
Validity of CTP: Legislation

The process of compulsory motor liability insurance is established by law. He also determines the validity of the policy. As for the insurance document, there are some nuances that motorists must consider. It is important to know not only the validity of the CTP, but also the rules for its extension.

Norms of law

The previous version of the insurance law indicates that the agreement is valid for 1 year. The exception is only a few cases. The insurance contract is renewed for the next year only if the insured person notifies the company 2 months before the expiration of the document.

validity period

An extended policy cannot but be valid for delays in the payment of insurance premiums, but only for 1 month. Please note that contributions must be paid based on the approved rate. If the delay is more than 30 days, then the insurance is terminated automatically. But since 2008, this rule has ceased to work, so the MTPL is valid for 1 year. The policy must be issued no later than 10 days from the date of purchase of the car.

When expired

If MTPL has expired, the client can contact the company to extend the agreement for 1 year. You must contact your insurer, give him documents for transport. After checking the data, the specialist will draw up a new contract.

diagnostic card validity period for liability insurance

An individual has the right to choose another company that performs similar services. If the company did not like the service, then you can go to another organization. Usually the reason for this is favorable tariffs, excellent customer reviews, a license.

And if you do not renew?

There are drivers who do not want to renew the policy. Not everyone knows that the additional 30 days after the end of the year are not valid. Now this is unacceptable, so the traffic police inspector can write a fine, even if the delay is 1 day. Therefore, you must first find out how to extend the validity of CTP.

Since 2016, new insurance forms are valid. If the owner has a policy, then it will be valid until the end of the period. Customers have the right to replace the old document with a new one, and this service is free.

Normal expiration date

On the current document 2 lines are indicated: the period of use and the validity period. The policy can be used for 12 months. Then it can be extended repeatedly while transport is being used. The car can be insured for specific months. Such a service is convenient in case of:

  • use of the car only in a certain period;
  • vehicle sales;
  • permanent stay on business trips.

validity of the OSAGO policy

The minimum validity period of the MTPL policy is 3 months. Keep in mind that this period counts for the year. To get such a document, you need to pay 50% of the total amount.

Diagnostic Card Duration

A diagnostic card is issued along with the policy. The document is also important, therefore its presence is necessary. What is the validity period of a diagnostic card for compulsory motor liability insurance? This period depends on the time the machine was made.

If the car is more than 7 years old, then the document is issued for 12 months. What is the validity period of the diagnostic card for compulsory motor third-party liability insurance if the car is 3–7 years old? In this case, the document can be used for 2 years. When transport is less than 3 years old, then a card is not required.

The price of technical inspection does not change. The state duty is 300 rubles, and the diagnosis is 400-450. If the car owner contacts his dealer, then the card may be issued free of charge due to ongoing promotions.

How to find out the deadlines?

The car owner can verify the validity of the CTP insurance can be performed independently. There are many services for this.Usually you need to provide insurance details, a series of policies, a blank number. After entering the code, you need to wait for the result. Information is checked in the union of car insurers.

Checking the validity of the insurance policy allows you to get information about the date of conclusion of insurance, status. Information is also provided about the insurer, the date of sale, the commencement of the document, and its expiration date.

verification of the validity of a liability

Renewal option

To extend the policy, a few days before the procedure, the insurance company must be notified about this. If you want to use the services of this company in the future, then the document is automatically renewed. Some firms offer home insurance extensions.

To extend the policy, you must provide:

  • policy;
  • passport with its copy;
  • power of attorney for the car;
  • driver's license;
  • certificate of inspection.

After that, the document is extended. If there is no delay, then the driver will not be fined. It is only necessary to take the policy with you always, like other documents.

A responsibility

For violation of deadlines or lack of documents, liability is provided. If the driver did not have a policy when stopping by a traffic police officer, then he will have to pay 500 rubles. An administrative warning is also possible.

validation of the liability insurance policy

When the machine is driven by a person who is not included in the contract, a fine of 500 rubles is provided. When the document is delayed, the violator needs to pay 800 rubles. If errors were found in the document, the driver is not punished for this.

The validity period of OSAGO is determined by the category of machine, the time of its use. These parameters are established by insurance legislation. The owner of the vehicle has the right to choose insurance and its duration. It must be borne in mind that if the price of the policy rises due to inflation or tariff changes, then the cost of the previously acquired document does not change.

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