
Liability insurance. Description, types and main nuances

An action with stipulated obligations to third parties, including damage to property or health, is called "liability insurance". It is one of the services included in the property type offer, if guided by the Civil Code of the country. But the Federal Law "On the Organization of Insurance in the Russian Federation" regulates activities as a separate structure.


Today, the main industry is divided into several types and directions:

  • Tourism.
  • Professional sphere.
  • Carriers.
  • Failure to comply with contracts and agreements.
  • An enterprise that is a source of increased threat.
  • Motor transport.owner liability insurance

Most of these types are voluntary liability insurance. The following situations can be attributed to the mandatory option:

  • Car owners under federal law (FZ), published in the spring of 2002.
  • For obligations stipulated in the event of an accident at the hydroelectric power station and damage caused by the results of the destruction.
  • Customs brokers, guided by the order of the State Customs Committee of Russia, in force since 1998.
  • Notaries, according to the 1993 Legislative Basics.
  • Auditors in the Federal Law "On Audit Organizations", which entered into force in the summer of 2001.
  • Enterprises that are engaged in the operation of facilities operating on nuclear fuel.
  • Liability insurance of professional appraisers. A government decree with a corresponding decree began to work in 2001.
  • Organizations that have the status of a source of increased threat.

Motor civil liability (CTP)

At the moment, in our country there is a law under which all official car owners are subject to insurance. Responsibility comes at the time of an accident committed by an individual or a third party.compulsory liability insurance of owners By purchasing such a policy, a citizen saves money in the event of an accident. The main features of the proposal are the exclusion of reduction of payments of a fixed amount by the amount of already held contributions and the restriction of specific situations for the entire MTPL period specified during the preparation of the document. Compulsory liability insurance of vehicle owners includes a strictly calculated cost according to the tariffs established and controlled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. If we talk directly about the amounts paid in specific cases, then two options can be noted:

  • Four hundred thousand rubles with damaged property, and to each victim.
  • Not more than half a million rubles at the time of damage to life or health to all who have been injured or died. In the latter case, compensation is issued to the next of kin.

Housing problem

The last time of leaks, poor-quality repairs, fire and other unpleasant cases are justly considered an unfortunate circumstance due to the ability to insure themselves against unforeseen situations.liability insurance The main features of the proposed product are:

  • Valid for rental housing.
  • Inclusion in the liability insurance of apartment owners of services related to problems arising from reconstruction, repair work, re-equipment or redevelopment.
  • Payments are made for both material and physical damage.

The main advantages of home insurance can be called the reliability of leading companies providing services in this field of public services, the quick execution of an agreement at the office and courier delivery if desired by the consumer, the minimum number of documents included in the mandatory package at the time of application, and the exclusion of inspection of housing by employees of the organization.


A minibar, expensive furniture, air conditioning and a TV - all this is in the hotels of the states, where the main direction of the economy is the tourist area.on compulsory liability insurance Often property is damaged by resident citizens of other countries, so the rules of liability insurance apply to such cases. It doesn’t matter with what intentions the damage was done - either intentionally or randomly. Especially common is the offer in ski areas, where damage is often caused to tourists descending the slope. This happens when you fall independently at high speed, and in a collision with another participant in the route.

Service Classification on the European continent and in the USA

In neighboring and distant countries with extensive industrial development, as well as in Russia, there are laws on compulsory liability insurance. They govern the conditions and varieties of offers in force in the country. The main types practically do not differ from domestic packages and look as follows:

  • For damage to nature.
  • Manufacturer of products.
  • Automotive Infrastructure
  • Professional area of ​​activity.
  • Enterprises belonging to various industries.
  • Private sphere.

Mediation of foreign groups

liability insurance rulesThe activities of companies that have a legal address outside Russia and can act as an arbitration organization are based on the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. The legislation allows mediation in such areas as:

  • Cross-border movement of private cars (both cars and trucks).
  • Products with the status of a transit product.
  • Air and sea transportation, including commercial.
  • Liability insurance in case of health damage in case of accidents.
  • Space area.

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