
The average salary in Russia by region. Average salary in Russia by years

How much is the average salary in Russia today? This is a question that is more rhetorical than requiring an answer. Since each Russian has his own payment for labor. And we all are well aware that the figures officially announced rarely correspond to reality. So if you answer this question, then only relying on real data.

average salary in Russia

Some statistics

So, as a preface, it’s worth saying a few words in general about the financial and economic situation in the country. A lot has changed over the past three years. The moment that has changed a lot is the dollar. At the beginning of 2013, he was very acceptable and familiar. So, one dollar could be sold for 30 rubles. By the end of 2013, the exchange rate did not increase much - by 2 rubles. But then what happened? Then the crisis came, and the course literally took off. At one point, the dollar was worth more than 82 rubles! This was in 2014, and in the current, 2016th. True, now it costs less than 70 rubles. But experts in forecasting say it’s too early to please: it is possible that the rate will increase further.

And now, approaching the main topic concerning such an important point as the average salary in Russia, it is worth noting the price. They naturally grew along with the course. And what about salaries? They, of course, remained the same. Nearly. The average salary in Russia in the current year 2016 is 5.3 percent higher than in 2012. Growth is by no means phenomenal. The minimum in 2015 amounted to 5965 rubles, in the current - 6200. And this is not encouraging. However, now - about the average.

average salaries by regions of Russia

Central Federal District

29 960 rubles - this is the average salary in Russia. Rosstat gives just such statistics. And basically, it sounds like the truth. What is in the Central Federal District? In it, the average figure is 36,581 rubles. The most modest data on the Central Federal District was demonstrated in 2016 by the Ivanovo region. There, the average salary is less than 19,000 rubles per month. Most receive in the Kaluga, Voronezh and Belgorod regions. Approximately 25.5-22.5 t. Except, of course, the capital. In Moscow, the average salary is 56,000 rubles. And in the Moscow region - about 36,000. In other regions, data range from 19 to 24 thousand rubles per month.

Northwest Federal District

Talking about what are the average salaries in the regions of Russia, one cannot but mention this district. The lowest indicator is demonstrated by the Pskov region - there is not even 20,000 rubles there. per month. In general, the inhabitants of this region are sadly stable. Compared to 2012, the salary indicator increased by only 1.9%.

The highest average salaries are observed in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. There they are approximately 62,500 rubles. And you can understand why the salaries are so high, in the opinion of the rest, because the conditions for living and working there are not simple. In the Arkhangelsk region, 30 tons are paid. on average, in Karelia - 27 tons In the city of federal significance St. Petersburg, this figure is 37,500 p. Still good salaries, according to statistics, in the Murmansk region. Almost forty thousand rubles a month. So, if we consider the average salaries in the regions of Russia, we can say that in this district they are pretty good.

 average salary in Russia by years

Volga and Ural Federal Districts

The story begins with the first of the following. The average salary in Russia, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, is indicated above. But here in this district it is not very attractive in comparison with the given figure. The most pleasant salaries are observed in Samara, Nizhny Novgorod regions and in the Perm region. But Tatarstan is leading.There, this figure is 26,000 rubles. But the least in 2016 in the Volga Federal District are residents of Mordovia. There, the average salary is 17,800 rubles.

And in the Ural Federal District, the situation looks better. Residents of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Circle receive the most - almost 70 tons. per month. The next by indicators is Khanty-Mansiysk. There, the average salary in 2016 is 54.5 tons. And in third place is the Tyumen region. 31.5 tons per month, on average, residents of this region receive. The smallest salary in the Kurgan region is 19,500 rubles.

 average salary in Russia Rosstat

Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts

These are the penultimate two districts that I need to talk about. In the Siberian Federal District, in principle, not the worst average salary in Russia. Least of all receive in Altai Krai - 18 000 rubles a month. And most of all - in the Tomsk region, about 30,000 p. It was said above about how much these or other indicators have grown compared to 2012. So, the average salary in Russia over the years has increased quite well, especially in Khakassia. Compared with the same year 2012 - almost 9 percent!

What can be said about the Far Eastern Federal District? Here, perhaps, the best salaries. Most pay in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - more than 70 tons Least of all - in the Jewish Autonomous Region. There, the average salary is 27,000 p. And in some places this, by the way, is the maximum. On Sakhalin, they pay about 48 tons. per month, as in Kamchatka. In Magadan - more, about 57 tons In general, it is not without reason that many people go to the Far Eastern Federal District to earn money. Although the climate conditions are not very attractive there, the payment is decent.

average salary in Russia according to the Federal State Statistics Service

South and North Caucasus Federal District

Last counties to talk about. The closer to the south, the worse the salary. The smallest indicators in Adygea - there the minimum average salary is not even 20 tons. The maximum is observed, naturally, in the Krasnodar Territory - about 25 thousand rubles a month.

In the regions of the North Caucasus, the minimum average salary is 17,000 rubles (Dagestan), and the maximum is in Ingushetia (21.5 tons).

And by the way, finally - about another subject. Crimean Federal District. Many people in 2014, when the peninsula returned to Russia, went exactly there - to earn money. And at first everything was not bad, but now here are the lowest salaries. Many employers are not shy about paying less than the established minimum, and Crimeans can only dream of average rates (stated that they are 26,000 rubles per month). But in principle, this is the essence of the transition period. In fact, it ended at the beginning of 2015, but in fact - it continues to this day.

Interestingly, not so long ago, just some 15 years ago, minimum wage in Russia It was only 132 rubles a month, and that was enough! Then began a gradual growth. First, 200, then 300, then 450 rubles ... And in 10 years, from an indicator of 1,100 rubles / month, the minimum increased to 6,200 rubles. And the point is not to improve the conditions for the Russians, but in an incredible rise in prices. Well, one can only hope for an improvement in the situation in favor of the Russians.

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