
Types and forms of insurance

Not all people are positive about insurance. And completely in vain. This is partly due to the fact that they do not understand the essence and form of insurance.

An interesting fact is that in English such type of service called insurance (from the word sure - trust, confidence). In Russian, the word “fear” is fundamental. The difference is obvious - abroad, various forms and types of insurance at a subconscious level cause sympathy, and in our language negative emotions associated with fear.

insurance forms

Perhaps this also affects a person who is at a crossroads and does not know whether he needs to use such services.

What is insurance?

Insurance refers to the services of a specialized company. She assumes certain risks that may occur with the insured object. Accordingly, she charges a fee for such services. There are various forms of insurance.

When registering the relationship between the insurer and the policyholder, a contract is concluded. In the event of the events defined by this document, the company must compensate the losses incurred to the beneficiary.

Subjects of insurance relations

An insurer is directly a company that has a license to conduct insurance activities. On her behalf, contracts are concluded and compensation payments are made depending on the form of insurance.

The policyholder is the person who directly concludes an agreement with the insurer on the provision of relevant services. They can be both individuals and legal entities who wish to insure either life or property.

insurance contract form

Insurance object - tangible or intangible assets, which are specified in the contract and for which the insurer is responsible. Almost all objects can be such objects: a car, an apartment, houses, a land plot, documents and much more.

In the case of a personal form of insurance, the object will be an individual. You can insure yourself and another person.

Beneficiary - an individual or legal entity that will receive insurance compensation for losses incurred by the object of relations. Such a person must be indicated in the insurance contract.

Agent - a legal entity that has the right to conclude contracts with policyholders on behalf of the insurance company. Typically, agents are banks and other financial institutions.

What are the forms and types of insurance?

In order to better understand what insurance is, we define the types and forms that exist today.

Focusing on legal forms, insurance is divided into:

  • state;
  • cooperative;
  • mutual;
  • private.

forms and types of insurance

It follows that both government agencies and other companies can engage in such activities. But, despite the organizational forms of insurance listed above, one can also distinguish two of its types:

  • required;
  • optional.

Through the mandatory form, the state is implementing its policy in the field of insurance services. In the Russian Federation there is a compulsory insurance form in the following areas:

  1. Civil liability of drivers of vehicles.
  2. Medical treatment.
  3. Passenger transportation.
  4. Social insurance.
  5. Life insurance for military personnel and tax officials.

The optional form includes those types of insurance, whether or not to use it, each one determines for himself.

By type of insurance object, it happens:

  • property;
  • personal;
  • liability Insurance.

The first type includes everything related to the property of a person: cars, apartments, houses, yachts and other values.

The second type includes life and health insurance.

In the third case, insurance is subject to liability to third parties. A vivid example is the “auto-citizen”, in which the driver’s liability to other road users is insured.

Next, we consider the varieties of those products that, in the amount of collected insurance premiums, occupy the majority of the insurance services market.

What are the types of hull insurance?

CASCO is a voluntary form of car insurance. If you want to save your vehicle, then you can’t do without CASCO. Such insurance involves compensation for damage resulting from theft, etc.

There are no specific differences in the name of the insurance service with the insurers in the contract. But among the people it is customary to distinguish between full and incomplete hull insurance.

Under the full understand the widest list of risks included in the insurance contract, which the insurer agrees to cover. This includes theft, damage to external and internal equipment due to unlawful actions of third parties, the negative impact of the environment, the fall of a tree, damage due to other events and much more.

Partial CASCO

Partial CASCO is considered to be “shortened” proposals, in which some risks are not included. Usually in such cases, the insurance company does not compensate for damage if it occurred due to bad weather conditions, other events, theft of wheels or wheels, moldings, etc.

The inclusion or withdrawal of certain options from the insurance contract is due to the fact that a full range of services, the inclusion of all types of risks make the cost of hull very large, which not everyone can afford. Insurance payment can reach up to 20% of the cost of the car. And this is far from the limit.

compulsory insurance

In which case no payment is made?

However, it is worth noting that in all types of CASCO the insurance contract form implies refusal to pay compensation in the event of:

  • driving a faulty car, if the driver knew this, before driving;
  • violation of safety precautions and operating rules, transportation of various substances, including fuels and lubricants;
  • fraudulent actions of the driver or passengers, or other related persons who caused damage to the car;
  • driving a car by persons who are not entitled to it, without documents, without a driver’s license;
  • car participation in sports, driving training or other cases associated with an increased risk of damage to the vehicle;
  • damage to a motor vehicle due to military operations, natural disasters, explosions, etc.

What are the varieties of CTP?

Everyone "favorite" insurance policy liability insurance can be divided into several types.

One of them is one that includes in the contract an unlimited number of drivers who have the right to drive a motor vehicle. Its main advantage is that it will always act, regardless of who is sitting behind the wheel of a car.

compulsory insurance

This kind liability insurance profitable for business related to the transport of goods or passengers. After all, no matter who is put in the truck, the responsibility of the driver will always be insured.

The main disadvantage of such an insurance policy is its cost. The insurance company is not ready to take on a high level of risk for free, so you have to pay well for such conditions.

Next, we highlight the type of contract, which includes a certain list of drivers who have the right to drive a car. There is an opportunity to register surnames of those people who will drive. AND insurance policy will only apply to them.

This option significantly affects the level of insurance payment under the contract in a smaller direction. This is beneficial enough for families who have one car and several driver's licenses. The downside is that if suddenly an insured event occurred and the vehicle was driven by a person not from the list specified in the contract, the insurer will not pay anything.

Seasonal agreement is a great option for intermittent work.

There are also so-called seasonal CTP insurance contracts. They differ from others in that they conclude not for a year, as usual, but for a shorter period. The cost is low, but the duration is short.

They are beneficial to those who deal with seasonal work. For example, if a truck is only engaged in the transportation of any vegetables that are harvested once a year, then think about whether to buy annual insurance, if you can get a CTP policy for a short period of time for less money.

Health Insurance Services

Forms of health insurance: mandatory and optional.

According to statistics, every 7th Russian has a compulsory health insurance policy.

Back in 1993, the government of the Russian Federation decided to introduce compulsory health insurance. It is part of the form. social insurance in the system of protection of citizens.

As part of this type of insurance, the insurer assumes the obligation to financially cover the costs of preventive, sanitary and primary medical care to the insured person.

Voluntary health insurance

A great view is optional health insurance. Depending on the financial capabilities of a person, you can insure your health or your loved ones.

However, one must remember that not every person can be insured. Usually, the form of an insurance contract implies a ban on its conclusion if a person has:

  • various types and forms of cancer;
  • tuberculosis;
  • the presence of immunodeficiency virus in both active and dormant phases;
  • problems with the mental state, imbalance, mental disorders;
  • disability of 1.2 groups;
  • is in hospital treatment at the moment when he came to the insurance company to draw up the contract.

health insurance forms

Voluntary health insurance helps cover the costs of paying for health services that are necessary due to an individual’s health condition. In addition, it covers the costs of preventive treatment, which will reduce the incidence.

Such insurance is useful, because when applying to certain medical or medical institutions that are provided for in the contract, there is the possibility of quick reimbursement of financial expenses.

However, it is worth remembering cases in which the insurance payment will not take place in the event of:

  1. Injury, damage or other harm to health that occurred while intoxicated.
  2. Health damage caused by unlawful actions of the insured person.
  3. Intentional self-infliction of injuries, injuries, injuries.
  4. Treatment and purchase of medicines that are not agreed with your doctor.
  5. Injuries and injuries that occurred as a result of other events (nuclear explosion, civil war, military operations, extremist acts, terrorist acts, natural disaster, etc.).

Insurance is a way to protect yourself

Thanks to this type of service, you can provide yourself and your family with financial assistance in case of unforeseen events. Of course, everyone decides for himself how to relate to insurance, but financial guarantees for a small fee will never hurt.

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