
Banking supervision in the Russian Federation. Problems of banking supervision in the Russian Federation

Banking supervision in the Russian Federation acts as one of the forms of state regulation of the activities of financial organizations. Occurrence of this type of control caused by the transition to a market system, which provoked the development of competition between monetary structures. This, in turn, exacerbated financial risks. To reduce them, a number of legislative acts regulating state intervention were adopted. Let us further consider the main problems of banking supervision in Russia. banking supervision

general characteristics

Banking supervision in the Russian Federation applies not only to organizations directly providing financial and credit services, but also to intermediaries. The considered type of state regulation is characterized by a number of signs. First of all, in its role in a market economy, banking supervision acts as a mandatory institution that regulates competitive relations between financial institutions. This is an objectively determined process that completes the stage of centralization of the monetary policy of the authorities. In its essence, banking supervision acts as an imperative state intervention enshrined in legislative acts in the risky activities of financial enterprises. This control is a form of protection of the power of property of creditors.


Banking supervision in the Russian Federation is carried out to form the most favorable conditions for the activities of financial and credit structures. The main goal of this form of control is to ensure their reliable and safe functioning. The state seeks to protect the interests of investors. Achieving this goal is possible by phased and consistent execution of operational and intermediate tasks. banking supervision in rf

The specifics of organizations

The work of banks acting as financial intermediaries should be profitable and socially oriented. Obtaining a constant income ensures the solvency and self-sufficiency of the financial sector, ensures the reproduction of monetary resources. Social orientation provides for the accessibility of services for the population, building up depositors.

Intermediate tasks

Banking supervision is established to ensure the own and public effectiveness of the financial system. The first means such a result of the activities of organizations in which the level of income allows you to maximize profits and recover losses on illiquid assets. This allows you to create a real potential for risk compensation at the expense of own funds of banking institutions. This is in line with the principle of economic distribution of resources. Social efficiency is the result of the activities of financial organizations, contributing to the improvement of the economic system of the country as a whole and creating the most favorable prices for society. Options for achieving milestones are policy dependent supervisory authorities in the framework of which either one of them is chosen as a priority, or a compromise. banking supervision in is carried out

Control structure

The Central Bank is the body authorized to conduct banking supervision. He constantly monitors compliance by credit institutions and financial groups with the provisions of industry legislation and established standards. The supervision of the Central Bank acts as a means of prudential regulation. In this case, the activity is considered in the narrow sense.Simply put, the Central Bank establishes supervision of specific banking structures as elements of the system. Strengthening control can be determined by the common interests of strengthening the sector (for example, the need to improve systemic risk management). Along with this, banking supervision problems in the Russian Federation are also emerging. A controlled credit structure may lose its competitive advantage. Information that a financial institution is under intensive supervision may raise doubts about the reliability of its customers. banking supervision in the Russian Federation


Banking supervision can be divided into types according to different criteria. General classification involves the allocation of functional forms of control depending on the subject and institutional - in accordance with the subject. Banking supervision is divided according to the specifics of the financial, regulatory, economic content of the activities of credit organizations. It is she who acts as the subject of control. According to the normative criterion, two forms of supervision are distinguished: financial (prudential) and general (legal). As part of the control, the authorized structure carries out licensing of credit organizations. In addition, an integral direction of the Central Bank's work is the provision of ongoing supervision over the implementation of financial standards, the requirements of the Central Bank itself, as well as legislative provisions. Control also varies depending on the content of activities of controlled structures. So, allocate supervision of foreign exchange and related to the maintenance of budget funds. problems of banking supervision in Russia


This is another indication by which banking supervision is classified. Depending on the place of execution, it can be contact or remote. The latter involves monitoring the activities of financial institutions on the basis of accounting and other reporting documents. Contact supervision is a direct audit of the work of organizations. They are carried out by representatives of the Central Bank, traveling to the place of their activity. For this, special units are provided for in the structure of the Central Bank. In particular, the Inspection Department and the relevant territorial structures have been created. problems of banking supervision in Russia


Maintaining the banking sector's own performance is ensured by stimulating the profitable and low-risk functioning of each financial structure. In the event of a drop in liquidity, managerial decisions must be made in a timely manner, including in emergency lending. Achievement of social efficiency becomes possible due to the inclusion in the composition of tactical (operational) goals of compliance with technical (provision of services at the lowest possible cost, in terms of population expenses), allocation (work at prices at the level of marginal cost indicators of banks), socio-economic performance of the whole system. It should imply a result of activities in which it becomes possible to transform incoming deposits into new functioning capital (loans).

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