
Insurance business: how to sell insurance. Insurance Agency - A to Z Business Plan

Insurance Agency Business PlanToday, own business is becoming increasingly popular. Not everyone is satisfied with labor for an outsider. Own business is a great opportunity to show the qualities of a leader, as well as significantly increase revenues.

However, all this will become a reality only if you approach the business with wisdom and responsibility. This rule applies to all options for investing available funds, without exception. But what business is today considered profitable and in demand?

If you want to develop and grow in the field of commerce, then an insurance agency is a good option. A business plan will help to correctly calculate all upcoming financial costs, as well as identify the strengths and weaknesses of this type of business. In order for your business to constantly develop and bring stable profit, you need to pay attention to many nuances.

What will we insure

First you have to decide on the direction of the company. In fact, you can insure almost anything. It all depends on which direction is more relevant in a particular case. But you should always remember that the insurance business can cost its owner much more if he chooses an expensive option. Therefore, often the volume of primary investment directly depends on the particular type of commerce.

The most popular today is real estate, car, and health insurance. The development of online trade has also given impetus to the popularization of another type of business in this area. This refers to insurance of purchases that very often go to their potential owners from other states and at the same time cover enormous distances. Although, as practice shows, most of the customers of companies worry about the safety of their purchase in Russia.

Marketing and its assistance to an insurance agency

To determine the type of insurance, it is necessary to conduct a series of simple studies of the local market. Start with competing organizations. Specialists always recommend striving to occupy that niche of a business in which there are not as many rivals as in the rest.

However, now the market in all areas of commerce is extremely densely populated. Therefore, all newcomers will have to try hard to stand out from the background of those who managed to register their business earlier. Marketing research helps determine the most free points of the market, as well as identify the needs of potential customers.

As a tool, you can use even the simplest social surveys on the desired topic. If such an analysis is personally beyond your power, you will have to turn to specialists who will not only collect all the necessary information, but also analyze it on their own and give specific recommendations. Of course, such services are not provided free of charge.

How to choose the right office space

What is the face of any company? Of course, an office. It is he who must be chosen very carefully. The very ideas of insurance themselves are certainly important. But if customers have to meet with the management of the company, as well as its employees in an unsightly territory located on the very outskirts of the village, then in this case it is unlikely that you will have a chance to get really cash consumers.In addition, such premises cause many people to doubt the qualifications and even honesty of this company.

Therefore, in a business plan you need to consider Business auto insurancethe cost of renting a room that would be attractive to customers of the company. Of course, the easiest way to rent an office, rather than immediately acquire ownership.

This option is appropriate only for large investors with a large amount of free cash available. In addition, the organizer of such an insurance company must be aware that the business may not justify the investment. In the case of rental premises, the losses will be much less.

As for the office itself, it should ideally be in the center of the city. An insurance agency, the business plan of which is correctly drawn up taking into account all the nuances, will be located only where customers can easily get by public or private transport.

Be sure to pay attention to the proximity to metro stations, as well as any well-known local landmarks. So it will be much easier for people to find an office. Get ready for a solid cost. After all, such a room will be in demand. Therefore, its owner will certainly issue you a solid rental invoice. However, competent business management will easily recoup these investments.

We create the image of the company through the office

Do not forget about the decoration of the room. High-quality repairs will only serve the good of the company's reputation. In addition, you need to get stylish and practical furniture, purchase all the necessary office equipment, as well as office supplies. It will be better if the office receives its own unique style, which will be traced in all the details and individual details.

Be sure to take care of a convenient place for negotiations with customers. People should be comfortable. The insurance business is a very profitable niche. Consequently, competitors are also on the alert. Therefore, you have to spend a lot of money on a cozy and spacious room with a separate office for negotiations. It is also not recommended to skimp on licensed software for PCs and laptops.

This will keep all personal information about customers, as well as internal accounting, safe and sound. Confidentiality is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to qualitatively protect the company's base from virtual attacks of potential competitors. In addition, high-quality software is a guarantee of the absence of technical failures.

Recruiting Qualified Personnel

You can search for employees both independently and with the help of special agencies for selecting people for companies. In the latter case, be prepared for the next cost. After all, agencies work for a fee.

When staffing the company, remember that recommendations, diplomas and other documents that a candidate for the position of an insurance company specialist will proudly provide will not guarantee his high qualification. Most managers claim that it is preferable to “educate” an employee on their own. Of course, this is more expensive in finance.

Will have to upgrade his skills, pay for various courses. But the result will be visible almost immediately. Remember that the company's income is the sale of insurance policies. Therefore, all personnel should be customer-oriented, be able to find an approach to any person, as well as competently identify their needs and offer company products. No matter what your business is based on. Auto insurance or real estate work - everywhere requires competent and highly qualified employees. Otherwise, you will collapse.

Register a business

It is mandatory to register your own business. You will have to register as a legal entity. Individual entrepreneurs in this case cannot engage in insurance activities. So it is indicated in the legislation of the Russian Federation.A separate item is to allocate the amount of the authorized capital required to start this type of commercial activity.

Its size is very impressive: 60-480 million rubles. In this case, the presence in the authorized capital of the company of borrowed funds. This greatly complicates the task for mid-level businessmen. Therefore, this type of commerce is considered available exclusively to large investors.

If you plan to deal exclusively with health insurance, then in this case you can limit yourself to 60 million rubles of registered capital. The remaining varieties have a minimum bar of 120 million, which must be additionally multiplied Auto Insurance Business Planby the coefficient established by the state. The latter may vary depending on the specific type of commerce.

An insurance agency, the business plan of which at this stage you should already have in your hands, must be registered with the tax office. Do not forget to issue a current account with any commercial bank. It is through him that all cash flow will be carried out. The same applies to the payment of taxes.

Certificates & Licenses

You need to be in the Unified State Register of Insurance Companies. However, the certification procedure for obtaining the appropriate license, which gives the right to carry out activities in this segment of the commercial market, may be delayed for a year.

And here, the qualification of the company's management directly plays a huge role. You will need to confirm your business reputation, have experience in this field, as well as a diploma of education. Equally important is the constituent documentation and clear insurance rules for each type of activity.

Prospects for further development

The insurance business is a very profitable business. Experts say that in the future, this type of commerce will only become more popular. After all, luxury cars and expensive real estate now have a fairly wide population.

In addition, many people are willing to give big money for insurance of their own life and health of their loved ones. But that is far from all. It is also necessary to keep in mind compulsory insurance, which credit organizations require from their borrowers. And this is a very profitable niche, which is quite difficult to occupy.

Advertising moves

We should also mention advertising. It is she who will allow your business to constantly develop and acquire new customers. But advertising moves must be carefully thought out and oriented to certain types of consumers of insurance company services. If the company wants to find exactly large customers, then in this case it is worth forgetting about flyers and other small-format ads.

An insurance agency, the business plan of which must certainly have a separate line for advertising costs, will be much more attractive for money customers if you invest in extensions and billboards. Also very successful in this case is considered radio advertising, television, business magazine pages.

How to sell insurance

There are a lot of rules. But first of all, you must be competent and How to sell insuranceExperienced specialists in the implementation of the services of their company. It is the human factor that often determines the overall success of a project.

A specialist must first sell his own status as an expert in the field of insurance. In this case, customers will no longer have such a sharp and acute question about the price of the service. As you know, they are not traded with high-class experts.

So, you have compiled a high-quality and complete business plan. An insurance broker was also found. What's next? Be sure to pay attention to his work directly with clients. He must convey the truth to them and nothing else. What does it consist of?

The fact that your company benefits only honestly and openly. The third is simply not given.All clients are firmly convinced that each insurance agent simply wants to deceive them. The specialist’s task is to completely refute this stereotype.

What else will not even tell you the most complete business plan? Auto insurance is a special business niche. Therefore, the approach to potential customers needs a special one. After all, the competition here is especially intense. The specialist must make sure that the company does not cause consumers to associate with rivals. You need to make it impossible to compare your company with other similar ones. If the client does not see the differences, you can safely assume that the company simply does not stand out on the market.

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Very useful article! However, with the recruitment of staff I was tormented at all times more than with organizational issues. Until I accidentally stumbled upon a comment that many experts publish their resumes on Avito. Used this as a last chance. And I did not regret it - you can immediately determine what each of those who are looking for work there is capable of.


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