
How much is CASCO on a car. How much is CASCO insurance?

CASCO - car insurance against theft, theft or damage. Within the framework of this service, the company undertakes for a fee, upon the occurrence of the events stipulated by the contract, to compensate the beneficiary for losses within the agreed amount. The CASCO policy protects the policyholder from criminal actions of third parties, unforeseen situations, natural disasters and from erroneous actions of the beneficiary himself. This is its main difference from OSAGO. Read more about how much CASCO costs and what the price depends on, read in this article.

What is insured?

The following are listed in the AutoCASCO agreement:

  • Accident (collision of cars);
  • hitting stationary objects;
  • fire, explosion;
  • the fall of an object;
  • natural disasters;
  • actions of third parties;
  • hijacking.

The contract also includes such exceptions:

  • the intent of the beneficiary and his family members;
  • the use of a faulty car (malfunctions in the brakes, steering, wipers, lighting, worn treads);
  • driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic intoxication;
  • storage and transportation of hazardous substances;
  • driving a car without a license;
  • use of the vehicle for educational purposes, unless otherwise specified in the contract;
  • exposure to nuclear energy;
  • military and terrorist acts.

how much is casco

How much is hull insurance?

The price of the policy is affected by many factors:

  • car brand;
  • vehicle year of manufacture
  • power and condition of the car;
  • driving experience of persons entitled to drive a car;
  • storage conditions;
  • vehicle class;
  • region of car use;
  • nature of use;
  • amount of the insured amount;
  • additional insurance conditions.


The contract is usually concluded for a year. This option is beneficial primarily for the driver. The insurance rate of most companies decreases not proportionally to the duration of the document. The amount for which the car is insured must correspond to the market value of the vehicle. It can be installed in foreign currency. But all payments will be made only in Russian rubles at the Central Bank rate.

how much does casco cost per car

There is another important point worth paying attention to - the franchise. This is the amount that the insurer pays. It must be prescribed in the contract in the form of a fixed figure or as a percentage of the repair cost.

Compensation Forms

  1. Costing company employee.
  2. According to the act of performance of work at the service station.

At the same time, the act should indicate how the payment is made: with / without taking into account wear of parts. Replacement of damaged spare parts must be paid in full, regardless of the terms of the contract. But if the car is stolen or cannot be restored, then the maximum insurance amount specified in the contract will be paid, but subject to depreciation. The rules for calculating the latter should be indicated in the document.

how much is hull for a year

Cost reduction

Very often, customers, finding out how much CASCO costs per car, consider the amount too large and want to reduce it. There are few options, but they are still there.

  1. Reduce the size of the deductible. The more expenses the insurer incurs, the lower the tariff he will pay.
  2. To insure a vehicle not for the full cost, but only for the amount of the loan. But this option is more beneficial only to the bank, since payments will be made in proportion to the size of the loan, minus the deductible. Example. A customer buys a vehicle for $ 100,000. Advance payment for a loan is 20%. Franchise - 10%.How much does CASCO cost on the considered conditions? It all depends on the region and class of car. But in general, the tariff fluctuates within 7% of the price of a car. The client can count on 80 thousand dollars with the complete destruction of the car. If the vehicle needs repairs worth $ 1000, then the calculations will be carried out as follows: (1000 * 0.8) * 0.9 = 720 dollars.
  3. It is extremely rare, but still banks offer to buy a car on credit without compulsory CASCO insurance.

How much is Casco insurance?

Frequently encountered errors when applying for a policy

1. A person does not understand the essence of the service. This is especially true for people who take a car for the first time on credit. Clients often perceive insurance as a burden. In this regard, the choice of company will be based on the principle "the cheaper, the better." This is the wrong approach, because you need to be interested not only in how much CASCO costs per car, but also in the terms of service. For example, in contracts with a lower tariff, a separate franchise is included, which is used if the insurer is the culprit. As a result, the “savings” in payments will cost a pretty penny. The same goes for night storage conditions. The client purchases a cheap policy, which states that the car should be in a guarded parking lot. But finding one that will meet the requirements of the company is very difficult. Even worse, if the parking staff will argue that at the time of the insured event the vehicle was not on it. The car owner will not be able to confirm their words.

how much does casco cost in rosgosstrakh

2. The choice is made on the basis of the advice of friends and relatives. You need to understand that customers who purchase a car on credit will be serviced on completely different conditions than those who bought the policy of their own accord, or, especially, employees of large enterprises that drive official cars. Each of them will have their own experience. Salon managers will recommend only partner companies. At the same time, agents, bank employees can provide only limited information. But each service has its own specifics. These nuances must be taken into account.

how much does it cost to enter in Casco

3. Ignoring the rules. Very often, the insurance policy contains only extracts from the full list of conditions for payment of compensation. The rules contain a large list of exceptions and limitations that you should familiarize yourself with before signing a contract.

Complete vs light CASCO

Every second client who wants to purchase a policy is primarily interested in the question of how much is CASCO insurance. Entrepreneurial marketers specifically for such cases have developed two schemes, the names of which allow you to overcome the psychological threshold when choosing: complete and easy. The issue price may vary at times. But the conditions will not be interesting to everyone.

How much does Casco cost on Solaris?

Features of light hull:

  • the maximum payout amount is very limited;
  • the policy is valid until the first insured event;
  • a prerequisite is precisely a collision of cars. If the damage was caused as a result of a collision with a pole, border, other object, then you should not count on compensation;
  • a limited number of service partners where cars can be serviced.

How much does CASCO cost for Lada under such conditions? The tariff can be two times lower than usual, that is 3-7% of the market price of a car.

Features of the full policy:

  • the price depends on the length of service of the driver and the region of operation of the car. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, tariffs will be 30-40% higher than in other areas;
  • availability of a separate franchise for each case;
  • wide list of service partners;
  • for regular customers will be taken into account statistics on accidents in previous years;
  • extended list of risks.

The difference is big enough. So, once you know how much CASCO costs to Solaris (Hyundai), don't bother to re-read the list of risks. No one guarantees that during the ride in the dark you will not fall into the pit.Such a risk is not included in the "light" policy.

How much is hull for a year?

Traditionally, this figure ranges from 4-12% of the market value of the car. Why so expensive? In Russia, the largest number of accidents per thousand cars, cars are stolen more often than in other countries. But regular customers with a clean insurance history can expect a small discount. The fact is that the price of the tariff includes an allowance for intermediary services of agents and a premium of the company. For example, the payment is 10% of the price of the car. Of these, 7% - insurance itself, 3% - premiums. A regular customer can get a discount within these 3%. The cost of the policy will decrease by 15-20%.

how much does casco cost on a grant

How much does CASCO cost at Rosgosstrakh if ​​the client himself wants to purchase a vehicle insurance policy voluntarily? It all depends on the class of the car. If the price exceeds 2.5 million rubles. RF, the tariff will be 4-7% of the market value of the car. In addition, each company has its own unique programs:

  • “50/50” - equal compensation for losses by the company and the insurer;
  • "Naked CASCO" - the most economical option;
  • “Smart” - full compensation of losses for all types of risk, but only twice a year;
  • "VIP", "All inclusive" - ​​imply the presence of additional conditions.

To find out how much it costs to enter the second driver in CASCO, as well as other basic rates, you can use the service on the official website of the insurance company itself, indicating calculation parameters in a special calculator.


The CASCO policy allows you to compensate for damage caused to the vehicle. The prices for it are set by insurance companies depending on a large number of conditions. How much is hull insurance? Expensive. But with it, you can cover almost all existing risks.

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