
Construction control and supervision. Quality control of construction works

Today we’ll talk about the concept of quality control in the construction industry. This issue is very relevant at present due to the emergence of many firms and organizations specializing in construction work and sometimes not always paying due attention to the quality of the facilities being built. What is this about?

The quality of construction products is understood as the entire amount (in aggregate) of the characteristics of a construction project ready for operation, which allows meeting the assigned needs.

But what is quality management?

It is understood as a set of measures to ensure and maintain the quality of the required level in the design of construction products, their production and operation. Measures for its implementation - systematic monitoring of construction projects and timely impact on all influencing factors and conditions.

A set of technical, organizational, economic and other means to maintain its optimum level is used in project development, industrial production, in the process of construction work by contracting organizations, as well as during the warranty period of operation.

construction control

Goals and objectives of the quality management system

What tasks are included in the system quality management when it comes to construction works?

First of all, about planning, that is, about establishing a planned level of quality, according to regulatory indicators (instruction SN 378-77). Then - on ensuring the preparedness of the organization for work at this level. It is about supplying material and technical resources in accordance with the requirements of standards.

Particular attention is paid to the metrological assurance of the accuracy and unity of the actual parameters by what is indicated in the project, and to staffing. An important point is the promotion of the quality of the material and moral order, as well as information support.

Normative documentation as the basis of the CMR CC system

There are three stages of the development and implementation of the CC CMR. At the first of them, an order is issued to create a coordination working group, technical training of specialists, analysis and examination of the existing level of quality are organized. On the second - is being developed technical task and the project, the third is the implementation of the system.

Implementation of construction control is carried out on the basis of regulatory documentation, which serves as the basis for quality management in all types of construction. It consists of state standards, building codes and regulations, design estimates, as well as industry standards, guidelines, instructions, etc.

The general structure of building normative documentation (SND) is regulated by SNiP 10-01-94, which contains requirements for all normative documents. Its provisions are binding on governing and supervisory bodies, organizations of any form of ownership.

construction site control

What is the meaning of regulatory documentation

The task of SND is to ensure that the building product meets its intended purpose (favorable living conditions for people), its safety for life and health, protection against possible risks in emergency situations, the reliability and quality of foundations, structures and engineering systems, and compliance with environmental standards.

Regulatory documents can be state, federal, related to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and production and industry (for business entities).Construction Norms and Regulations (an abbreviated designation of building norms and rules) of the Russian Federation are regulated by the mandatory requirements for the process of creating construction products.

What is it like

GOST (the abbreviation stands for "state standards") in our country establish all the provisions (from mandatory to recommended) regarding specific characteristics and parameters of buildings, structures, their parts, individual structures, materials and products.

Other provisions at the federal level are prescribed in the joint venture (codes of rules for design and construction), as well as RDS (guidance documents).

TSN is established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - this reduction corresponds to territorial building codes, and in certain industries STP and STO set standards - standards of enterprises and associations that include provisions of technology and organization of a specific production.

construction control

Organization of quality control of construction works

It is held at three levels:

  1. In the form of state supervision carried out by specially existing bodies.
  2. how departmental control quality of construction and installation works (having the same tasks) on the part of bodies of ministries and departments.
  3. As production control inside an organization or enterprise. This is an internal control. He, in turn, is the input, acceptance, operational and inspection. The object of such control is the high quality of the technological process and manufactured products.

What is PIC and PPR

Work can not be started without documentation drawn up accordingly. Technical departments of construction organizations check working drawings received from the customer, estimate documentation, coordinate all deviations. The large-scale most complex drawings are provided to teams of performers.

The primary basis of all is PIC - a project for the organization of construction. On its basis, a construction project is being developed in the construction organization - a work production project approved by the chief engineer of the general contracting organization. Without approved PPR construction is not allowed. Monitoring of construction and installation works is based on verifying strict compliance of the ongoing process of both PPR and PIC.

quality control of construction and installation works

About incoming control

Everything that goes to the construction site, from building materials and products to any engineering equipment, must be subject to input control. Tests are carried out in construction laboratories and by external inspection.

As a primary production document reflecting all construction control and supervision in the production process, a general work journal is used - it is usually kept separately for each object. It is filled with a foreman from the first day of work. It contains the entire list of personnel with changes, registration of used estimates and working drawings, conclusions of expert commissions, etc.

In its main part - the work diary - they reflect the start / end dates of each stage of production with a detailed progress.

What is operational control

By operational quality control is meant checks during the construction process for compliance of the work performed with all requirements in the context of individual operations. Its purpose is to prevent and eliminate defects and imperfections in time.

Its implementation is the task of the foreman or foreman, and the chief engineer is involved in the organization.

construction control and supervision

Construction control in the form of technical supervision carried out by the customer

This type of supervision is established to confirm the quality and volume of work performed, their compliance with the approved project and estimate. The customer controls the quality of the materials and structures used, compliance with GOST and TU.

Representatives of technical supervision do not have the right to make changes in the approved documentation during construction.Their task is to carry out construction control by checking the results of laboratory tests and analyzes, the availability of passports, sampling, etc. In case of detection of low-quality materials and equipment, they draw up an act and their use is prohibited.

In covert work, construction and technical control requires execution in the form of acts immediately upon their completion. Until such acts are signed, the next stage of activity cannot be started. Works during which the approved project was violated are not accepted, and all defects must be eliminated at the expense of the contractor.

Architectural supervision - what is it about?

In addition, the design organization conducts another quality control of construction work - field supervision. The chief architect and chief engineer of the project are appointed as the general designer as representatives of the design organization in the institutions and subcontracting firms.

If necessary, they can suspend the progress of work - in case of violations and deviations from the project. Quality control of construction through supervision can be entrusted to a specialized independent design organization.

Authority of architectural supervision - the prohibition of the use of parts, materials and structures that do not meet the standards, the requirement to suspend work carried out with obvious violations, and to make proposals for holding perpetrators accountable.

building quality control

Another level of control

It is a matter of state control over the quality of construction. As you know, the management of development (including planning) of cities and other settlements is carried out by departments (or departments) for construction and architecture.

The functions of such bodies are to develop and issue to developers architectural and planning tasks for designing, controlling the allocation of plots for all types of construction, monitoring the organization of architectural supervision, managing geodetic services, issuing permits, etc.

The chief architect manages the planning and development of any city. Among his powers - an unhindered visit to any construction projects in the city and suburban area. Carrying out construction control, he has the right to suspend the process, if the latter is conducted in violation of the law or the approved project.

Inspector Engineer Functions

The role of the deputy chief architect is an engineer-inspector of the state control, who is entrusted with construction control in the form of visits to construction sites with the right to demand any design materials and documents, to control the correct and timely maintenance of work logs and other documentation, to make suggestions for altering low-quality work and to prohibit the use Substandard materials and equipment.

He may also, if necessary, require an examination or opening of certain constructions that are doubtful, check the availability of certificates from the ITR granting the right to admission to certain works, raise the issue of holding liable - both disciplinary and criminal - persons convicted of violating the law in construction sphere.

construction control

About geodetic works

Among other things, one should not forget about the geodetic maintenance of the construction, on which the durability and reliability of any structure depends to a large extent. This is an integral part of the technological process, which is carried out in accordance with a time-bound schedule for all work.

Geodetic work is underway on SNiP 3.01.03-84. Their goal is to create a construction basis for construction, to perform direct alignment work, to verify the accuracy of the erection of building structures at each stage.Construction control by geodetic methods allows you to identify unwanted deformations and movements in the elements of buildings in time.

To create such a alignment basis for the construction is the customer’s task, to carry out the alignment work itself is the functionality of the contractor organization.

Tasks of the customer and contractor

Before the start of land work, the representatives of the contractor and the customer jointly accept a working breakdown of the structures that has already been carried out by the contractor. In case of compliance with its design, an act is signed with the attached breakdown diagram and binding to the existing (core) network.

At the stage of the production of land works, as well as all the others, the construction organization must take care of preparing the conditions for this kind of activity, in particular, preserving the necessary geodetic and center marks and restoring them in case of damage.

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