
Rights and obligations of citizens. Constitutional duties of citizens

In a modern democratic country, the complex interactions that arise between the individual and the state, between people, are fixed in legal form. It expresses the rights, freedoms and duties of citizens. To ensure their implementation and protection is usually associated with the idea of ​​legality and justice. Next, we consider what rights and obligations of citizens exist. duties of citizens

General information

The basic law of the country is the Constitution. The duties of citizens are enshrined in it, along with other elements that make up the legal status of the individual. Article 2, in particular, discloses the most important characteristic of modern Russia. In the provisions of the highest value proclaimed a person, as well as his freedom and rights. However, the legal status of the subjects would be incomplete if it did not have another significant element. In addition to legal opportunities, there are constitutional obligations of citizens. They determine the responsibility of people for their behavior.

Constitutional duties of citizens

They represent the requirements that the state makes to individuals located in the country. The rights and obligations of citizens are inseparable from each other. The possibility of implementing the former implies responsibility. The duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation are not only valid directly in Russia. Requirements for behavior can be presented if the individual represents the interests of the state, other people or society. rights and obligations of citizens


All the duties of a person and a citizen of Russia are conditionally divided into two categories: specific and general. The latter apply to all people, without exception, located in the country. The specific responsibilities of citizens are assigned to certain groups of people. These include, for example, the responsibility of parents for the upbringing and care of children, their education. The able-bodied persons who have reached 18 years of age are obliged, in turn, to care for the elderly father and mother.

The main responsibilities of citizens

To ensure stability in the state, individuals living on its territory should:

  • Pay fees and taxes established by law.
  • Respect the environment, protect nature and its wealth.
  • Defend the homeland. This obligation is of particular importance. In the Constitution, the defense of the Fatherland is defined as "duty." This definition distinguishes it from all others, expressing the unity of moral and legal principles in the obligation of citizens to ensure the safety of the country. This duty is expressed in the form of military service. This obligation is combined with the possibility of voluntary entry into the troops on a contract basis. The Basic Law also establishes that if for some reason (due to religion or belief) the conscription service cannot be carried out, it can be replaced by alternative civic activities.
  • Compliance with the provisions of the Basic Law. This obligation is considered the most important for the citizen. At the same time, a special requirement is enshrined in article 17, part 3. It says that, exercising his rights and obligations as a citizen of the Russian Federation, an individual should not infringe on other persons in anything. He is prescribed respect for the interests of others. This, in turn, requires the presence of restraining forces and a developed legal awareness.
  • Mutual care of children and parents. To implement this obligation of citizens, the legislation provides for material support.
  • Getting an education.This position is fixed in Art. 43, part 4. It says that it is the citizen's responsibility to receive a full secondary education. In this case, parents or persons replacing them must ensure the conditions for the implementation of this requirement.
  • Caring for historical and cultural heritage. The list of such facilities was approved by Presidential Decree in 1995. Authorized bodies in the regions are entitled to adopt regulations of a similar content. They define a list of such objects located directly in the region

Ratio of categories

Some duties of citizens are set forth in the Basic Law indirectly; they proceed from certain possibilities. For example, the state guarantees respect for the dignity of the individual. This, in turn, implies the obligation of citizens to show respect for the honor and dignity of others. duties of man and citizen

State guarantees

One of the important characteristics of the democratic system is that the rights and obligations of a citizen of the Russian Federation are ensured by certain means. They come from the side of the government, its bodies and officials. The duties of man and citizen are universal. They are independent of legal status and are enshrined at the highest level in the Basic Law. State guarantees are divided into 2 categories: special and general. The latter relate to the social, political, economic or material, ideological or moral-spiritual sphere. Special ones include legal guarantees.

The main types

The system for ensuring the exercise of rights and compliance with duties is quite extensive. It includes the following categories:

  • Material guarantees. It should be understood economic stability, the stability of property relations, the effectiveness of the tax structure.
  • Political guarantees. They reflect the democracy of power, the nature of the existing regime. At the expense of them political stability is ensured, the proper level of culture of power, various public institutions and the citizens themselves.
  • Legal guarantees. These include directly the methods of exercising rights and methods for monitoring compliance with obligations.rights and obligations of a citizen of the russian federation

Restriction of freedoms and rights can take place only in cases stipulated by law.

State defense

Every person and citizen has the right to it. It is established in Art. 46 of the Basic Law. Protection of rights and freedoms involves the prevention of their violation by any methods and means or their restoration in case of infringement. Some provisions of the Basic Law provide for the possibility of applying to a judicial authority to uphold one's interests. The protection of rights and freedoms is also provided by the following tools:

  • The presumption of innocence. It means that a person cannot be found guilty of a violation until it is proved and established by an appropriate court sentence.
  • The right of citizens to receive the assistance of a qualified lawyer.
  • The impossibility of the reverse action of the law establishing or aggravating liability.
  • The right to a jury trial in cases established by law.
  • The provision on the impossibility of re-conviction for the same act.
  • The right to compensation or damages.

rights of liberty and duties of citizens

Every citizen also has the right to receive international protection. He can contact the appropriate authorities if all domestic funds are exhausted. Such instances, in particular, include the UN Human Rights Committee, the European Commission, the European Court of Justice, as well as specialized UN agencies (UNESCO, WHO, and so on).

The main guarantor of security

In his capacity is the President of Russia. This status is enshrined in the Constitution. There is a specialized Commission under the President.This advisory and advisory body contributes to the implementation of the powers of the Head of State in the field of ensuring the protection of the rights and freedoms of the population, as well as the observance of duties by citizens, legal entities, state bodies and other structures. To consolidate this whole complex, appropriate state guarantees, methods of protection, as well as forms of liability for certain violations or abuses are provided.

Key Legal Opportunities

The Constitution political rights citizens. Through them, the provision is implemented that its people act as the sole source and main bearer of the country's sovereignty. This norm is specified in Art. 32. In particular, it states that citizens are entitled, either through representatives or themselves, to participate in the management of public affairs. This opportunity can be realized in different ways. In particular, citizens have the right to:

  • To be elected and to elect bodies of state power and territorial administration.
  • Participate in the referendum.
  • Unite, create trade unions.
  • Gather without weapons, peacefully, hold demonstrations, rallies, meetings, pickets, marches and other demonstrations.
  • Participate in the administration of justice.
  • Contact collectively or individually in state or local government.

constitution duties of citizens


From the foregoing, it becomes clear how closely related the rights and obligations of citizens. This is confirmed by the provisions of the Basic Law. They indicate that the granting of freedoms and rights is carried out simultaneously with the imposition of certain duties. Their proper implementation, the proper behavior of people without deviating from legal requirements guarantees normal life in society, stable development of a democratic state.

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