
How many years can I ride a scooter and a moped?

For those who are tired of walking around the city on their own, a scooter can be a great alternative. Of course, it is not as versatile as a car. And not as fast as a motorcycle. But, despite this, he has several undeniable advantages over them.

Scooter benefits

How many years can you ride a scooter

  1. Firstly, it is much more affordable than other vehicles. Depending on the characteristics, its average price can vary from 25,000 to 75,000 rubles. Especially this aspect will be pleasant to parents who want to make a gift to their child. For that kind of money, you can buy either a mediocre scooter or an expensive branded bike. Any teenager will be more pleased with this "iron pony" than a regular bike.
  2. Secondly, it is more fuel efficient. The average fuel consumption per 100 km is only about 2 liters. But, of course, this value is applicable only when maintaining the perfect condition of the scooter and following certain rules when riding. For example, you must not exceed speed (more than 40 km \ h). You can ride together on a scooter, but this also has a big impact on fuel consumption. If you observe these simple conditions, compared to a car, the savings are enormous.
  3. Another important factor is the simplicity of its operation. Even the smallest child can handle the control system, and the maneuverability and small size make it very convenient for driving in traffic jams. This will be very useful not only for children, but for young people who find it convenient to use a scooter for part-time jobs.
  4. Well, of course, it is worth noting such a factor as its compactness. The weight of the average scooter varies in the region of 40-70 kg, which makes it very convenient in terms of storage. For the winter it can be left right in the apartment or, as an option, in the stairwell.

Scooter disadvantages

How to ride a scooterThe main disadvantages include the low engine speed corresponding to low engine power. The scooter is designed for urban conditions and moving on normal roads, so it is better not to use it for off-road driving and long trips.

As another minor drawback, the scooter is unpresentable in older circles. A serious businessman riding a scooter in a very funny helmet is a rather ridiculous sight. That is why, as a means of transportation, it is most popular among adolescents and youth. And this factor is rather ambiguous.

Types of Scooters

How many years can I ride a scooter? This question is very often asked by parents, and it is he who determines the popularity of this vehicle. There are two possible answers to this question, depending on the engine capacity of the vehicle.

Scooters with an engine capacity of less than 50 cm3

You can ride together on a scooterUntil 2013, the law did not have specific rules on how many years you can ride a scooter. In addition, it was necessary to reach at least 14 years of age for riding scooters with an engine capacity of less than 50 cm3.

Of course, there were some "subtleties" that limited the freedom of this rule. For example, children were not allowed to enter the carriageway or any other road with heavy traffic.

But, despite this rule, it was often violated, which often led to very sad consequences. At this age, adolescents could simply be confused in a difficult situation and cause an accident.

The changes occurred in 2013, when a law was introduced in Russia, according to which, in order to drive a scooter with an engine capacity of up to 50 cm3, category "M" rights are required.But, despite this, certificates began to be issued only a year after the introduction of this law. By this law, the government is trying not only to reduce the relevance of this vehicle, but to protect children. Until 2013, children from 14 years old could drive a scooter. At this age, they not only did not bother to learn the rules of the road. The worst thing in this situation was that the children did not even think about elementary responsibility and compliance with the simplest rules of the road. These two factors played a very cruel joke with many of them.

On a scooter since how old

Scooters with an engine capacity of more than 50 cm3

The situation was completely different in relation to those scooters, the engine capacity of which was more than 50 cm3. For them there is a special category of rights - “A1”, which means low-power motorcycles, which include scooters. The minimum age for passing on the rights of this category is also 16 years, but to obtain them, of course, is more difficult. Upon delivery to the rights of category "A1" you have to go through the theoretical part and direct driving on the circuit. It is also worth noting that the category "A1" is automatically granted to those who passed on the category "A", with only a small difference in price.

The rights of category "A1" provide for riding not only on a scooter, but also on mopeds and light motorcycles. But still they are limited by a maximum power of 125 cm3. The presence of these rights makes the scooter popular not only among adolescents, but also among older adults.

How to get a scooter license?

2015 has the same procedure as before. The procedure for obtaining rights has not undergone any changes since the adoption of the law, which was issued in 2013. To start training at a driving school, you will need a standard set of documents:

  • Photocopy of the passport.
  • Medical certificate.
  • Photocopy TIN.
  • Receipt for payment of a driving school.

How old can I ride a scooter in Ukraine?

The training lasts one or two months and includes 42 hours of theory. The practical part is selected by the instructor individually for each student. During the practical exercises, standard exercises, such as starting off, controlling one or two hands, the “snake,” etc., will be studied. These methods will need to be shown when passing the exam to the traffic police inspector.

Driving a scooter with rights of other categories

Despite the fact that scooters and mopeds now require rights of a certain category, this will not become an obstacle for those who have any other rights. So, the driver of a car or motorcycle can transfer from his transport to a scooter without passing any other exams. This applies to drivers of any other category, and not just cars and motorcycles. Many motorists began to develop roads on a scooter. How many years now you can begin to join the roads, it was determined by the government. But it is worth noting that this rule only works for scooters with an engine capacity of less than 50 cm3, that is, applies only to the category "M".

In Ukraine

Despite the fact that Russia and Ukraine have many differences, it is worth remembering that initially they belonged to the same power. This factor determines the similarity of both countries in many laws. This was not bypassed by the rules of the road when operating a scooter. Therefore, the answer to the question: "How many years can you ride a scooter in Ukraine?" will be the same as in Russia - from 16 years old.


Previously, no one was taught how to ride a scooter, which caused many accidents involving teenagers. Although they have now introduced the related rights for driving a scooter, in fact, they have little changed the situation. The exam for the category "M" includes only the theoretical part, it does not provide for direct driving around the city. But due to the fact that now, in order to pass on the rights, it is necessary to grow up to at least 16 years, the number of accidents involving teenagers has decreased significantly - at this age young people begin to develop a sense of responsibility for their actions and a willingness to answer for them.

Scooter Rights 2015

So, since how many years you can ride a scooter, of course.In any case, when buying it, each parent must clearly explain to his child what can and cannot be done, and to achieve the adoption of elementary rules of the road.

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Is it possible to ride a 14-year-old boy after passing the rights
Without traveling to the city center and on highways


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