
Rights of category D. How to get them and how much do you need to study?

Category D permissions allow drivers to drive a vehicle that has more than eight seats. Thanks to this category, passengers can be transported by public transport.

Category D and its main derivatives

If you obtain rights in this category, the driver will be able to get a job to transport passengers. At the same time, he gets the right to control the minibus, where there are more than eight seats. In this case, the driver’s position is not taken in the total amount. The rights of category D make it possible to drive a vehicle where there is a trailer. But its mass should not exceed 750 kilograms.

Today, in the automobile school, you can get category D1, which opens up opportunities for passenger transportation. For example, the driver will be able to ride a small bus, where there are places for 9-16 passengers. In this case, we are only talking about seats. Current legislation allows the use of a trailer, which should have a mass of up to 700 kilograms.

Category D1E is intended for large and heavy trailers, but it does not apply to the transport of people. The maximum permissible mass of the vehicle must not exceed 12,000 kilograms. category d rights

Requirements for obtaining category D rights

Every year there are a large number of people who want to drive a vehicle. A special program has been drawn up at the automobile school so that drivers will receive category D. The rights will have a special mark for applying for a job or presenting their documents to the road patrol in case of verification.

There is a list of requirements that have been put forward for drivers:

  • Rights for categories “B” and “C” must be obtained earlier. That is, if a person wants to work on a fixed-route taxi, but until that time he has not driven any vehicle, then he needs to get two of the above categories. And only then we can think about the rights of category D.
  • The experience of categories “B” and “C” must be at least three years. Otherwise, the driver will not be allowed to study.
  • Age over 21 years.
  • The presence of a medical book, the content of which must fully comply with the State standard of the average healthy citizen. That is, a person should not have any diseases acquired during the whole time that can be transmitted by airborne droplets.

The driver should not pose any danger to passengers who will travel by public transport (if we are talking about a fixed-route taxi). category d in rights

Learning Features

When all the requirements are taken into account and the driver passes the procedure for obtaining a medical book, then you can start training. Category D rights may not be issued by every automotive school. This is due to the fact that there is no instructor or specialized transport, which today costs quite a lot of money. The training of drivers in this category is now engaged in modern or Soviet driving schools, which have in their arsenal a sufficient number of transport equipment.

Each organization that trains drivers for category D has its own approach and program. But for each training center there are general requirements - this is training in road signs, as well as developing skills in driving a large-sized vehicle. When the training comes to an end, each student must pass an excellent theoretical exam.Instructors can ask a lot of questions regarding medical care. category d driver

List of documents and tuition fees at a car school

Education for category D costs from 55 to 60 thousand rubles. The duration of such training can reach from two to three months. But after training and successfully passing the main exam, a category d driver will be able to control a fixed-route taxi or city bus.

Documents that must be passed for training in an automotive school for category D:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Photocopies of 1, 2 and 12 pages.
  3. Identification code and its photocopy.
  4. Medical certificate or book.
  5. Color photographs in the amount of 5 pieces measuring 3.5 * 4.5 cm.
  6. A photocopy of the driver’s license.
  7. A document that confirms the presence of a three-year continuous driving experience. This may be an extract from the work book, documents on the right to own or drive a passenger vehicle. In this case, it is necessary to provide a registration certificate and a power of attorney for the car.

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