RA experts to a high degree of reliability and assigned the A ++ indicator) offers its customers various plans for acquiring a second pension.

For the younger generation there is a program "Start" and "Junior". Children from 15 to 18 years can participate in it. A long-term contract with the company is for the benefit of the third child. The second future pension insurance plan is suitable for citizens aged 0 to 18 years.

For adults, there is a “Second Scholarship” program, where a contract with a company is concluded for the benefit of a person not specified in the program. Plan “Perspective” has a long period of accumulation of material resources. It is concluded both for your own benefit and for third parties.

Pensioners are offered the “Decent Life” and “Well-Being” systems. The first is intended for those who have 1-5 years left until retirement, and the second is suitable for those who already receive a pension, but wish to increase it.

The Privilege system has a universal investment plan and the highest savings threshold.

Programs for corporate clients

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KIT Finance (pension fund) offers legal entities to replenish the social package and motivate employees for long-term cooperation by joining the pension program.

This package of services creates a corporate non-state pension for employees, which is paid in addition to the main labor pension. The company offers legal entities participation in the program co-financing pensions at the expense of the state and compulsory pension insurance. In addition to this, it will ensure the reliability and profitability of pension investments, as well as high-quality client support.

All corporate programs are divided by:

  • forms of financing;
  • contribution accounting methodology.

Forms of financing are one-sided and joint. In the first case, the company pays insurance premiums for the employee as long as the employment contract is valid. If the employee leaves the place of work, then he can either continue to accumulate his pension on his own, or take away the amount formed on his account, taking into account income. In the second case, the pension is formed with equal contributions from the employer and employee. Here, the company and employees manage their investments at their discretion. Subject to all conditions of the pension program, when a person reaches a certain age, money is transferred to his account and paid in the form of a corporate pension.

The methodology for accounting contributions is divided into registered and joint accounts. In the first case, the amount of funds transferred for employees varies, depending on the level of remuneration and the position held. Here, an employee cannot manage company contributions until he reaches retirement age. When using a joint pension account, the organization transfers funds in total without instructions to the employee. Contributions from here are paid at the request of the employer, after which KIT Finance (the pension is formed depending on the amount of the client’s contribution) transfers the necessary amount to the employee’s account in the Pension Fund, which is added to the main pension.

Company official website

NPF "KIT Finance" has an official website, which indicates:

  • activities;
  • KIT Finance contacts (address and telephone number);
  • schedule;
  • company's news.

There is also a list of necessary documents that must be submitted to KIT Finance (pension fund). You can use your personal account at will. Registration in it is not mandatory, but it greatly facilitates mutual understanding between the client and company employees, and helps to track the amount of accumulated funds. In order to enter your personal account, you need to enter the individual SNILS number and cell phone number. Next, the system sends an SMS alert with an access password to the site, which will need to be entered in the appropriate field.

In your personal account you can monitor the status of the retirement account and see the result of investing in assets. All comers pay in it contractual contributions and change, if necessary, personal data.

Partner organizations

The partners of KIT Finance (non-governmental pension fund) are the largest and most famous management companies of the Russian Federation, first of all, these are:

  • TKB Investment Partners. The volume of net assets of this company reaches 135 billion rubles. Rated by rating companies as the most reliable.
  • LLC "UK" Agana ". In the financial market since 2000. He has vast experience. It is constantly growing and developing. Constantly expanding the scope of its activities.It has high amounts of assets under management and a power of attorney for managing pension savings.
  • ZAO UK Progressive Investment Ideas. In the field of trust management since 2006. Selects long-term and most stable projects. The principles of the company are reliability and comfort of customers.
  • LLC "Business Perspective". Provides legal, audit, methodological, consulting and assessment services. He maintains accounting and financial statements of KIT Finance for the past 2015.
  • JSC "Specialized Depository" INFINITUM ". The largest operator in custody of securities, property and investment portfolios. It provides certain services to market members, whose area of ​​activity is collective investment.
  • "Cbonds". Information partner of the pension fund. Helps to quickly supply the necessary information to all interested stock market investors.

Company benefits

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KIT Finance (a non-governmental pension fund) is a reliable and open organization for its customers, which inspires the trust of millions of customers.

Advantages of the fund over other market participants:

  • The company has the largest number of insurers among similar pension funds.
  • Pension savings are constantly on the move, do not depreciate and increase every year.
  • The company creates a modern high-tech service thanks to such functions as a personal account, feedback, pension calculator, and qualified support service.
  • Refers to the participants of the system, which guarantees the protection of the rights of insured persons. Has the highest rating of reliability "A ++", "Expert RA" and "AAA" of the "National Rating Agency".

KIT Finance (NPF) provides reliable support in the future and stable additional income.

Company Reliability Rating

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Long-term savings and profitable investment of pension funds make more and more customers choose KIT Finance. The rating of the company on November 2, 2015 was confirmed by the rating agency Expert RA (RAEX) and assigned the trust level “A ++” to the fund. One of the highest. This indicator suggests that it is quite stable and always fulfills its obligations to customers of NPF KIT Finance.

The reliability rating from the National Rating Agency is similar. The fund was assigned the level of "AAA", which indicates the highest degree of reliability.

Few pension funds can boast of such high reliability indicators from two leading rating agencies in the country. This poses a huge plus for all KIT Finance activities and helps customers make the right choice.

NPF KIT Finance: reviews

whale finance reliability rating

Despite the high rating of rating agencies, users relate to the activities of the fund in different ways.

Many clients are completely satisfied with this insurance organization. Among the positive aspects, they note a good percentage at the end of the year, which allows to cover inflation. The users like the qualified and polite staff who intelligibly explains every detail. Good reviews about your personal account, which reflects the amount of pension contributions and the percentage increase in pension. They note its high rating in terms of reliability. This category of people is completely satisfied with the work of the non-state pension fund and intends to further cooperate with KIT Finance.

Reviews of negatively minded people speak about mistakes made by the fund's employees during the execution of the contract. They indicated that they transferred money to the account in the state FIU for a very long time. Alleged about the delay in the transfer to the account of contributions. Pay attention to the low preparedness of employees and low profitability.

Despite the negative opinions of some people, the fund has a strong leadership position and has repeatedly proved its reliability to everyone.

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