
Average salary in Kazakhstan by occupation

Kazakhstan is a state bordering Russia and is the 9th largest in the world by territory. Indeed, the area of ​​the Republic is 2 724 902 sq.m. Of course, one of those issues that people are most interested in is the average salary in Kazakhstan. I would like to talk about this.

average salary in kazakhstan

general information

If you believe the data in 2016, then the minimum wage in Kazakhstan is 22 859 tenge. This is in rubles only 4,341 p. And then, the indicator, compared to last year, increased by 1,500 tenge. Probably due to the fact that the salary fund in the Republic grew by 5.7% (from January to September 2015). As a result, the total aggregate indicator became four trillion tenge higher. This is about 759.668 billion rubles.

As a result, it was found out that the average salary in Kazakhstan (nominal) is equal to 122,100 tenge - approximately 24,000 rubles. The largest percentage increase in payment is observed in real estate trading. Her employees have an average salary in Kazakhstan in rubles of about 36,000 rubles (191,200 tenge). In the field of education, the indicator increased by 5.4%. But still, salaries remained very, very modest - only 14,600 p. Approximately the same increase is observed in the mining industry. But the highest "rise" is observed in the tourism sector. There, the average salary increased by 12.5%.

It is also interesting that in 2015 the number of employees increased by 1.5%.

Top scores

The highest average salary in Kazakhstan is among oil and gas specialists. This is about 38,600 p. For many years, the oil and gas industry in Kazakhstan has been considered the most profitable. But getting into it is not so simple, since on average 7 specialists count on each vacancy.

Still profitable is the consulting business. People occupying positions in the company associated with it, on average, receive about 28 tr. There are considerable prospects in this business, since the maximum salary is 205,000 p. Interestingly, there are few business consultants in Kazakhstan. For one place claims 1-4 people (depending on the company).

And in third place in terms of profitability is the legal industry. The average salary in Kazakhstan for lawyers is 24,000 rubles. But highly qualified specialists of any narrow legal sphere can receive 100,000 rubles.

average salary in Kazakhstan by years

Other lucrative professions

Still a good average salary in Kazakhstan for workers in the field of information technology and communications. 22 500 is a minimum, and a pleasant maximum can reach a mark of 95 000 r.

Marketing specialists, as well as advertisers, can count on good pay. Their minimum is 20,600 rubles. And the maximum is 135,000 p. Here, already looking at which company a person will get a job and what position.

And what is the average salary of Kazakhstan for IT specialists? After all, they are in demand all over the world! Yes, it is, but not in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This specialty is already included in the extended list of "top" professions. Good IT people can count on 28 500 - 38 000 rubles per month.

average salary in kazakhstan in rubles

Who is paid the least?

Despite the fact that the average salary in Kazakhstan has been steadily increasing over the years, albeit not by much, there are those specialties that have remained unprofitable. And this is the "classic" - doctors and teachers. For doctors, the average salary is only 43,000 tenge (this is 8,166 rubles!), And for teachers - 40,000 (7,500 rubles). And this is not even a minimum. Average rate! This is almost twice the minimum, but compared to other industries, everything looks too sad. And finally, the agricultural industry is completing the top three “anti-leaders”. 9,400 rubles - this is their indicator.

By the way, a paradox, but many low-paying professions are also the most scarce. And, accordingly, in demand.It’s easy to guess that there will be less and less people who want to become a doctor or teacher if financial security does not get better.

what is the average salary in kazakhstan

Other facts

Yes, in comparison with 2015, some specialists really have slightly increased salaries. But at the same time, there were some reductions.

A paradox, but most of all, people working in the field of employment were unlucky. Their salaries decreased by 37.4%! Although this is far from the “poorest” industry. The average salary is about 300,000 tenge per month (57,200 rubles).

They also decided to lower the salary to government employees, specialists in the field of technical testing and architecture; water, freight and railway transport, as well as working people for the benefit of the sphere engaged in the sale of motorcycles and cars. Even fishing cuts have been affected. His employees' salaries "cut" by 20%.

By the way, s / n teachers were planning to increase. And pay for their work in accordance with working conditions, physical activity and even the education of a teacher. It was also planned to introduce a new system of accrual of allowances - compensating and stimulating.

What about vacancies? Now 50.6% of job offers set the salary level of 100-170 thousand tenge. This is 19-32 tr. About 29.3% of vacancies offer a salary that barely exceeds the minimum wage - 25,000 tenge. This is only 4,750 p. Of course, there are also offers of good salaries - from 170,000 tenge. But there are only 10.5% of them.

As you can see, the economic situation in Kazakhstan is no better than in Russia. The prices of products, however, are slightly lower - hence the lower minimum wage. But in any case, the salary issue in Kazakhstan is acute.

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