
Subjects and resources of power. Political Power Resources

Mankind regularly creates for itself certain patterns of life, according to which it then exists for centuries. For example, take power. Everyone is so used to this concept that they are not trying to analyze it. However, it does not belong to the category of natural ones, like a genus or family. It was invented and introduced into society, so to speak, artificially. To do this, some smart heads have studied the resources of power. They themselves used this knowledge and left their descendants. Let us join this "secret."

What is power?

Probably, you need to start by deciphering the term. After all, it is impossible to understand what are the resources of power, if not to say what it is. We will look into reference books and retell the essence of the term in our own words. Power is an opportunity to subjugate a large number of people. power resourcesThis is something that allows you to make decisions regarding many and put them into practice. They dreamed of power, different people strove for it. It is believed that it provides unlimited possibilities. The owner of this "magical quality" can get whatever he wants. Any restrictions that ordinary citizens have to face do not exist for such a person. True, there is a different approach. Power - first of all - is responsibility. After all, one person decides for many others. Consequently, he can change the quality of their life. The ability to influence the fate of fellow citizens is not provided to everyone who wants it, fortunately. In order to have it, it is necessary to master the resources of power. They are plural.

Power sources

The Constitution states that the right to dispose of the country belongs to the people. By the way, such a paragraph is included in the basic laws of many countries. In fact, decisions are made by very specific individuals, and not by the people as a whole. This means that society delegates its rights to these people. This is where the power resources begin. They are quite specific and strictly defined. resources of political powerSpecialists offer several methods for their classification. For example, in some sources, the resources of power include financial and coercive, social and informational. Let's dwell on this classification and try to decipher in plain language what is included in each paragraph. Perhaps we can add that the resources of power also include personal characteristics of a person. So said V. Kruger. Surely arguing with this is difficult. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Financial resources of power

Some of the sources that give the right to control influence are located in a purely material sphere. If we consider the resources of state power, then these include financial flows for which the government is responsible. It collects and distributes taxes. On the one hand, this is the duty of the state towards citizens. On the other, an imperious resource. After all, finances themselves provide an opportunity to influence both population groups and each individual person. government resourcesAnd since there is a certain dependence, therefore, it becomes possible to persuade others to accept the opinion expressed by those in power. This can be seen in the example of the enterprise. People most often listen to the one who has the opportunity to influence the authorities on the distribution of money. He who holds the wage bill in his hands has power. So it is happening nationwide.Let even a holy philosopher appear in the political space, knowing how to make every mortal happy, without money he will not be able to win the trust of people. He simply will not have the opportunity to talk with everyone, that is, no one will know about him. The resources of political power are akin to those used by business leaders. Finances take first place among them. They allow you to convey your ideas to every citizen.

What are the financial resources of government

This is where the confusion usually arises. The fact is that people substitute concepts. They transfer the general resources of power to state structures. The meaning is naturally distorted. It turns out that government employees have power. Although, this is not entirely true. It is vested with the state, not individual officials. The latter are provided with finances to perform specific functions. This money is allocated from the budget. So they are state-owned. The purpose of their use cannot be personal gain. Laws, in any case, speak precisely of this. The financial resources of public authorities are made up of those funds that are paid to the budget by enterprises and citizens. In addition to taxes, they include fines and other monetary penalties. State bodies are obliged to use this money for the development of territories. There are still special sources of income for the country. These include state-owned enterprises. Their profits also go to the budget and are used for the development of society.

Social Sources of Power

Management objects are ordinary people. They have many problems of their own. Some of them are called upon to deal with the state. For this, he has the means and special bodies. People receiving benefits from the state will support it. They will not want to be left without additional (and sometimes basic) sources of income. It turns out that the financial and social resources of power overlap in some way. But not completely. Here, the resources of political power flow to a different plane.

In order to exert a controlling influence on social groups, the state has to listen not only to the material, but also to the spiritual needs of people. This is aimed at social policy. Its purpose is to satisfy the need of society for caring for those members who cannot provide for themselves. That is, the state demonstrates to citizens its sociality and desire for justice. In this case, the subjects and resources of power converge at one point. They are citizens who receive care and help and oversee the process.

About Information

This is perhaps the main resource of power. The fact is that at present, information is becoming of paramount importance. Its proper use, direction and redistribution of flows make it possible to influence the whole society as a whole. People themselves strive to be in the center of events, try to have an idea of ​​the most important of them. They work with information in different directions. They are trying to make some kind of publicly available, to convey to every citizen of the country. Other hide, so as not to cause unrest or social explosions. Information ownership is a serious resource of power structures.

Coercive means

Of course, it is impossible to fully describe the resources and means of power without touching the power mechanism of the state.

power resources include

It is preferable to put it in last place. In any case, in a democratic society its priority use is not welcome. Power structures are used to prevent the possibility of seizing power by elements that are not related to the state. That is, to protect him. Ideally, this mechanism should operate in direct conjunction with the subject of power - society. This state of affairs makes the state stable.This mechanism is also necessary to “correct” some members of society leading an antisocial lifestyle. When their actions or intentions endanger the rights of others, it is time for the security forces to act. That is, they not only protect power, but also all citizens.

On the role of personal qualities

In a democratic society, it is believed that anyone can reach the heights of power. That is, there are no people born to lead. You can relate to this as you like. However, world history suggests that the role of the individual cannot be completely denied. A person leading a society must have a certain set of qualities so that people reach out to him, respect, and want to imitate. Today they say that such abilities can be raised. And without them, power becomes shaky, it can be easily intercepted. It turns out that although this resource is not included in the classification, its value is recognized. A public authority should have charisma. And at least arouse respect, if not admiration of the people.

resources and means of power

Public oversight

Very often disputes arise regarding the use of power by some unscrupulous officials (leaders) in selfish interests. This, as we know, is happening. But it is not the norm. Most often, negative phenomena become possible due to indifference and "connivance" of the subject of power. And such are all people. Even a small official leads a certain group. Since people tolerate their arbitrariness, it means that they do not want to have normal power over themselves. To prevent such phenomena, public control is necessary. The people themselves can take away part of the government. You say that people will not do anything against arbitrariness? And you once again study the resources of power. One of them, namely information, is not so easy to take from people.

financial resources of public authorities

Why does society need power?

We began by saying that management is an instrument artificially introduced into the masses. But this does not deny its benefits. We live in constant interaction with each other. If everyone begins to act according to his own understanding and whims, then inevitable problems will arise, maybe fights. In order to structure and streamline social life, you need power. Realizing this, people try to support it. Of course, when its representatives do not fall into corruption extremes. Power is necessary in order to make people's lives simple, understandable and comfortable.

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