
Maternal capital for a third child: all about matkapital

Today we will be interested in maternal capital for a third child. This question is of interest to many large families. Very often it is a kind of support from the state that causes the determination of parents to give birth to several children. Now there is an opinion that the corresponding payments are due only to those who have 2 children. This is not true. On the third baby, capital is also paid. What is interesting in this question? What do you need to know before getting maternity capital for a third child?maternity capital for a third child


To begin with, we’ll figure out what this is all about. It has already been said that capital is a form of monetary support from the state. It is issued to families in which more than 1 child was born. Not necessarily right away.

Maternity capital is the money that is paid to support citizens. More precisely, their minor children. It is issued in the name of the child, it can not be spent on all needs. Only those that relate directly to the minor recipient.

What to spend

Maternal capital for a third child (in Moscow and not only) is designed to help families raise their children. But not all, but only the one in whose name state support will be issued. Therefore, keep in mind that you have no right to spend the corresponding payments on other family members.maternity capital for a third child

Instead, parents are allowed to repay mortgages and housing loans for maternity capital. And to improve housing conditions, these funds are also allowed to spend. Perhaps this is the most common reason why parents agree to have many children. Maternity capital for a third child, as a rule, can also be used to increase the mother’s pension in the future, raising and educating the minor recipient. The purchase of rehabilitation supplies and medicines is also permitted.

Practice shows that most often preference is given to improving housing conditions, and also money is saved up for a woman’s pension or given to educate a child in the future. Now the government is discussing the option of expanding the use of mothercapital. And not only on the third baby.

Payout Amount

What can you count on when applying for a receipt? Hoping for huge payouts? Nevertheless, the amount of state support is quite high. Especially in some regions where on average you can buy an apartment for 2-3 million.maternal capital after the third child

The thing is that maternal capital for the third child is no different from him, but after the birth of the second baby. That is, the amounts of payments are the same. And at the moment they are 453,000 rubles.

In general, the amount is indexed from time to time. And she's getting bigger. But in connection with the crisis in 2016, this did not happen. Maternal capital for a third child in 2017 may increase. And it is not yet known whether this will happen. One should not particularly hope for such a step. It is advisable to rely on the amount of 453 thousand rubles.

How much to get

How often can you receive this support from the state. Maternity capital is laid after the third child, or after the second - no matter how many children you have. The main thing is that there should be more than one. For the rest, remember - mothercapital is obtained only 1 time in all the time. And it does not depend on which account the baby was born in you.

True, such a rule applies only to federal capital. There is still a regional one. The frequency of receipt, as well as the amount of payments, varies.On average, payments amount to about 100,000 rubles, and it is allowed to apply for them several times. It can be said on a regular basis. More specific information should be found in each region of Russia. For example, in the Pension Fund or in the bodies of social support of citizens.

Destination Features

Before applying for maternity capital, you should know several features of this process. First, keep in mind that stillborn children are not considered to be born. Receive appropriate incentive payments only for live children.maternity capital for a third child in Moscow

In addition, twins and triplets will be considered upon receipt of maternity capital. The main thing is that all children are alive. You need to pay attention to another very interesting fact - adopted children in order for the family to be given maternity capital for a third child, are also considered. Guardians have the full right to state support in a fixed amount.

You can’t get paid several times. Only of regional importance, and even then not always. Federal mother capital (453 thousand) is issued only once and in the form of a certificate in the Pension Fund.


What will be required in order to receive it? No special documents from parents are needed. One small piece of advice is to make copies of all documents before applying to the Pension Fund. So you will need:

  • application of the corresponding form for maternity capital;
  • birth certificate (adoption) of all children;
  • passport of the recipient (one of the parents, usually the mother);
  • SNILS (both a child and parents);
  • documents that confirm the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

maternity capital for a third child in 2017

Please note that the term for obtaining maternity capital is limited. It is 3 years from the date of birth of the baby. After this period, maternal capital for a given child can no longer be obtained. In addition, please note that if a child was born before the introduction of the state support program, it is “not considered”. Hurry up to get the mothercapital. At the moment, it has been extended to 2020. But no one knows exactly when the program will end.

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