
How much does a customs clearance cost? How much does it cost to clear a car at the Russian border?

Almost everyone who is going to buy a vehicle is interested in the question: how much does a customs clearance cost? The fact is that cars from Europe and the USA are very popular - powerful "Americans", graceful "Italians" and trouble-free "Germans". All cars drive on perfectly smooth roads and even after 5 years of operation look like new, and their technical condition remains at the level. But the trouble is, to drive a car from the same Germany is quite expensive, and customs clearance completely empties the pocket.how much is a customs clearance of a car

Some general information

We will not once again talk about how good cars from abroad are. It should only be noted that they are incredibly high quality and have a pleasant appearance. This, along with high build quality, is a key difference from domestic production vehicles.

As for such a process as customs clearance, its price is determined by a large number of factors. Firstly, prices are reviewed annually. Often, every year, prices only rise and never fall. That is why buying cars from abroad will soon be unprofitable. Let's try to figure out what exactly affects the final price of a vehicle passing through the border.

What everyone needs to know

Before you figure out how much it costs to clear a car, I would like to say about the general points. For example, it is advisable to make a purchase through trusted companies. If you resort to the help of intermediaries, you can stay with your nose. how much does it cost to clear a carAlso, a lot depends on where and where you drive the car from. For example, from Germany to Poland it will be cheaper than to Russia. Firstly, it depends on the transportation distance, and secondly, on the established duties. Many turn to customs brokers. This allows you to somewhat speed up the customs clearance procedure at the border. Professionals are involved in paperwork and other sensitive issues. True, you should not rely on the fact that all this will be done for free. Typically, the price of such services is high.

How much does it cost to clear a car

So, let's deal with the most important. In general, the amount largely depends on such factors as vehicle mileage and engine size. The higher the mileage, the higher the tax on the disposal fee, therefore, it is advisable to buy cars with low mileage. Say, 50-100 thousand kilometers can be considered a normal figure, and everything that has a range of more than 150 thousand kilometers is not very advisable to acquire.

Ukraine how much is customs clearance of cars

As for the engine capacity, the more powerful the car bought abroad, the higher the price. In principle, this is quite logical. That is why it is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of how much it costs to clear a car.

But a little later we will try to understand in more detail and give a couple of illustrative examples. In general, experts advise against buying vehicles whose operating life abroad exceeds 5 years. The optimal figure is 3-4 years. In this case, the mileage will be not so great, and the condition of the car is much better.

All about car customs clearance: how much is it, how to pay

It is imperative to know where and how to pay. At this point, you must decide before buying. In addition, the route plays an important role. If it costs you more than 50,000 - 60,000 rubles, then this is a significant reason to think and reconsider your priorities a little. Perhaps you can find the same car, but a little closer.In any case, you will have to pay a deposit on customs deposit.

Do it before the purchase. For this simple reason, you need to know which vehicle you will buy and what is the price of its customs clearance. If you have not decided yet, then the deposit should be paid with a small margin. The remaining amount will be returned to you, but the procedure may take about two months. In addition, immediately after making a deposit, as well as providing all the necessary documents, you will need to indicate the customs point through which you are going to drive the car. Sometimes they require an exact date, but in practice you can come a couple of days earlier or later. If the car has been in operation for less than 5 years, then the price for each cubic centimeter of volume falls by 30-50%.how much is a customs clearance of a truck

Customs clearance cost in figures

As noted above, the price depends on the displacement of the motor. Let's talk about this point in more detail. The item applies only to vehicles that are older than 5 years. Engines from 0.6 liters and up are subject to payment, since for each cubic centimeter of the motor from 0.6 to 1.0 liters, you will have to pay 3 euros. For engines 1.0-1.5 liters - 3.2 euros. Further, prices only increase, and already for an engine of 1.5-1.8 you need to pay 3.5 euros per cubic meter. see. The most expensive purchase will cost if you plan to purchase a more powerful motor. Anything above 3.0 liters is paid for at a price of 5.7 euros. These rules apply to all brands of cars, regardless of which country they are brought from. True, the price of customs clearance of a car can increase or decrease depending on where the vehicle is imported. For example, prices in Ukraine are higher than in Russia.

Some good examples

If you buy abroad a “BMW” x3 with an engine capacity of 150 horsepower in 2009 with a mileage of 50,000 kilometers, you will have to pay about 220,000-250,000 rubles for customs clearance. The amount of new such vehicles abroad is 22 thousand euros. In this case, we are dealing with an engine capacity of 2.9 liters, so we multiply it by a factor of 3. To this amount, we need to add another 5,000 rubles for clearance and disposal fee.customs clearance price

If we take the Golf V Variant of 2009 with a mileage of 50 thousand kilometers and an engine of 1.4 liters as an example, then in general you will have to pay about 100,000 rubles. The very same purchase will cost you about 10,000 euros.

A few more factors affecting the price

It is impossible not to say that when evaluating a car, the final amount can significantly increase. This is due to the fact that the inspector may increase the cost depending on the installed additional equipment. For example, the same machine, but only the first, the base, and the second - the maximum configuration, will be evaluated differently. This is also due to the fact that the initial cost of the vehicle in the cabin is different. That is why it is simply impossible to answer unequivocally how much customs clearance of a car costs on the Russian border. It should be understood that there is such a thing as customs value. It represents the average market price for vehicles of this class sold on the market. That is why customs clearance, as a rule, is about 25% of the price of a vehicle.

How much is a customs clearance of a car at the Russian borderImportant details and nuances

I would also like to talk about how much the customs clearance of a truck costs. Of course, vehicles of this type are imported from abroad not as often as cars, but nevertheless this procedure takes place. So, if as an example we consider a truck with a total value of $ 8,000, then you will have to pay about $ 11,500 for it. In this case, the import duty will be about 20%, which is already 1,600 dollars.

all about customs clearance of a car how much it costs how to pay

In addition, there is a value added tax. It is also 20%, but from the import duty plus the amount of customs value, which as a result is about $ 2,000. In addition to all this, an amount of $ 15 is paid for customs clearance.As you can see, in general, you have to pay three thousand dollars for the import of vehicles. But this rate applies to the territory of Ukraine. If we talk about the Russian Federation, then in this case it is necessary to add another 3-5%. Of course you can’t say that this is a fixed price. When assessing the TS, the inspector will draw certain conclusions, so there is no point in talking about the final price. Much depends on the technical condition of the car, its age, engine size and other parameters.


So we talked with you on the topic of customs clearance of cars. As you can see, the prices depend on a large number of factors, therefore, until the evaluator draws any conclusions, there is no need to talk about the exact amount. Much depends on the country - for example, it will be Russia or Ukraine. How much is a customs clearance of a car, you can only talk approximately. Say a spread of 10% would be reasonable. In any case, when buying a vehicle abroad, it is necessary to take into account unforeseen expenses that may arise at the border or during transportation. In most cases, it is best to rely on shipping companies. True, the company must have a good reputation and positive customer reviews.

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