
Is inspection required if there is insurance? Inspection and insurance

Over the past three years, car insurance and technical inspection have undergone some changes. Alas, not everyone has time to follow them and understand the meaning of the new rules. The question often arises as to whether inspection is necessary, if there is insurance. Let's try to figure it out.

A bit about inspection

A vehicle inspection is a check of its technical condition, including parts and elements of additional equipment, for compliance with mandatory safety requirements in order to be allowed to participate in traffic on the territory of our country, as well as abroad. The procedure and terms for its passage are strictly established by federal law.

Do I need inspection if I have insuranceIn 2012, two reforms significant for motorists were adopted. The first concerned technical inspection: since the beginning of August, the issuance of coupons has stopped. Instead, they began to issue a diagnostic card, which contains all the information about the car, technical condition and validity period. The second concerned the insurance process.

Vehicle Inspection and Insurance

In addition to the new form, the main goal has changed passing inspection. Previously issued insurance policy, and then, having this document in hand, it was possible to get a technical inspection ticket. Now everything is exactly the opposite. Now the maintenance card is required for registration CTP. Insurance companies stopped issuing policies without a valid document. They want to be sure that the car they are using is fully operational.

vehicle inspectionFrom the foregoing, it can be concluded that for ordinary drivers, passing a technical inspection is mainly necessary for obtaining an insurance policy. In other cases, the absence of a valid diagnostic card does not affect anything.

Inspection for a new car

According to federal law, a new vehicle does not require a vehicle inspection for the first three years. This regulation applies to the following vehicles:

  • Cars and trucks, trailers, the permissible maximum mass of which does not exceed 3.5 tons.
  • Motor vehicles.

When you purchase a new car the previous year, you get (albeit formally) a used car, which began the second year of operation. Therefore, it must be remembered that the first inspection should not take place after three years, but after two.

inspection ticketVehicle inspection - requirement international convention. Therefore, when traveling outside of Russia, it should be borne in mind that a diagnostic card may even be needed on a new car. Not all countries, when crossing the border, control the availability of documents confirming the relevant check, but if there is a suspicion that the car is defective, they can check its technical condition. In case of problems, you will have to turn around and go back to Russia.

Is it possible to extend the insurance policy if the diagnostic card expires

Previously, car insurance was issued only if there was a technical inspection ticket, which expires after more than six months. Now there is no such requirement. That is, if the validity of the diagnostic card expires on January 31, then the registration of the policy is possible even on the last day of this month.

The question has been settled, the inspection ticket as a document has lost force. Now there is no need for it, and even more so there is no need to observe its six-month validity period before crossing the threshold of an insurance company.

car insuranceIs it possible not to bring a maintenance card with you? Can a traffic police officer demand a vehicle inspection pass?

Each driver must have a driver's license, a certificate of registration of a car and an insurance policy with him when traveling. Speaking about whether a vehicle inspection is necessary, if there is insurance, it must be taken into account that traffic police officers are forbidden to require the presentation of a diagnostic card from car drivers. But the car inspector has every right to ask for an insurance policy.

Since, under federal law, car insurance is not issued without a diagnostic card, this document will be clear evidence that the car has passed a technical inspection. But the lack of an insurance policy is the basis for an administrative penalty in the form of a fine. But this only applies to category B cars. Drivers whose duty is to undergo inspection every six months must carry a diagnostic card with them.

Will the insurance company pay compensation if the validity period of the coupon expires at the time of the accident?

The changes that affected the inspection and compulsory insurance led to certain questions, for example, whether inspection is needed if there is insurance, and what to do if the diagnostic card has expired.

OSAGO insuranceMany people think that in case of an accident, an insurance company will need to provide a valid document on the passage of the inspection as the culprit of the accident and the victim. But this is an erroneous opinion. If there is OSAGO insurance, is a technical inspection necessary in this case? The insurance company has every reason to submit regressive requirements if, at the time of the accident, the culprit has expired a diagnostic card. But this applies only to a certain category of vehicles. The victim does not need to present this document under any circumstances.

AT the Law "On CTP" the absence of a diagnostic card is not indicated as a reason for refusing payments. Thus, if at the time of the accident the culprit of the accident will not have a valid document on the passage of the technical inspection, the insurance company will still compensate the victim, as there are no legal grounds for refusing.

The consequences of the lack of a diagnostic card

Often the question arises about the impact of the lack of a valid technical inspection on insurance payment for participants in the incident. In accordance with federal law, if the culprit of an accident at the time of the accident has expired the TO card, the insurance company has every reason to present him with claims to reimburse the expenses incurred by it.

Fortunately, this provision of the law does not apply to everyone. Regressive requirements may be imposed on owners of vehicles that are required to undergo a technical inspection every six months: these are specialized vehicles designed for the transport of dangerous goods, taxis and vehicles with more than eight seats for passenger transport. Therefore, their drivers to drive, not having this document with them, is simply unacceptable.

inspection and insurance

The absence of a compulsory motor third-party liability insurance policy for cars older than three years and a diagnostic card for owners whose vehicle must be inspected every six months entails an appropriate administrative penalty, namely a fine in the amount of 500 to 800 rubles.


So, based on the foregoing, the question of whether inspection is necessary, if there is insurance, you can give the answer: in any case, do not neglect them. Despite the prevailing opinion, even with insurance, a TO card is necessary. In the event of an accident, the insurance company is entitled to refuse payment to the injured party. Legally, they have no reason for this. But, alas, unscrupulous companies often take every opportunity to avoid a payout.Going to court, of course, will solve the problem, the insurance company will be obliged to pay off debts. But isn’t it easier to go through maintenance once than to sue for months and spend a decent amount on lawyers?

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