
The minimum and average salary in the Czech Republic. How does the salary level in different cities of the country differ, and which specialists are most in demand?

Many people dream of going abroad to Europe to start making normal money. And for this, many people choose the Czech Republic, considering that it is quite possible to get there, and it is easier to learn the language than Japanese, for example, or German. In general, all this is relative. But about what the average salary in the Czech Republic should be told.

average salary in the Czech Republic

Interesting Facts

First of all, it is worth noting that starting in 2015, minimum wage was established in 22 countries of the European Union. Depending on the state, this indicator varies from 200 to 2000 euros per month. Unfortunately, in the Czech Republic the minimum wage has been falling since 2004. And the minimum that the Czech government offers its citizens is about 332 euros. The situation is also sad in Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Croatia, Hungary in some other countries. This is about 25 thousand rubles a month. While in Russia this amount is quite normal income.

And this is taking into account the fact that starting from January 1 of this year, the minimum wage in the Czech Republic has been increased. Previously, Czech citizens received less than 700 kroons per month.

In general, in fairness it should be noted that the Czech Republic is not suitable for those people who want to earn more than in their homeland. Among all the countries of the European Union, it ranks fourth from the end in terms of profitability to its residents. Although the average salary in the Czech Republic is not bad. And this should be discussed in more detail.

average salaries in the Czech Republic

Payment by region and industry

The average salary in the Czech Republic is different. It all depends on the regions. In Prague, of course, they pay the most. There, the average salary is about one and a half thousand euros. This is approximately 110,000 rubles. And in regions that are far from the capital, people are paid much less - about 400-500 euros.

Most of all are specialists working in the field of administration, medicine and programming. The main employers are enterprises specializing in energy, as well as the railway, the Skoda concern and the post office.

In principle, if we compare the salary of a resident of this country and a Russian, the difference can be felt. For example, the average salary in the Czech Republic for a security guard is 700 euros, as well as for janitors at large enterprises. Police officers receive approximately 1200 cu Handymen - 1650 euros. School principals are paid 2700 cu each. But the most profitable position is the foreman. They get about 3200 euros.

The average salaries in the Czech Republic are not bad, in principle, but pensions are more impressive. Its standard size is 1200 euros. About 88 thousand rubles.

average salary in czech republic in dollars

Golden mean

So, it was said above that the highest average salary in the Czech Republic is among residents of the capital. In the provinces, of course, people get the least. And where can you find a middle ground in terms of income?

A good city for earning is Brno. By the way, this is the second largest city in the Czech Republic. There average earnings is 800-900 euros. In second place is Pilsen and Liberec. Residents of these cities are paid 700-800 euros per month. Closes the list of Pardubice. There, the average income is 600-700 euros.

What about resort towns? For many people, an association is triggered - since the place is attractive to tourists, then the salaries there must be appropriate. But in Karlovy Vary and Teplice not so much is paid - about 600-650 euros per month.

Czech average salary in kroons

Who is paid more?

As you could already see, the average salaries in the Czech Republic are quite low, as for a European state.But if a person received a popular specialty, then he can get a decent salary. Bankers and lawyers can expect good salaries. For these specialists, the average salary in the Czech Republic in kroons is 22-33 thousand. This is about 800-1200 euros.

Doctors and teachers can expect a salary of 700-800 cu A salary of 500-800 euros is received by people who are specialists in the tourism and service industry.

What about people involved in physical labor? There are some nuances. So, for example, highly qualified specialists with education and experience receive 800-900 euros. And those people who do work that does not require any additional skills, on average, get 350-500 cu


It should be noted that in this state men receive higher salaries than women. This is customary in many countries. For men, the average salary in the Czech Republic in dollars is approximately $ 1,100. And for women - $ 880. On average, income differs by 20%.

By the way, the retirement age in the Czech Republic is also calculated in a strange way. Men officially begin to receive benefits from 62 years and 8 months. And for a woman, when they begin to pay a pension to them depends on the number of children she gave birth to. For childless, this age is 61 years and 8 months. For the rest - in different ways. Every child is minus a year. She gave birth to five, which means she will retire at 56.

average salary in the Czech Republic

Shortage of specialists

Today in the Czech Republic there are not enough people who understand the work related to the financial, engineering and telecommunication spheres of activity. Still in demand are builders, car mechanics, plumbers, metallurgists and medical personnel. In general, people doing hard work. Now more and more lawyers and programmers. There are many, but not many good ones. Therefore, lawyers and programmers from other countries should not go to the Czech Republic to find a job there.

But doctors are needed there. This is because local residents, having received a diploma, are employed outside the Czech Republic - in Germany, Belgium, France, England, the USA. In general, in more prosperous states.

The Czech Republic, of course, is not the most attractive country for earning money, but there are states in which they pay much less. In Latvia and Bulgaria, for example. If a person there earns 600-700 euros per month, then he is considered quite wealthy.

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