
How are maternity benefits paid and how long

Women planning a pregnancy are often interested in answers to questions directly related to antenatal care. vacation, parental leave, as well as with cash benefits guaranteed by the state during this period.

They want to find out how maternity benefits are paid - before or after childbirth. Future parents are looking for detailed information about the benefits due to them, indicating a list of documents that must be presented to the employer to receive payments.

It is worth noting that the majority of women under maternity means absolutely all payments guaranteed by the state in favor of pregnant and new mothers. How are maternity benefits paid?

Where to begin

For a working woman, to apply for the required benefits, it is necessary to contact her employer and provide a package of documents:

  1. Sick leave issued by the antenatal clinic at thirty weeks of pregnancy.
  2. A statement addressed to the director.

The accountant accepting the documents should inform the account how much maternity is paid, since each organization has specific dates for transferring funds to the employees' accounts.

How much are maternity benefits paid? The amount of money provided to a woman directly depends on the size of her salary and can be made at any of the last places of work, however, at the place of payment, it is necessary to confirm the fact of accrual of such benefits from another employer.

To calculate maternity allowance, you can submit an application to replace the accounting year with an earlier one in order to get the maximum (if possible) payments.

If the period of the estimated year includes the time of labor at another enterprise, then the pregnant woman has an obligation to provide a salary certificate for that period from the relevant employer.

Grounds for recalculation of maternity payments

If you have any additional documents or if you decide to recount maternity payments according to other criteria, you have the right to apply for a change in the amount of payments within the statutory limitation period (it is three years).

How much will a woman receive benefits in several places

how maternity leave is paidIf two years before applying for maternity leave, a woman was engaged in several jobs, in this case maternity funds are paid based on the total amount of earnings with all salary certificates, but she can receive payments for caring for an already born child only on the basis of on one source.

Usually the place of work is chosen where the average income of the woman was the highest.

If, at the time of giving her a sick leave from the antenatal clinic, the expectant mother was employed at several institutions at once, but was employed by another employer during the previous two years, then maternity benefits are paid by one of the current employers to choose the mother in labor based on average income .

If the number of workplaces of a woman exceeded the corresponding amount when applying for maternity benefits, then in this case funds are provided either in all places of employment, or in one, but based on the total income of all employers.

Are maternity benefits paid to the unemployed?

The size and general conditions for the payment of maternity benefits are of particular interest to nowhere working women in the situation. What types of benefits are due to them in connection with their pregnancy, as well as with the onset of motherhood, and what amount of payments should be expected?

how maternity is paid before or after childbirth

Maternity Benefit

How are maternity housewives paid? Payments are not made if the woman was unemployed or became her during pregnancy. This is a common practice. However, there are categories to which the allowance is nevertheless laid:

- If the dismissal of the expectant mother was associated with the liquidation of the place of work, as well as with the termination of the activities of individuals as an individual entrepreneur, with the loss of authority by notaries involved in private practice, with the termination of the status of a lawyer within twelve months that have passed before the day of recognition of these persons as unemployed established by law.

how much are maternity

How are maternity benefits paid - before or after childbirth? The allowance for women is allocated at the expense of the FSS from the amounts provided by the federal budget and is paid after applying for the corresponding application.

The time period for which maternity benefits are paid can be clarified at the FSS regional office by calling the hotline.

Additional accruals are possible at the expense of the funds of the relevant subject in the case of the provision of additional maternity benefits by the local authorities, if the woman is studying at an educational institution of various degrees of accreditation, as well as in postgraduate education institutes at the time of the provision of a disability certificate. In this case, the maternity leave will be equal to the size of the scholarship of the relevant educational institution and paid at the expense of the federal budget or the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Relationships between the employment service and a pregnant woman

Can an unemployed get maternity allowance? How is it paid in this case? If a woman has lost her job, then she can register with the employment service and receive unemployment benefits.

Women officially recognized as unemployed cannot legally receive maternity allowance. While on maternity leave, a woman is not entitled to the provision of unemployment benefits. The period indicated on the disability certificate, which is provided to her for a period of thirty weeks, is the period during which the specialist working in the employment service does not appoint visits to the service in order to find work.

If the woman wishes and is able to start work at the end of this period, unemployment benefits are renewed (if the payment period has not expired). If the mother is not ready to start work, payments are suspended.

Issuance of a lump-sum allowance to expectant mothers who have registered for pregnancy in the early stages of antenatal care

The allowance, which is paid to a woman in case of registration in the early stages (that is, up to twelve weeks), is assigned and paid by the employer on the basis of a certificate. Accordingly, women who are not officially employed are not eligible for maternity leave due to the lack of authority of the employment center to pay them.

Women who received dismissal in connection with the liquidation of the institution, as well as students, are entitled to receive benefits similar to the practices already described.

Getting benefits at birth

The father or mother of a newborn is entitled to a lump-sum birth allowance. At the birth of two or more children, a cash payment is made based on each baby.

Place of receipt of this allowance depends on the status of parents:

  • If only one of the parents is working, the allowance issued at the birth of the child is calculated and issued at the place of his employment. For example, if a man works, but a woman does not, benefits can only be obtained at the place of work of the father. It is established at the legislative level.
  • If both parents have the status of unemployed or are full-time students in educational institutions of any degree of accreditation, then this benefit is allocated at a time by the social protection authority at the place of residence of the father or mother of the child.
  • A single mother with unemployed status has the right to payment of a lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child by the social protection authority at the place of residence.
  • A disabled mother-student, in the case of full-time studies, is entitled to benefits. Its issuance has been carried out by social protection authorities since 2010, although earlier the mother would have been forced to contact her educational institution.

You can get money through postal organizations or banks indicated by parents.

Childcare allowance for children under one and a half years

How are maternity benefits paid after the baby is born? Assign an allowance that is issued every month to care for a child, an unemployed woman can only in the case when she does not receive monetary compensation for unemployment. Payment is possible at the place of residence from the date of birth until the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

There is a two-variant system for students: they can choose either payments related to caring for the baby, or compensation for pregnancy and childbirth. How much is maternity leave paid to a woman who is studying full time? They are produced from the day of birth and for one and a half years in the first case, and from the date of termination of maternity leave until the same one and a half years, the child is executed.

Required documents:

  • statement;
  • birth certificate of children (child), for the care of which a benefit is assigned;
  • birth certificate of the previous child with a copy (in case of death of the previous one, a death certificate with a copy is given);
  • certificate that the child’s father does not receive benefits from social security authorities (if he does not work);
  • a copy of the work book with the provision of an identity document;
  • certificate from the employment service about not receiving unemployment benefits (unless the mother is a student);
  • a certificate issued by the relevant organization confirming the residence of the person submitting the documents, together with the child who is supposed to be taken care of;
  • for full-time students, a certificate of benefits paid earlier, as well as a certificate confirming the presence of this person in the lists of full-time students.

How is maternity leave paid when the address of registration and location do not match? If a woman applied for the payment of benefits not at the place of registration, but at the place of actual residence, respectively, you will need a certificate from the social security authority at the place of registration about the absence of cash payments.

An important point: a woman who is not working at the time of registration cannot transfer her right to receive leave to care to any of the other close relatives of the child, since the possibility of her rest from work duties due to the lack of them is practically excluded. That is, she does not have the right to leave and transfer it to someone.

If the locality or area of ​​residence involves any so-called district ratios wages, when calculating benefits, they will certainly be taken into account in full.

An unemployed woman with a child cannot receive:

  • compensation issued during the first three years of the baby's life (its size is fifty rubles);
  • a lump sum paid upon registration in the early stages;
  • maternity allowance.

Where to apply for unemployed benefits

The definite answer: to the nearest department of social protection according to the place of registration. The payment in this case is the responsibility of the territorial social insurance fund.

If you register for unemployment, you can also get the right to accrue appropriate benefits.The list of documents is indicated on the stands and websites of the relevant authority and is uniform for all categories of citizens.

How to get maternity student

According to the law effective from December 30, 2006, a student has the inalienable right to receive benefits in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.

How is maternity leave paid for a pregnant student? The amount of this payment is equal to the amount of the scholarship, but only if this amount exceeds the established minimum amount of benefits.

how un paid maternity

The basis of training, whether budgetary or contractual, does not matter when accruing benefits from state institutions. Private schools are not required to pay allowance due to lack of budgetary funds. How much are maternity benefits if assigned? Just like the rest of the women.

Documents required when applying to the Social Insurance Fund

The cash payment associated with the birth of a child is issued at a time and does not in any way depend on the social and material situation of the newborn's family. This money is paid either to one of the parents at the place of work, or if both parents have the status of unemployed or individual social protection bodies. Documents you need to provide for this:

  1. statement;
  2. certificate issued by the registry office on the birth of a child;
  3. a certificate from the accounting department at the place of work of the other parent or a certificate from the social protection authorities that the allowance was not assigned;
  4. divorce certificate, if the child for this reason lives with one of the parents;
  5. copy of the court ruling on guardianship if the child lives with a guardian (similarly, if the child was adopted).

How are PI paid maternity? For women with individual entrepreneur status, the benefit is provided by the Social Insurance Fund.

To receive this one-time benefit, you need:

  1. passport;
  2. extract from the work book;
  3. military ID indicating the last place of service, if the parent is a soldier.

If the parent has not worked before and does not have a work book, this must be noted in the statement.

When applying to the Social Insurance Fund at the place of stay or residence, you need to attach a certificate of social security authorities at the place of registration of non-payment of benefits earlier.

Individual entrepreneurs (IP), lawyers, lawyers applying for the payment of benefits, but for certain reasons not having compulsory social insurance, are required to provide:

  1. a document indicating the status of the parent;
  2. certificate from the Social Insurance Fund about the absence of the status of the insured;
  3. certificate of non-payment of benefits earlier.

Legal basis for payments

According to which regulatory document and how are maternity benefits paid to women? The size of accruals, terms of issue and other rules are regulated by Federal Law No. 255.

How are maternity benefits paid in Ukraine? The rules for assigning benefits (in this case we are talking about maternity benefits) are the same as in Russia.

Within what period can I apply for payments

Up to six months after the end of maternity leave, you have the right to apply for benefits. After this period, this right will be lost.

What to do with a delay in maternity

A woman needs to know at what time maternity benefits are paid, because if the payment deadline is violated, according to Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to charge them with an addition in the form of monetary compensation for each delayed day.

In what time period maternity and compensations are paid, in this case the court decides. Also, in case of delay in transferring the required sums, a woman has the right to apply for the restoration of her rights to the labor inspectorate, which, on the basis of the application received, will inspect the employer and write an order to eliminate violations of applicable law.

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