
The largest salaries in Russia by region

Russia is a large country, therefore, uneven pay in different regions is a quite common phenomenon. Applicants for various positions are often interested in the question: where are the largest salaries in Russia?

Reasons for the unevenness of salaries in the regions of Russia

There are several reasons why wages are unevenly charged in Russia.

  1. The dependence of wages on the position. This reason is the most common and understandable. It is characteristic not only for the regions of Russia, but also for most countries of the world. High wages can boast of workers of rare specialties.
  2. Dependence of wages on the location of the region. Since Russia is a vast territory, it is not possible to develop all areas. The northern regions of the country are developing slowly, this process is hindered by the remoteness of the region, poor development of transport links, poor weather conditions throughout the year and other reasons. Hence the high cost of food, other goods, electricity and the largest salaries in Russia.
  3. Dependence of wages on working conditions. To attract labor to the northern regions, companies have to offer more favorable conditions. This is a working scheme for many regions. It is high salary that is the attractive condition that ensures the development of most large companies in the north of the country.
  4. The dependence of wages on the growth of business activity in the region. More recently, the Far East could not boast of high business activity, today a change in political course promises an increase in both employment and an increase in financial investments in the region. And this is not the only example.

the largest salaries in Russia

Feature of the Central Region

The well-known joke that the largest salaries in Russia are concentrated in Moscow, as well as other funds, is partly true. The central region is famous not so much for high wages as for stability.

Alas, not all areas here can boast of constant development and lack of wage arrears. There are problems in all regions of the country. But, despite the crisis, Moscow and the Moscow region are among the top ten regions in which the largest average salary in Russia. The level of this indicator can beat no more than three dozen cities across the country.

the largest salary in Russia

As for the Northern capital, the city of St. Petersburg, then its annual performance according to Rosstat is quite stable, but it is very behind Moscow. The performance of the entire Leningrad region is quite low and does not differ in growth over the past two years.

The wave of crisis and its impact on labor market in Russia

The protracted crisis that began last year and a number of panic expectations negatively affected the labor market. Across Russia, as early as the beginning of 2015, a total reduction in jobs began to be observed. The analysts' forecasts, which initially sounded like a sentence, only spurred this process.

The depreciation of the ruble amid instability in the oil market, as well as the pressure of economic and political sanctions, which are still valid today, only exacerbate this process. The regular increase in the value of most goods and the preservation of the level of wages in the regions led to the fact that the population was simply impoverished. In general, today it makes no sense to talk about the growth of wages in the regions in 2016. This period will be marked by either the preservation of wages, or their reduction.

where are the biggest salaries in Russia

Top 5 salaries by fields of activity and regions of the country

These indicators are evaluated annually by many recruitment agencies.Using the tables, we consider the largest salaries in Russia in some areas of activity.


Position Salary offer Region
1 International lawyer from 150,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles. Moscow
2 Deputy Head of Legal Department from 150 000 rubles Moscow
3 Senior lawyer from 150 000 rubles Moscow
4 Corporate Secretary from 150 000 rubles Moscow
5 Supervisor sales department secondary housing market from 150 000 rubles Moscow

Medical worker

Position Salary offer Region
1 Director of Traumatology and Orthopedics from 200 000 rubles Moscow
2 Dentist-implantologist-orthopedist from 200 000 rubles Moscow
3 Chief Product Manager from 200 000 rubles Moscow
4 Product Manager from 190 000 rubles Moscow
5 Regional Sales Manager from 100 000 rubles Moscow

This analysis provides a very clear picture of single wage offers. On the basis of this, however, it is impossible to conclude what is the largest salary in Russia.

The amount of remuneration by region

As we have already seen, the cities and regions of Russia are characterized by manifestations of social inequality of the population. The difference between the maximum and minimum incomes is quite high. In the current crisis period, this difference will not only persist, but also increase. According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, it is important at the moment to maintain stability in the country. This also applies to wages, especially where the situation is particularly precarious - in the social sphere.

what is the biggest salary in Russia

In order to determine what is the largest salary in Russia, it is not enough to determine the amount of earnings, it is also necessary to correlate it with the official subsistence minimum of the region. As a result, after calculating the ratio, a certain indicator will develop. According to the data at the beginning of 2015, the following picture developed:

  1. The Chukotka Autonomous Okrug had the best indicator, followed by the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Tyumen Oblast, and the Leningrad Oblast. Moscow took the eighth line in this list, losing to St. Petersburg. The largest salaries in Russia are registered in these regions.
  2. Sevastopol, Smolensk region, Ivanovo region, Republic of Crimea hold the worst indicators of the country today. On the whole, Crimea will hold the lowest ranking for quite some time, since initially the standard of living in Ukraine was slightly lower than the Russian one.

in which city of Russia the highest salaries

If you do not tie income to a living wage and proceed only from Rosstat data, it turns out that the largest wages in Russia are paid in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. For the first half of 2015, this is the amount of 79,700 rubles. The next two first places are confidently held by Chukotka and the Nenets okrug, where the nominal income is 78,400 and 72,200 rubles, respectively.

Leading Cities

Having figured out regional leadership, it's time to find out which city in Russia has the highest salaries. Of course, the cities of the oil sector of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug will be among the top five, but Primorsk of the Leningrad Region will be the absolute leader in this list. This is the city where the largest official salary in Russia is recorded, and this is an average figure.

the largest average salary in Russia

The top ten also include Nadym, Novy Urengoy, Lyantor, Mirny, Sosnovy Bor, Polyarnye Zori, Moscow. Most of these cities are the country's energy centers.

Job market

Job search is a complex process. To date, statistics show a reduction in the number of jobs and an increase in unemployment. The worst indicators in this regard are kept by Ingushetia and Chechnya, where unemployment is close to 20%.

The best indicators are in the two capitals and oil centers of the country. There unemployment for many years does not exceed 0.5%. The largest job market is considered to be Moscow.

the largest official salary in Russia

The overall picture of employment

Relying only on statistical data, it is rather difficult to assess the employment in the regions and find out where the largest official salary is in Russia.It is necessary to take into account the indicators of cities and the cost of living, which, as it turned out, is quite variable across the country.

The overall picture of employment is pretty good. The government’s annual work to create new jobs in Ingushetia and Chechnya is paying off. However, according to most experts, the growth of citizens' income in the near future should not be expected.

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