
Is there a penalty for riding winter tires in summer? What can they punish?

For a safe and comfortable ride, the wheels on the car play a huge role. They have different properties and are designed for operation in various conditions. The legislator regulates the rules where it is prescribed to use summer and winter tires, respectively. In this regard, drivers have a logical question: what is the penalty for riding in winter tires in summer and in summer in summer? Let's figure it out.

penalty for driving in winter tires in summer

Summer riding in winter tires

So, there are tires:

  • winter
  • summer.

They are so divided not by chance. They are designed for use at a particular time of the year. So, in summer, winter tires cannot be used for the following reasons.
Studded tires (and in our conditions they are often used precisely) guarantee better grip in cold weather on slippery roads. But in summer, on dry pavement, such tires slip strongly.

In the heat, when the asphalt becomes hot, winter tires heats up after it, as it becomes softer than summer.

Riding tires designed for snow and ice will wear them out quickly. At the same time, if they stumble on a sharp object, a cut is likely.

Of course, these factors increase the risk of an accident and at the same time pose a threat to the life and health of the driver, passengers, pedestrians, drivers and passengers on other vehicles. To minimize risk, the driver must change tires on time. If this is not done, then in some cases a fine is imposed on him (for driving in the winter with winter tires, if the tread depth does not meet the established norm). But can punishment be provided for this specific misconduct?

winter tires summer tires

Penalty for driving in winter tires in summer

The Code of Administrative Offenses does not contain a separate article and clause where riding on tires not intended for a given time of the year is regarded as an offense. At the same time, there are articles that are related to the action we are considering. Despite the fact that there is no penalty for driving in summer on winter tires and vice versa, drivers are punished if:

  • operate the vehicle on worn rubber;
  • different tires are installed on one axis of the car.

Consider these offenses in more detail.

fine for driving in winter tires without studs

"Bald" tires and responsibility

In everyday life they often say “bald” tires. This refers to tires that are very worn out and no longer meet the parameters established by the legislator. We are talking about the depth of the tread, which was introduced on January 1, 2015. According to the new requirement, vehicles are equipped with tires having the following tread height:

  • 0.8 mm - for vehicles of category L;
  • 1 millimeter - for a car with the category N2, N3, J3, J4;
  • 1.6 millimeters - for vehicles having the category M1, N1, O1, O2;
  • 2 millimeters - for vehicles with category M2 and M3.

But the residual tread depth for winter tires is at least four millimeters.

If these requirements are not met by car owners, then the actions of the latter are equivalent to the operation of vehicles with technical malfunctions. This qualifies as an offense under Article 12.5 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and is punishable by a fine of five hundred rubles.

In some articles on the Internet there is information where they say that there is a penalty for driving in the summer on winter tires. Apparently, this refers to the non-observance of the tread depth, and not the tire operation out of season. Sometimes these concepts are confused, which is why car owners are misled.

what is the penalty for driving in winter on winter tires without studs

Different tires on an automobile axis

Another offense, qualified under the same article (12.5 of Part 1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation), is the installation of tires of different types on one automobile axis. It can be different tread depths, new and worn tires, studded and not studded, and more. The offense is also punishable by a fine of five hundred rubles.

If, having such tires, the driver gets into an accident, then this fact is qualified as an aggravating circumstance if an accident is considered in the framework of criminal proceedings.

Payment of 50% of the amount of the fine

The innovations of the law that came into force on January 1, 2016 include the ability to pay 50% of fines instead of 100%. The purpose of the law is to encourage car owners to pay fines in the near future. The fact is that many accumulated dozens of receipts, which were left unpaid. But, according to the new law, those who pay them within 20 days pay only 50% of the amount. Of course, this is not about all offenses on the road. This opportunity is provided only in cases where they are not serious. So, for example, sanctions for tread depth and the presence of different tires on the same automobile axis are among those. Therefore, even if you were fined, you can pay 250 rubles instead of 500 rubles.

what is the penalty for riding in winter tires in summer

When to change shoes?

But back to the seasonality of tires. As we found out, a fine for driving winter tires in the summer is not provided. Nevertheless, the use of tires according to the season is implemented in accordance with the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles." According to Appendix No. 8, the following requirements are imposed on tires.

Use studded tires in the summer, that is, from June 1 to August 31, is prohibited. However, this rule does not apply to the so-called all-season and Velcro.
The use of summer tires in the winter, that is, from December 1 to January 30, is prohibited. It does not matter whether spikes are installed on it or not, rubber should be designed exclusively for winter driving. If the car has studded tires, then the appropriate sign is placed on the glass, warning other participants in the movement. But as for summer driving, the norm applies only to studded tires. Therefore, the question of what a fine for driving in winter on winter tires without spikes is incorrect. Such operation does not contradict the Technical Regulation, which means it is legal.

At the same time, in certain regions of Russia, taking into account weather conditions, other periods of use of tires can be established.

Is there a penalty for driving in winter tires in summer

Is there a penalty for riding winter tires in the future in the future?

Of course, there is a flaw in the legislation regarding this norm. After all, provisions prescribing riding on certain tires in a given season are available. But there is no responsibility for their violation. This is due to different weather conditions on the territory of different subjects of Russia. Moreover, the weather has recently been hit by anomalies. Therefore, it has not yet been possible to establish requirements for seasonality of tires that would suit all conditions.

But work on this has been going on for a long time. And this is not only about what size of the fine for driving in the summer on winter tires to establish. In addition, the punishment may be of a different nature. For example, there is a proposal that, in the event of a traffic accident, the use of winter tires in the summer would be a reason for refusing insurance coverage. There is another initiative: to significantly increase the amount of fines for offenses that occurred due to non-compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union regarding tire seasonality.

Thus, drivers will not only face a fine for driving winter tires in the summer in the future. The legislator is developing and hardening existing measures related to violations of the requirements for the operation of tires on vehicles.

fine for driving in winter tires in summer


But no matter what innovations in the future, at the moment, a fine for driving in the winter with winter tires without spikes or with them is not provided. Therefore, if the traffic inspector, stopping you, indicates this fact, you can thank him for his attention and ask permission to continue the journey. He will not write out a receipt.

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