
Social guarantees of military personnel and members of their families

The events that took place in Russia in the late 1980s and early 1990s affected not only the lives of ordinary citizens, but also affected the welfare of the military. From 1992 to 1995, the country adopted more than 300 regulatory documents regulating various aspects of state policy in the field of supporting this category of people. From that moment, experience began to accumulate in the functioning of specialized structures of state bodies that carried out the management of the social security system for military personnel. To date, a socio-political institution has taken shape quite clearly, within the framework of which conditions are formed to meet the needs of these individuals. Let us further consider what social and legal guarantees of military personnel exist. social guarantees of military personnel


Legislation currently in force establishes a number of general provisions. In particular, a circle of persons with the opportunity to use the benefits, conditions, the procedure for obtaining, and so on. As for the subjects, their relatives can also receive social guarantees and compensations provided to military personnel. Legislation defines benefits for other categories. In addition to the above persons, they can be used by:

  1. Draftees.
  2. Families of employees killed in state defense.
  3. Participants and disabled WWII.
  4. Veterans of the Armed Forces (having at least 20 years of service).
  5. Disabled service (disabled during the performance of military duties).
  6. Warriors are internationalists.
  7. Military builders and their relatives.

These entities enjoy state support from the moment of enlistment in the ranks of the Armed Forces until the end of the term for the performance of their duties. The legislation also provides for social guarantees for servicemen dismissed from military service.


Social guarantees and compensations provided to military personnel are classified according to the specific areas within which the benefits apply. The state is developing special programs in the housing sector. Within the framework of the state policy, the following rights and social guarantees of military personnel are provided:

  1. Conservation of living space.
  2. Reduced rent.
  3. Promoting individual construction.

social guarantees and compensation provided by the military

Entities arriving at a new place of fulfillment of their duties receive accommodation within three months. Subsequently, these areas may become the property of individuals. The social guarantees of conscripts include the preservation of their living quarters, which they occupied before entering the ranks of the Armed Forces. At the same time, persons cannot be excluded from the lists for housing. If it is impossible to allocate premises on the territory of the unit or settlement where it is located, the military unit under the employment contract shall compensate for the accommodation of the entities and their relatives in the amounts and manner established by the government.

For commanders, officers with the rank of colonel or equal to him and above, an additional residential building with an area of ​​at least 15 square meters is allocated. m. These social guarantees provided to families of military personnel also apply to subjects who are teachers of educational institutions, departments at state educational institutions, and scientists with ranks or degrees. Recently, the mortgage system for obtaining housing has become increasingly widespread. Its advantage is that a person can receive premises after a short period of time after entering the service.3 years after the start of participation in the programs of the accumulative-mortgage system, it becomes possible to buy housing.


In this area, social guarantees and compensation for military personnel are also provided. Within the framework of state programs, subjects and their relatives are provided with free medicines or the opportunity to purchase medicines at a reduced cost, preferential tickets to resorts and sanatoriums, etc. During the performance of their duties, persons are served in military medical health care facilities. All services are provided to them free of charge. If in any institution there is no necessary specialist or equipment, a soldier can take help in civilian hospitals and clinics.

Subject to appropriate indications, subjects can receive free or preferential tickets to a sanatorium or resort. Midshipmen, warrant officers, officers pay them at a reduced cost. If one of them goes for treatment after the hospital, a ticket can be obtained for free. Social guarantees and compensations to military personnel also extend to accidents arising in the process of fulfilling their duties. So, people who have received a concussion, injury, wound, other injury or illness, after the hospital are sent to the spa treatment out of turn. These are far from all social guarantees of military personnel. The state also tries not to deprive families of these people support. So, relatives of officers, dependents living with them, can take advantage of medical care in specialized healthcare institutions in the manner established by the government. At outpatient treatment they are given medications at a reduced price, unless there is no charge for medicines. rights and social guarantees of military personnel

Insurance system

Social guarantees for military personnel are established in accordance with Federal Law No. 76 and other regulatory acts. In Art. 18 of this law provides for mandatory personal insurance in case of injury or death during the performance of their duties. Federal Law No. 52 defines the procedure for concluding relevant agreements and obtaining compensation for harm to health.

Culture and Education

Certain social guarantees are also provided in these areas. The military personnel in reserve are admitted to educational institutions of vocational training, as well as to preparatory courses of universities in the first place. If there are recommendations from military commanders (commanders), these persons can take the opportunity of out-of-competition enrollment if they receive positive marks at the entrance exams. Subjects who were called up for service during the training period, after its completion can continue their education. They retain a place in the educational institution where they entered before enrolling in the ranks of the Armed Forces. The social guarantees of military personnel under the contract provide for the opportunity to study at civilian professional educational institutions without exemption from duties.

Transport sphere

Contractual social guarantees for military personnel include transportation benefits. They apply to relatives of these individuals. In particular, entities can enjoy certain advantages when traveling by rail, air, and road transport. These social guarantees of military personnel, family members of these persons apply to cases of appointment and transfer to a locality, receipt of primary and additional leave, treatment or accompaniment of a patient, referral to admission to a specialized educational institution, medical examination, sending for fees, release from obligations when transferring to reserve or resignationThe military, serving under the contract, can carry free of charge up to 20 tons of personal property by any means other than air, when moving from their former place of residence to a new one in connection with the transfer or at the end of the service. social guarantees of servicemen dismissed from military service

Financial help

Social guarantees and compensations to servicemen under the contract are established in accordance with Federal Law No. 76. In Art. 13, in particular, cash benefits are provided. They represent amounts given to individuals in the event of certain circumstances. In addition, in accordance with the Order of the FSB No. 60, the procedure for providing the considered category of citizens with other additional payments was approved. This, in particular, is about various bonuses for the conscientious performance of their duties, allowances for special military regimes (conditions), financial assistance in difficult financial situations, and so on.

Benefits for adverse environmental conditions

These social guarantees of the military are diverse in content. Significant incentives are provided for persons performing their duties in the Far North and equivalent localities. Here, subjects receive higher salaries. In addition, they are provided with a monthly percentage premium for continuous stay in regions with adverse climatic conditions. Social guarantees provided by military personnel performing their duties in the indicated areas include a preferential calculation of the length of service. The time spent in territories with an unfavorable climate is counted not in a calendar, but in a special order. So, one year of service is taken for 2 or 3 years of service.

Other benefits

Social guarantees for military personnel also extend to the world of work. They consist in preserving for each subject the place of his professional activity and position in case he is enlisted in the Armed Forces. In addition, those dismissed from service are assisted in finding employment. The period of stay in the ranks of the aircraft is counted in the length of service. State bodies are also required to take care of the relatives of a citizen enlisted in the army. Dismissed from the service have the benefits of reducing the staff of the company, which they entered the first time. To ensure real employment of citizens who are in stock or retired, special structures for employment and vocational education are formed in the relevant authorized bodies. social guarantees provided to families of military personnel

Clothing support

The right to it comes directly from the mission of the service. The basis of regulatory regulation of this issue is art. 14 (part 2) of Federal Law No. 76. This article states that employees are provided with things in accordance with the conditions in which they perform their duties. The Government establishes the terms and standards for the provision of property, as well as the procedure for disposal, use and ownership. In Art. 14 (part 2), the possibility is fixed of a serviceman to receive compensation in money instead of clothing support. Supply rates determine the number of items that are sold per person. They also establish the terms of wear (operation) of things - the periods during which items must be in use. They are calculated from the moment the subject has the corresponding right to clothing support. Government Decision No. 390 of June 22, 2006 defined:

  1. General provisions on the provision of property for use.
  2. Norms of supplying employees with items in peacetime.
  3. The procedure for receiving money by certain categories of persons instead of clothing support.

Pension provision

It deserves special attention. The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the right of citizens to receive material assistance by age. According to Art. 19 of the Basic Law, the state ensures the equality of all persons without any discrimination.It follows from this that a citizen leaving the service should receive everything that the laws imply. This takes into account the risk associated with the activities of these individuals. Employees providing the defense of the Fatherland must be sure that they will have a decent old age. Otherwise, the attractiveness of being in the army will decrease significantly. And this, in turn, will negatively affect the level of staffing of the armed forces and, accordingly, the degree of protection of Russia.

Pension legislation includes constitutional federal regulations, presidential decrees, government decrees and other legal documents. Appointment monetary allowance for length of service is regulated by Federal Law No. 4468-I. The size of the pension will be affected by several factors. These include, in particular: the features of the area where the service took place, the specifics of duties. In addition, the calculation of the length of service itself will be different. Above, in particular, it was indicated that the calculation is carried out according to a special scheme for those who serve in the Far North or in the localities equated to it. social guarantees provided by the military

Mortgage system

This is a relatively new form of providing employees with housing. It is regulated by the relevant Law "On NIS". The main purpose of this normative act is to regulate the system. In accordance with this Law, collateral is provided for through savings that are generated from certain sources. They are:

  1. Contributions to registered accounts at the expense of budget funds.
  2. Income from investing savings.
  3. Other income not prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation. This may be the personal funds of NIS participants, contributions of third parties transferred on the terms and in the manner established by the norms.

The rules provided for in the Law "On NIS" suggest that a citizen who has served for 20 years is entitled to a certain amount. After the transfer to the reserve and the loss of the ability to use public housing, he can send these funds to buy an apartment. The amount of funds that an employee can receive will depend on the number of members of his family, the area where he / she is located, and the region where he subsequently plans to live.

According to the developers of the program, the amount to be provided to the citizen should be enough to purchase a room of 54 square meters. m. Meanwhile, it is worth saying that in different regions the cost of housing is significantly different. According to the developers, this problem has been addressed. So, it is provided that for employees of the capital region the sale of housing will be carried out at the price set by the developer.  social guarantees and compensation to military personnel under contract

Existing difficulties

In Russia, military service exists in more than 13 departments and ministries. All employees of these structures have a single status. Accordingly, they are subject to general social guarantees. However, in every ministry or department there are additional benefits and advantages. At the same time, as the practice of social protection of servicemen and their relatives shows, there are many problems in the support sphere.

Crisis phenomena in the state concern all areas of public life. In a difficult economic situation, the problem of legal and social protection of military personnel also arises. In conditions of instability, the most at-risk individuals were those in stock. There are a lot of unresolved political and socio-economic problems in Russia, which, of course, affects the degree of implementation of bills that determine the social guarantees of military personnel. In some cases, the state is not able to fulfill its obligations to citizens. This is manifested in insufficient (incomplete) financing of programs, restriction of benefits, failures in the issuance of benefits, which are often the only source of funds for the family.This extremely negatively affects the prestige of the status of an officer, adversely affects the morale, and in some cases the state of health of the people themselves who are in the armed forces. Nevertheless, the adopted set of measures laid down in the legislation on military service had a positive impact on the situation on ships in the military unit. The introduction of benefits has improved the attitude of individuals towards the performance of their duties. According to statistics, since the introduction of state social protection programs for military personnel, the number of young officers who wanted to leave the army has significantly decreased.

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