
Production control at the enterprise: implementation, organization and program. Environmental production control

Industrial control is a system of measures for in-depth analysis of the environmental situation at an industrial facility. The parameters monitored are chemical, bacteriological and radiation contamination. Sometimes - other parameters (depends on the characteristics of specific industrial sectors or enterprises).

Production control

Some workplaces, premises (workshops) or the enterprise as a whole can be monitored. Different sites, areas and elements can be checked for contamination or the danger posed:

  • Work and other surfaces.
  • Elements of structures.
  • Various materials.
  • Equipment.
  • Overalls.
  • Air.

General purpose

Production control program

The production control program fulfills the task of preserving the health and life of people. First of all, the personnel of the enterprise: it is exposed to negative impacts first. Further, the safety of citizens who are not employees should be ensured. It is not difficult to provide personnel with protective equipment, but the population in the district can be secured only by eliminating the possibility of the spread of pollution outside the enterprise.

Production control should also solve the problems of preventing environmental pollution. She can be harmed even by factors that do not concern either staff or the public. Such harm should also be completely excluded, for which there are special measures for monitoring and prevention. Legislation provides for liability for non-compliance.

Primary requirements

The production control program should perform the task of ensuring safety as efficiently as possible. The possibility of harm to personnel, the public and the environment should be completely excluded. This applies to all stages of the existence and operation of the enterprise: from the import of the first batch of materials and the launch of the first units of equipment to the disposal of the last batch of waste (when the enterprise stops working).

Production control at the enterprise

The implementation of production control involves the timeliness and correctness of the necessary measures. The requirements for the composition of the events and the frequency of their conduct are determined by the focus of the industrial facility, its mode of operation and other features.

Possible features

Production control may have some features determined by the activity of the facility. Certain types of such activities may require additional checks or increase their frequency. Also - the implementation of any special actions aimed at preventing certain problems.

Organization of production control

This usually refers to industrial facilities, the activity of which is associated with the formation of an extremely large amount of waste or with the increased danger posed by some of them (for example, nuclear or SDYaV). Also - to enterprises engaged in the collection, storage and processing of industrial or household waste.

Required Documentation

The main document that the organization of production control at the facility must comply with is the provision on production control. It regulates the composition and frequency of inspections and other events, special requirements for their implementation.Those responsible for complying with program requirements are also identified in this document.

The regulation is developed for each industrial facility separately, taking into account all the features of its activities. Drafting and approval of the document is the responsibility of the facility management. Competent persons or organizations may be involved, but management is liable in any case.

Environmental production control

Implementation steps

Organization of production control is a complex process. His first stage is a deep analysis. It is necessary to study the geography, structure and mode of operation of the enterprise, the materials used, equipment, technical solutions and methods for performing various tasks. Up to the waste disposal scheme. It is necessary to identify absolutely all factors whose impact on people or the environment can be harmful.

Based on the results of the analysis, regulatory documentation is developed. The necessary measuring equipment is delivered. Further, production control is carried out in accordance with the requirements of certain documentation. Information received by the responsible person in the course of the relevant events is recorded. This information should be transmitted annually to the relevant government authorities.

Emergency measures

In the event of circumstances that could endanger people or the environment, the information is immediately transferred to the responsible persons and the facility management. They should conduct a quick assessment of the situation and take appropriate measures. Suspend the work of the entire enterprise or its part, evacuate personnel, proceed to eliminate the problem and eliminate the consequences.

If the situation threatens to become critical or is already such, the management is obliged to notify emergency services and oversight bodies. After - proceed to evacuate people and solve problems on their own, without waiting for the arrival of rescuers and employees of other services. After their arrival, provide the best possible assistance.

Production control


Production control at the enterprise is regulated both at the company level and at a higher level. At the industrial facility level, it is carried out by its management and responsible persons, in accordance with the relevant documentation.

An authorized supervisor collects and processes information provided by enterprise managers. If necessary, its employees can carry out an extraordinary check of an industrial facility for compliance with the requirements that environmental production control puts forward. The basis for such an inspection may be, in particular, complaints received from the public.

A responsibility

The management of the facility or the person designated by it is responsible for carrying out the measures provided for in the program. Their duty is to ensure the correctness and timeliness of these events. They are also responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information transmitted to the supervisor.

In case of violation of any of the requirements prescribed by production control at the enterprise, the responsibility lies with the persons who committed the violation. And also to the persons who committed its commission (if they could have prevented it). To identify them, the management and the responsible person conduct an internal investigation. If the violation had serious consequences, the investigation will be conducted by law enforcement agencies.

Each employee whose actions or omissions may endanger himself, others, or the environment should be properly instructed by the person in charge or by the management of the facility. Otherwise, the management is responsible for the consequences, along with the immediate culprit of their occurrence, because the leader is responsible for the incompetence of the employee.

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