
Insurance business: how to open an insurance company. Insurance Company Business Plan

Any person wants to protect themselves, no matter what happens to him in life. This is not always possible, but insurance services allow in most cases to solve problems. In such companies, everyone makes money using the eternal care of a person about himself, his fears for property, life, health. For those who understand how to open an insurance company, this business becomes truly profitable.

How and where to start?

how to open an insurance company

In the world there are quite a lot of organizations that provide services in this direction. But not every organizer of such a business receives huge revenues from his activities. Of course, there are companies that are known to everyone, they have long become leaders in this field.

If you want to organize a truly sought-after company, you must offer services that are really relevant, but not present in all competitors. It is important that the client can fully satisfy his needs in your company.

The first steps

How to open an insurance company? First, you need to go through the registration procedure. Most often, they use the forms of a closed joint-stock company or a closed joint-stock company, or open joint-stock company or open joint-stock company. There is a registration type LLC (limited liability company), but this happens much less often. The business plan of the insurance company must take into account the form in which the company is created.

In this case, it is mandatory to draw up the charter of the organization. This document indicates what the company does, what services it provides. To get extra profit, you can include work that is associated with assessment and expertise. Of course, it is not a fact that a person who has thought about how to open an insurance company will immediately deal with all this. But in the future this will provide additional income.

In general, firms that work in this area can be divided into two types. Some are involved in life insurance, while others do not solve such issues. The problems associated with human life always had a weak base in terms of laws. In addition, quite large investments will be needed to do just that, which cannot be said about other activities. A small amount is enough to organize other work.

About Services and Finance

Most experts say that it will take at least five hundred thousand dollars to those who think how to open an insurance company. There are several areas where you should invest this money from the very beginning:

1) Of course, you need to advertise your business, otherwise there simply will be no customers.

2) A certain amount must also be allocated to attract future employees.

3) You have to pay for the premises, because not everyone from the very beginning has the opportunity to purchase something in the property.

In addition, it is worth remembering that in universal companies they try to expand the list of available services. In this case, most customers will be individuals, this should also be taken into account.

What about licenses?

how to open an insurance office

You must contact the Ministry of Finance to get this document. A license will require a number of papers from the business owner himself.

For example, you will need a tariff calculation, insurance and constituent documentation. The business plan of the insurance company will also be needed, but it will be a bit later.

The head must confirm to the representatives of the Ministry their qualifications.Previous positions, work experience and education - all this information will need to be provided.

Representatives of this state body study the past activities of the head very carefully. Finally, in the future it will be necessary to pay the state fee on time.

If a person really thinks how to open an insurance office, he will have to be prepared for the fact that it can take up to six months to get a license. Only after the completion of this process is the organization listed as having other firms.

What to do with the room?

The main requirement for the building where the office will be located is practicality. Of course, an attractive appearance is also important, but do not focus on it. It is better to do everything possible to make the room functional. If there will be a lot of visitors, this must be taken into account in advance. The license of the insurance company should be in a prominent place so that consumers are confident in the quality of the services provided.

It is important to ensure that customers can reach the company representatives by any means of transport. Well, if you manage to settle somewhere in the center. Six hundred square meters is the minimum area that is most suitable for this type of business. You can open offices in other areas, so that work is more productive. An area of ​​50 to 100 sq.m. is quite enough for these rooms.

About customers and staff

Of course, it is not easy to find personnel whose qualifications would be high enough. You will have to spend a lot of time to find the right people, for the most part they will come from other firms and companies.

The main thing is to offer more favorable conditions that can really interest one or another person. First you need to hire from one hundred to one hundred and fifty sales representatives to quickly take a leading position in their field.

You also need to take care of your customers, it will not be enough just to recruit competent employees. In addition, it is important not just to find a person. He must stay with this company. Advertising, of course, helps, but by itself, in isolation from everything else, it is a rather weak tool. It is important to rely on a range of services.

A bit about affiliates

To understand how insurance companies work, from the very beginning you can open not a new business, but a branch or branch of an organization that already exists and works in the market. The activities of such firms are perfectly acceptable and permitted. The main thing is to comply with the requirements prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In addition, we must remember that branches can be opened only for those organizations that have at least five years of experience in one direction or another. The financial asset of the insurance company also plays an important role. It should be at least five billion dollars.

How is this done in practice?

First of all, you need to enter into negotiations with the leadership of the selected organization. If the negotiations are successful, then you can already talk about how to sell insurance. Most often, when documents are signed, a franchise is acquired. Instead, the main organization gives all the necessary papers so that you can register. A separate permission is issued for the use of a particular brand.

Additional office information

how to sell insurance

Insurance in itself is a specific type of business. Much here depends on how a particular entrepreneur is represented on the market. It is equally important to offer a fairly wide range of services, to hire employees who really inspire confidence. It is unlikely that buyers will trust one-day firms that do not have any reputation.

As for the area of ​​the room, it should be chosen so that not only all employees, but also clients are comfortably accommodated.Of course, it is better to carry out cosmetic repairs.

If not only the head office is opened, but also the offices, all rooms should be decorated in approximately the same style. At the same time, it is necessary not only to develop a brand, but also competently conduct its advertising. If a branch of a company that is already on the market opens, then the design should be done accordingly.

What else should you look for when choosing staff?

For any company that works in this direction, the issue of recruiting employees is one of the fundamental. Workers should not only communicate with customers, but also solve any problems that arise in the organization. Numerous interviews with potential employees should not be neglected.

If services related to examination and evaluation will be provided, then it is possible to hire employees on staff and officially. But you need to understand how relevant services are in this direction at one time or another. The decision will be right if you competently work out business ideas. Insurance can bring enough profit.

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