
How much is a divorce in 2015?

About how much a divorce costs, you can talk for a short time. Because here the whole point is in the sum. However, this is not only important in this matter. You also need to know what documents are needed to carry out this process. So, we should talk more about them.

how much is a divorce

What determines the cost?

Any public service must be paid without fail. Whether it is a civil or foreign passport, marriage or divorce. So how much does a divorce cost? To begin with, I would like to note that the size of the state duty can vary. It all depends on several factors.

Firstly, from how a divorce is drawn up. Either through the court, or through the registry office. Secondly, from the amount of savings of both partners and their assets. These are two main conditions.

About the amount

Well, now I have to say how much a divorce costs. The amount that will need to be paid as a payment for divorce is 650 rubles from each. This is the norm legalized in 2015. Even in the past, 2014, the amount was 400 rubles. However, due to inflation, the cost has risen today.

If divorce proceedings is an initiative of only one side, and is not carried out by agreement of both spouses, it turns out everything is much more complicated. How much is a divorce in this case? Only 200 rubles. However, a person will have to go through several difficulties. And the most important thing is the independent filing of a lawsuit. In this case, the divorce proceedings can be carried out exclusively in an administrative order and only for a number of specific reasons. The first is that one of the spouses should be officially declared missing. Second - a court decision was made that recognized the second partner as legally incompetent. And the third - one of the partners was imprisoned for a term of three years or more.

how much is a divorce in Russia

Bank details and payment

So, about how much a divorce costs in Russia, it was said above. Now you need to talk about the payment process. The fact is that each registry office body has its own bank details. It is for this reason that you need to initially go there in order to get a sample receipt. It will be required to fill. This is also necessary because in many state institutions, details change too often, almost every year, and banks do not always have time to replace information. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, misunderstandings and simply unnecessary waste of time and money, you should first look at the registry office for a sample.

Having paid for the service, you will need to return back. After the court decides on the approval of the divorce, ex-spouses must come to the registry office for a certificate of divorce. Speaking about how much a divorce costs in a registry office, one can’t omit one small but important nuance. For each copy of this document (that is, the certificate) you need to pay an additional 650 rubles. In general, the entire process will require about 1950 rubles. This does not include the amount paid for lawyers.

how much is a divorce registry office

About property division

This is a very detailed topic, which in the end should be said at least a few words. If the couple intends to share their savings, real estate or assets, then this can be done through court. It is necessary to file a lawsuit, pay the same 650 rubles and, in addition, pay the amount for the division of the common property. And it depends on the total value acquired. The minimum size is 400 rubles. The duty in this case is calculated according to a certain formula. This is 800 p. + 3% of the amount of money in excess of 20,000 p. Suppose, when the share of one of the spouses is estimated from 20 001 rubles to one hundred thousand, the fee will vary from 800 to 3200 rubles.

But the maximum is determined.And this is 60,000 rubles, in case the amount of assets exceeds a million. In general, this topic is very large, and it should be considered separately.

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