
How many years can you ride a motorcycle? Limitations established by law.

Nowadays, many young people are happy owners of vehicles. Of course, this is not a car or plane. Only an adult can have such things. As a rule, it all starts with a bicycle, and then smoothly switches to a motorcycle. If in the first case there are no problems with driving, then in the second, everything is a little complicated. Therefore, many young people are interested in how many years you can ride a motorcycle so that it does not contradict existing laws.

The essence of the problem

Teenagers constantly want to look older. This is the law of life. The guys have a desire to do as adults do. The first subject of desire for youth is a motorcycle. Every teenager wants to own it.

how many years can you ride a motorcycle

It turns out that just being an owner is not enough. There is a need to use your favorite thing. And for this you need to know how many years you can ride a motorcycle. Everyone knows that there are certain restrictions on this score. They are set out in the "Rules of the Road" and are binding. So that the teenager’s first steps as a driver do not become his reckless mistake, one must clearly understand how many years you can ride a motorcycle. First you need to remember that any driver must have the appropriate rights to control his own vehicle. And they are given out in special schools after appropriate training. A young driver must not only be able to drive properly, but also have a good knowledge of theory. In addition, it must be borne in mind that traffic on the roadway is allowed only to an independent person. And such a citizen becomes at the time of obtaining a passport. From here it becomes clear how many years you can ride a motorcycle. Such a possibility arises in a person after reaching 16 years. Although he can finish his studies and gain rights already at 14. But he will only be able to go to the track on his own in only a few years.

Serious technique

As you know, motorcycles differ in terms of engine size. It is measured in special units - cubic centimeters (cubes). Depending on this indicator, all models can be divided into categories:

  • 49-50 cubic meters.
  • 70-120.
  • 125-140.
  • 150-200.
  • 250-350.
  • 400 and more.

For each range, there are models with certain technical characteristics. It all depends on how and for what purpose the owner plans to use it. In addition, it is important who will be behind the wheel.

how many years can you ride a motorcycle 250 cubic meters

After all, now it is customary to consider such machines with an engine of 250 cubic meters intermediate between devices of small and medium power. Their driving requires special knowledge and skill. Therefore, you must clearly know how many years you can ride a motorcycle 250 cubic meters. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the responsibility that a future driver assumes. A citizen can be fully responsible for his actions only from the moment of his majority. This means that it is only possible to control sufficiently sophisticated equipment from the age of 18.

According to Russian laws

Each country has its own age standards for motorcycle drivers. Even within the same state there may be differences. So, in America, in each state, this issue is resolved in its own way. Interestingly, since how many years can you ride a motorcycle in Russia?

how old can you ride a motorcycle in Russia

Here it is necessary to adhere to Federal Law No. 196, approved in December 1995, in accordance with it, a citizen must first pass on the rights of precisely category “A”.And for this, he must be eighteen years old (Article 26, paragraph 2). This age is best suited to the level of development and responsibility of a citizen. Later, in May 2013, some changes were made to this normative act. They were collected in Federal Law No. 92. There, motorcycles were allocated to the A1 subcategory, with an engine capacity of less than 125 cubic meters. Driving these vehicles is permitted from the age of 16. This refinement allows under-teens to ride the streets with low-power vehicles.

Who can be a passenger

A driver is not just a person sitting behind the wheel. There are times when a passenger is on the vehicle. In such a situation, driver liability doubles. In order to act within the framework of the law, it must, among other things, take into account certain age norms. And for this you should understand how many years you can ride a motorcycle passenger.

how many years can you ride a motorcycle passenger

The answer to this question can easily be found in the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 767, which was issued in December 2005. It made some changes to the previous resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 1090. In particular, attention should be paid to supplementary paragraph 22.9, which states that a child who is already 12 years old may be a passenger in the back seat of any type of motorcycle. All who have not reached this age do not have the right to move in this way. And it doesn’t matter who is in the front seat (mother, father or yard neighbor). He has no right to transport children under the age of twelve on his iron horse.

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