
Why do I need a letter about changing the legal address and how to prepare it?

An organization, like a citizen, has a certain place of residence: for an individual it is indicated in the passport, and for a legal entity it is fixed in the constituent documents. The official address of the organization is called the legal address.

Why is a legal address needed?

To register the constituent documents of a legal entity, first you need to decide on the official address. The legal address must be indicated in the charter of the enterprise and usually corresponds to the location of its governing body: board, board of directors.

For the legal address, the location of the building transferred by the founders to the ownership or management of the newly created enterprise is suitable. You can also use the address of the leased premises: in this case, an agreement must be provided upon registration.

letter of change of legal address

Large organizations usually have multiple addresses, although this is not necessary. The legal address may be the only one for the organization: both official, and actual, and postal.

Why use a legal address?

  1. At the specified address, the company is registered with the tax authorities, as well as with various state funds, submits reports, makes the necessary payments. Obtaining permits, declarations, and other documents requires a legal address.
  2. Any organization participates in the business turnover and concludes contracts, which necessarily indicate the legal address, as an integral requisite of a legal entity.
  3. Claims and claims are filed at the legal address, which means that it is essential for the counterparty. An address is one of the essential conditions for most contracts.
  4. The legal address is also important for customers - this is a kind of guarantee of their rights.

Who needs to be notified of a change in legal address?

letter of change of legal address for clientsHas your company moved to another building and changed its legal address? Be sure to notify your partners about this! These include:

  • state and regulatory authorities;
  • contract counterparties;
  • customers.

The first category of partners is quite serious: the law obliges to notify them of changes in details, otherwise severe sanctions may follow.

Contract counterparties are important entities for any enterprise. Take an inventory of the concluded business contracts - they probably stipulate your obligation to send written notifications.

A letter about changing the legal address for customers is a special document, because they are the consumers of your products. Such a letter should be compiled in an accessible and understandable language, stating only the most necessary. Such a letter can be placed on brochures, receipts, invoices or notices that you usually send to clients.

Prepare a letter in advance about changing the legal address: the form should contain only the most necessary information, as well as your new details. Follow the rules of business writing and ethical requirements when drafting this document, because a positive reputation with partners is the key to your success.

Legal Address Change Letter: Sample

Below is an example of such a letter: you can freely use it, modifying it for your own needs, because this document has been tested by practice.

letter of change of legal address sample

Dear Customer!

Please note that since April 20, 2015 the legal address of our company has changed. New address: st. Kravtsova, 3.

We ask you to continue to contact the indicated address, as well as send here your written proposals and appeals.


Director of PE “L” Lagov Y. T.

And if an agreement is made?

It should be remembered that the legal address is an important requisite of the contract and one of its essential conditions, therefore, the contract is subject to adjustment.

The law allows you to amend it in the same form in which it was concluded: for this, in practice, bilateral additional agreements are used. We give a sample of such a document.

letter of change of legal address

Supplementary Agreement to Supply Contract No. 1

LLC “K”, represented by Director A. Krutov, acting on the basis of the charter, hereinafter referred to as the “Provider”, on the one hand, and PE “L”, represented by the director Lagov Y. T., acting on the basis of the charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", on the other hand, have entered into this additional agreement as follows:

  1. Clause 7 of the contract “Addresses of the Parties” shall be stated in the wording: “Street 3, Kravtsova.”
  2. The remaining terms of the contract remain unchanged.
  3. The supplementary agreement is executed in two original copies, one for each of the parties, sealed with signatures and seals.
  4. A supplementary agreement is an integral part of the contract.

Signatures of the parties:

Director of LLC “K”

Director of PE "L".

It is this form of notification of a change of legal address in the presence of an agreement that is legitimate, and it is recommended to adhere to it in order to avoid unpleasant moments.

Remember, a letter about a change of legal address is not only necessary in certain cases, but also simply necessary for those who care about their business reputation.

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