
Types of insurance in the Russian Federation, definition and classification. Types of compulsory social insurance in the Russian Federation

Insurance is an opportunity to financially protect yourself from various risks. In our difficult and unpredictable times, this is very important. This service has long been relevant, but after various types of compulsory insurance were introduced in the Russian Federation, almost the entire population of the country began to use it. What is this activity in Russia? Let's define the main types of insurance in the Russian Federation, and also specify other nuances of this service industry.

types of insurance in rf


Despite the fact that the types of insurance in the Russian Federation are represented in a rather wide assortment, all this activity can be characterized by one definition.

This is a unique mechanism by which part of the possible risks falls on the shoulders of the organization that provides these services. It is natural that, like for any other service, a legal or natural person who wants to minimize risks must pay. The loss compensation fund in the event of an insured event is formed from periodic or one-time cash contributions.


Now let's look at specific types of insurance in the Russian Federation and establish how this form of services is classified.

types of compulsory insurance in rf

All types of this activity can be classified by two factors: by object and by level of commitment. In accordance with these criteria, the types of insurance are determined. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation knows two main types of insurance in terms of compulsory: voluntary and compulsory. These species will be examined in detail below.

Voluntary insurance

The voluntary type of insurance provides for the conclusion of an agreement at the request of the client. He himself decides which risks to protect himself from and which company to contact in this regard.

All types of voluntary insurance in the Russian Federation are divided into two fundamental groups: life insurance and others types of services.

Life insurance

One of the most popular types of these services is life insurance. In most cases, it provides for long-term periodic contributions. For natural reasons, this type of service is intended only for individuals.

An insured event is recorded either upon death or upon surviving to a certain age. Most often, payment is made in the presence of any of two events. This group also includes voluntary pension insurance.

Other voluntary types of insurance

Other types of voluntary insurance include a fairly wide range of services. But it can be divided into three main groups:

  • personal insurance;
  • liability insurance;
  • property insurance.

types of voluntary insurance in rf

The first of these types provides that the object of action is the person himself. Thus, first of all, various forms of health insurance can be attributed to this type.

Medical insurance

By the name itself, it is clear that this type of insurance is associated with the state of human health. Insurance payment involves the reimbursement of funds for injury or for payment of medical services.

The following types medical insurance in the Russian Federation:

  • in case of illness;
  • in case of accident;
  • in the form of compensation for payment for treatment.

As a rule, all types of diseases are negotiated separately. Not all of them are considered an insured event. For example, with a cold, it is unlikely that anyone will receive a payment.

The insurance contract may be canceled if the client has hidden the real state of his health at the time of its conclusion.

Liability Insurance

Recently, more and more often it is heard about this type of legal relationship, as liability insurance. It provides for the payment of funds to the injured individual or legal entity in the event of unintentional acts that cause harm. The policyholder can be either a person or an organization.

types of state insurance in rf

Now quite a lot of people want to protect themselves from the risks of liability, therefore they carry out voluntary insurance even when the law for this type of activity does not provide for the implementation of such actions without fail.

Most often, this type of agreement is made by the owners of automobile, water or railway transport, as well as the persons managing them. This type of service is popular with financially responsible persons in case of shortage or damage to property. You can insure liability in case of accrual of a penalty for failure to perform work under the contract. Enterprises that operate hazardous facilities, quite often voluntarily try to protect themselves from such risks.

Property insurance

The loss of property has always been regarded by people as a heavy loss. Therefore, in order to alleviate the bitterness of the loss of a valuable thing, theft, destruction of a house (say, due to tragic circumstances) or the death of a crop, many people prefer to insure the item about the safety of which they are most worried.

types of insurance rk rf

There are certain types of insurance in the Russian Federation for property. This is a relevant act in respect of automobiles, real estate, water, air or rail transport, valuable goods.

Separately, it should be highlighted agricultural insurance. It is also considered a property type. Clients are most often agricultural firms or farmers who insure crops or livestock. Often this type of service is provided with state support. Therefore, sometimes it is assigned to the list, which includes types of state insurance in the Russian Federation.

Compulsory insurance

This type provides for the obligatory conclusion of an agreement if the client has a certain condition (the performance of specific works or services, the ownership of a vehicle, etc.)

The main types of compulsory insurance in the Russian Federation: personal, liability, other types. All these types also have their own division into groups. For example, other types include mainly various types of social insurance in the Russian Federation. We will talk more about all of them below.

Personal Compulsory Insurance

This type of contract is obligated to be concluded by various travel agencies, passenger carriers, medical institutions, hotels, military units, etc. The object of legal relations is the life and health of guests, passengers, tourists, patients, military personnel, etc. In this case, the policyholder and beneficiary - different faces.

As a rule, funds to pay for such events are included in the operating costs of a particular company or organization.

Compulsory liability insurance

In addition to voluntary liability insurance its obligatory form exists. The agreement is concluded by vehicle owners, air carriers and companies or persons operating hazardous facilities, the degree of risk to others from the accident of which is certified by a special document.

types of compulsory social insurance in rf

The most popular type of compulsory insurance, without a doubt, is CTP. All vehicle owners must necessarily conclude an appropriate contract. The fact that there are many car owners in our country, which explains the demand for this particular service.The owner of the vehicle, which has not acquired OSAGO, may be fined by regulatory authorities.

In Russia, this type of insurance was launched in 2003, and in 2014 it was subjected to significant reform. The essence of this service implies in the event of damage to the owner of another vehicle as a result of an accident, payment of monetary compensation to the latter at the expense of the insurance company. Thus, a rather strong material burden of responsibility will be removed from the person who caused the unintentional damage, according to which his financial situation might not allow him to pay, and the injured party can be sure of receiving monetary compensation for the losses incurred. But the main condition for paying the sum insured is the registration of the accident by the traffic police.

Another type of liability insurance is a liability insurance. It is issued to the owner of hazardous production facilities. An insured event occurs when an accident occurs, in connection with which material damage or harm to the health of others was caused.

Other forms of compulsory insurance

All other types of compulsory insurance are classified as miscellaneous. Most often, this includes mandatory social security for employees in the event of an unforeseen event (illness, dismissal, etc.)

There are the following types of compulsory social insurance in the Russian Federation:

  • pension;
  • from an industrial accident;
  • temporary disability;
  • in case of loss of work.

The payment of contributions is entrusted partly to the employee, and partly to the employer. But in any case, the collection and administration of payments is solely the responsibility of the employer. If the insured person is an individual entrepreneur, the entire burden of payment of payments falls on his shoulders.

Insurance value

Of course, all types of insurance perform a rather important function of risk distribution. This allows even in case of a certain loss to at least partially compensate for the loss.

types of health insurance in rf

Mandatory forms of insurance are of great importance. They significantly help reduce the level of social tension in society in the event of various force majeure circumstances, and also guarantee a steady income even in case of loss of work due to age or other reasons.

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