
Letter about the change of company details. Types and rules for compiling a document

For each organization, there is a certain set of information called “details”, without which it cannot perform any operations. They must be contained in any letter, contract, payment order and another document to recognize its validity. In the event of a change in such data, the company must send its counterparties a corresponding letter about the change of details.

Mandatory Information

Details - this is the data that each company receives when it is registered. They are indicated in Constituent documents and are a prerequisite for various types of operations. Such reference information should contain all documents compiled by this organization. In case of any adjustments, she should immediately send her partners a letter about the change of details.

letter about the change of details

Upon registration, each enterprise is assigned:

  • tax identification number (TIN);
  • legal address in accordance with registration;
  • Primary State Registration Number (OGRN);
  • physical address (specific location);
  • mailing address (the place where correspondence should be received);

In addition, it receives special codes from the State Statistical Service: OKVED, OKATO and OKPO. Also, any company has Bank details:

  • code of the reason for registering it (KPP);
  • data on the authorized bank through which it carries out all settlement transactions;
  • payer bank identification code (BIC);
  • settlement and correspondent accounts.

If at least one of these data changes, the company must immediately notify its debtors and counterparties. Delay can lead to quite serious consequences. The company must send them a letter about the change of details.

Rules for compiling a document

AT business correspondence there are no trifles. Especially if it concerns such important things as details. In life, different situations can occur: a change of leadership, an authorized bank, or one of the available addresses. The company is obliged to inform those with whom it directly cooperates about any of these cases. This is even noted in the Civil Code of Russia. The letter about the change of details must have a certain uniform style. Such a document, as a rule, is a statement in a certain sequence of the following information:

  1. The name of the organization to which it is directed.
  2. Full name of the head.
  3. New and old details.
  4. The reason that prompted the company to make such changes.
  5. Additional information.
  6. Date of compilation of this document.
  7. Signature of the head of the company.

Information can be sent by mail with a mandatory notice. This must be done in advance so that the data during the delivery is not out of date. In some cases, it is recommended that you use e-mail newsletters or send information by fax.

Change of address

Some organizations do not have their own premises and are forced to rent them by concluding relevant agreements. But sometimes there is a need to change the location. In this case, an uninformed client may be in a difficult situation. To prevent this from happening, you need to write a letter about changing the details of the organization and send it to all existing partners.

letter about changing the details of the organization

This primarily concerns contractors and creditors, since the company is in certain contractual relations with them.Such a letter is usually drawn up on letterhead. In extreme cases, you can use a sheet of A4 format by placing a corner stamp on it in the upper left. First, a so-called hat is made up. It is located in the upper right corner and represents information about who this message is sent to. Next is the name of the document ("Information Letter" or "On the change of details"). After that, the necessary information is placed in the main text. The document ends with the signature of the head and is certified by a round seal.

Change of payment details

If an enterprise changes its bank or at least one of its existing accounts, it must also inform all interested parties of such actions. In this case, a letter about the change of bank details is made in the form of a notice. It can be addressed to an individual counterparty or can be a single document, which will be called “Notification of a change in bank details”.

letter about the change of bank details

The design rules remain the same. True, it is better to compose the text in this sequence:

  1. The reason for making changes indicating the number, date and name of the document on the basis of which this is done.
  2. The specific date from which changes will be made.
  3. Information about the new details.
  4. Learn more about the next steps. It should be noted here whether all previously concluded agreements remain valid.

Such information must be reported a few days before it occurs. Please note that the delivery of such a letter will take some time. In addition, the partner will also need to make the appropriate changes.

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