
How much is a forensic examination. How long does forensic examination take?

How much is a forensic examination? What is this all about? What regulatory documents govern this procedure? We will try to give answers to these and many other questions in the course of the article. We will find out what is called a forensic examination, how much is a forensic examination, what are the reasons for it and what terms can be set for this.


how much is a forensic examination

Before answering the question of how much forensic examination costs, we will understand the essence of the corresponding procedure. So, we give its definition.

Forensic examination is the examination by an expert of the evidence submitted by a party, as well as the subsequent issuance of a decision on the basis of the evidence provided, which helps to establish the truth in a civil or criminal case. The expert’s opinion during the forensic medical examination (forensic medical examination) is a very important evidence used during the trial in general. At the same time, the parties that protect their rights should carefully familiarize themselves with what rules govern the procedure for conducting forensic examination.

The law of the Russian Federation. Obligations and rights of a medical examiner

forensic examination cost

It’s still too early to turn to the question of how much forensic examination costs. Before doing this, we will familiarize ourselves with the general provisions that tell about what rights are assigned to an expert who is involved in conducting an SME, as well as what responsibilities he has in the face of the law.

Legal basis

First of all, we note that the effectiveness of forensic medical examination may depend not only on the extent to which the materials provided are sufficient. The quality of the evidence provided, as well as the quality of the work of the forensic expert himself, is capable of making individual adjustments.

The Federal Law, which is called “On State Forensic Science Activities in the Russian Federation” (entered into force on May 31, 2001), in articles 16th and 17th clearly states what rights and obligations are assigned to the expert. Thus, if we turn to the 17th article of the act, we can find out that the forensic expert:

  • may apply to involve other authorized persons in the examination;
  • can make a decision that helps appeal the actions of the body (or an individual official) that initiated the forensic medical examination process itself. (Explanation: such an right is reserved for an expert in the event that a person or body has violated the process / intervened or is acting incorrectly).

At the same time, Article 16 of the relevant Federal Law unequivocally defines the duties of an authorized person. Among them:

  • The obligation to conduct an examination solely in accordance with the decision of the head of the relevant body (referring to the expert bureau).
  • The obligation to conduct a full study of the materials provided by the party, as well as to draw up an objective (added justified, supported by evidence) conclusion as a result of appropriate actions.
  • The obligation to keep information in a confidential status (in other words, non-disclosure of data). Thus, the expert does not have the right to divulge information that he learned about during (or as a result) of the forensic medical examination.

How is forensic examination?

how is the forensic medical examination

Of course, we will not disclose all the details of this process in the article for some reason.But perhaps the time has come to answer the question of how much forensic examination costs. In fact, a definite, one might say, universal answer to this question does not exist. Firstly, the cost may depend on the region. Secondly, from the complexity of the process itself.

If we talk about an approximate framework, a range of price values, then we can say that the cost of forensic examination falls in the range from 15 thousand rubles to 30 thousand rubles for one issue under investigation. We assume that we have dealt with these issues.

Now let's talk about how much forensic examination is done. In fact, its timing also varies depending on which issue is being investigated. It is considered that the most lengthy process is examination. physical evidence as well as examination of the body of the deceased.


forensic advice

So, earlier we found out what the cost of a forensic examination can be. But the question of what structure and classification is inherent in these processes has not been raised. It's time to get acquainted with information on the relevant topic. Types of forensics as of today are the following:

  1. Primary The first examination. It is carried out in a particular production (both civil and criminal). But it, rather, goes as a rule.
  2. Additional. It may be required if the initial expert study did not provide comprehensive evidence (incompleteness of the study).
  3. Re. May be required if the expert’s preliminary opinion was deemed unclear or false by the relevant persons or authorities.
  4. Commission. It takes place when it is necessary to conduct complex studies or studies of large volume. At the same time, several specialists of one or another field are involved in the work at once. They are called the commission
  5. Integrated. The point is that forensic examination of this type is carried out by several experts at once, each of which conducts research in its own area

Forensic medical examination. Tips and rules

how long does forensic examination take

There is a real list of rules (you can call them that), which partially answer the question of how forensic examination is going on (or how it should go, at least):

  • The expert is authorized to independently choose the method that will be guided during the study of the object. At the same time, the chosen method must be absolutely legal. It is unacceptable to violate the principles of universal human principles, as well as the norms of the law.
  • Examination should be carried out only when the materials of the proceedings (criminal or civil) were studied. In other words, a preliminary study of the materials is carried out first, and only after this is an examination.
  • SME should be carried out in the daytime, in a special room adapted to the procedure, as well as in normal temperature conditions.
  • The forensic medical examination carried out in respect of a minor must be carried out in accordance with special care and thoroughness.
  • The results of the examination should be presented in the form of an expert opinion and nothing else. The absence of an appropriate document amounts to the insufficiency of the information provided.

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