
Change of legal address of LLC, CJSC or OJSC independently: necessary documents and cost

If you need to change the registration address of a joint-stock company or limited liability company, it is better to find out in advance all the nuances that may lie in wait for you. Of course, you can go the simpler way and entrust this work to professionals. But why spend the money if you can figure out how to change the legal address of the LLC yourself.

Reasons for change

Change of legal address of LLC

Most often, firms need to change their place of registration upon actual relocation. Also, the reason for the change may be the end of the contract without the possibility of its extension, at which the company was assigned a specific legal address. Although the company might not actually be there.

The complexity of the work that will entail a change in the legal address of the LLC depends on whether the company will relate to its previous tax. If so, then the procedure will be simplified.

Start of action

If your company has changed its actual location or simply can no longer be registered in the same place for certain reasons, then the management and legal service should work to change the address. It starts with gathering participants and deciding on future changes. Moreover, such a scheme is established not only for open limited liability companies. The decision to change the address of joint-stock companies is also taken by the meeting.

Based on the results of the fees, a protocol is made that indicates the decision made, it is signed by all participants and confirmed by the seal. After that, the company can begin to collect other documents that are necessary so that the change of the legal address of the LLC is as quick as possible. If there are no lawyers in the company, the manager himself, an accountant, or a third-party company specializing in the provision of relevant services may take up this matter.

Collection of documents

After the meeting of shareholders and approval of the need for these changes, you can proceed to the next stage, without which it is impossible to change the legal address of the LLC. Documents that will be needed to carry out this procedure must be prepared in advance.

So, in addition to the drawn up minutes of the meeting or the decision made (if the company has one owner), it is necessary to make the appropriate changes to the charter of the company. This can be either its new edition, or an additional sheet in which the new address will be displayed. In addition, you must fill out form p13001 - this is an application for state registration of changes that are introduced into the constituent documents. It doesn’t matter in what form the company is formed - OJSC, CJSC or LLC.

Change of the legal address of LLC price

To confirm the changes, it is necessary to indicate on what grounds the company can be registered at a new address. To do this, you can provide copies of leases (subleases) or other documents proving the legality of the process of changing the place of registration.

In addition to papers relating to the company and its location, it is necessary to prepare copies of passports. The documents of the CEO and participants will be required.

Possible difficulties

Of course, collecting the necessary papers is not a problem for normal firms. But changing the legal address of an LLC may entail a number of difficulties. The first of these is the tax change to which you will relate.And this is accompanied by mandatory checks of the company. Inspectors can go to the specified address or make a written request. In both cases, they will be able to verify the accuracy of this information.

But this is not all the possible difficulties that await the company, which decided that it needs a change in the legal address of the LLC. The procedure for this procedure suggests that the employees of the company will have to run. After all, it is not enough to enter information into the charter and write a statement to the tax service. When changing the place of registration, it will still be necessary to pay the state fee and provide an appropriate receipt. Getting a new extract from the State Register, company representatives will need to visit all extrabudgetary funds.


Even someone who in theory knows what documents are needed to change the place of registration and is ready for possible difficulties does not always understand where to start. Having gathered the founders (or shareholders) of the company, having made the appropriate decision and fixing it in the protocol, we need to figure out how to change the legal address of the LLC. The instructions for companies that decide to do it themselves look like this.

The company must conclude a lease for the premises in which it will be located and take from the owner a document establishing his rights to real estate. After this, you need to take an extract from the register (it should be no more than 30 days). With the whole package of documents, the founders of the LLC can go to a notary public. Its task is to verify the signatures on the application for registration of changes that are made to the constituent documents.

Only by doing all of the above, you can attribute all the necessary securities to the tax. Based on all the documents submitted, appropriate changes are made to the USRLE. Five days later, the company may pick up the paper.

Related work

But you should not think that having received documents from the tax service that testify that the change of the legal address of the LLC was successful, you can relax. After that, the enterprise is obliged to update the codes issued by the State Statistics Committee. For this, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a decision to change the address, and an updated registration certificate are submitted to the statistics department. After the set time, the statistics department will give the company an information sheet where new codes will be indicated. In addition to tax and statistics, you will have to visit all extra-budgetary funds, which include the FSS, PFR, FOMS.

Mandatory conditions

Change of legal address LLC documents

If you decide to change the place of registration, then do not forget that all your payments and deductions will be checked. That is why you should not have any debts on the date of appeal. It is worth checking that all previously accrued fines and penalties are paid off.

Only when this condition is met will you be signed a bypass sheet in all involved departments of the tax service. If you do not do this on time, then you risk that mandatory payments will be charged to you by both the inspection to which you were attached earlier and the new one that you will relate to after changing the place of registration.

Also, when changing your legal address, do not forget to deregister in all extrabudgetary funds at the old location and register in new ones. If you do all this in a timely manner, immediately after receiving the certificate, where the change of address is displayed, you can avoid many problems.

Third Party Services

Change the legal address of the LLC yourself

If you do not want to understand all the legal subtleties, then you better find a company that provides such services. In this case, you will not only be told about the procedure, but also for a fee will do all the work that is necessary to change the legal address of the LLC. The price of services will depend on the amount of work and the city in which it is registered. It is necessary to count approximately on 7000-10 000 rubles.

But at the same time, do not forget that this is only the cost of the services of an intermediary company. In addition to this, you will also have to pay all associated expenses: the state fee, which is 800 rubles, the cost of changing codes at Glavkomstat, and notary services. But then you do not have to figure out what and in what order you need to do. Professionals who have been doing this business for a long time know about all the nuances and will do all the necessary work for you.

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