
Is it possible to ride winter tires in summer without spikes and spikes according to the law?

According to the rules of car maintenance, when a warm or cold season occurs, it is necessary to change tires. This requirement is due to the safety of all road users. However, in June or July, you can see cars that "did not change their shoes" for the season. Is it possible to ride winter tires in the summer, and why drivers do not comply with safety requirements on the road, we will talk in the next article.

Is it possible to ride winter tires in summer

Change or not?

The decision of drivers not to change tires is mainly due to the reluctance to burden themselves with additional chores. Some simply do not want to spend extra money. But the question of whether it is possible to ride winter tires in summer has legal aspects. A driver who recently got behind the wheel might think that if the tires do well in December with ice and snow, why not serve them in the summer too.

In addition, it often seems that riding with winter tires in the warm season is even safer than in the cold. However, such a fallacy is fraught with dangerous consequences. Often use winter tires when the tread pattern is pretty worn out and can no longer cope with riding on ice and snow. It seems the only way out that remains is to ride these tires in the summer. But such a decision is not always justified.

Differences between winter and summer tires

To answer the question of whether it is possible to ride winter tires in the summer, it is worth figuring out how, in fact, the tires for different seasons differ. Those that are designed to work in the warmer months should provide the necessary grip at different speeds. Their pattern is asymmetrical. Therefore, these tires have increased sound insulation.

Is it possible to ride winter tires without studs in summer

Is it possible to ride winter tires in the summer? The answer to the question lies in how much they satisfy the requirements of riding in the warm season. The winter tread here has the so-called checkers, which have a complex relief. Thanks to him, a safe ride is provided. It includes grooves, curly slots and branches that can maintain safety due to good traction with snow and ice. However, if you test the same tires on a summer road, the ride quality will noticeably worsen. The fact is that the checkers, which help so much on the winter road, will only interfere in the warm season. This will especially manifest itself at high speed. There is a risk that controllability may be lost. This, in turn, will lead to a traffic accident.

Seasonal tires, in addition to the difference in the pattern, have another difference. It is composed of rubber. Tires designed for winter driving are soft. They are able to cope even with the road in bad weather. Winter tires also show themselves well during the thaw. Is it possible to ride it in the summer? Of course not. In warm times, summer tires are needed, having a more rigid, wear-resistant and elastic structure. The summer version in the cold zaduet. Therefore, of course, such tires are not recommended for use in the cold. Is it possible to ride winter tires in the summer? As follows from the foregoing, the softness of the tires will not be a favorable factor for a safe ride at this time.

winter tires is it possible to ride in summer

The experiments showed ...

The most pronounced differences in the operation of summer tires designed for different seasons will be noticeable when precipitation occurs, especially on asphalt. But even on a dry road with them, the risk of an accident increases when sharp braking is necessary.

Experiments have shown that on a flooded road, the effect of "surfacing" when driving on summer tires occurred at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.At the same time, in the winter version, this was already observed at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour. Naturally, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to ride winter tires in the summer suggests itself: such a trip is impractical. After all, the braking distance will increase by 30%! And this already speaks of very low security.

Is it possible to ride winter tires in summer

What about the law?

But, in addition to recommendations, many are interested in the question: is it possible to ride winter tires in the summer by law? Initiatives to prohibit have already been introduced. But tire replacement, however, continued to be advisory in nature. Only in 2014 was adopted technical regulations Customs Union. According to the document, it is forbidden to ride summer tires in the winter months, and in the winter months. Some drivers believe that if their tires do not have spikes, then traveling in the warm season is not prohibited. So is it possible to ride winter tires without spikes in summer? The regulation responds unequivocally to this. Regardless of whether there are studs on the rubber or not, riding in June, July and August with such tires is prohibited.

The amount of the fine and the time of the offense

This norm has come into force since 2015. That is, if before such a ride was extremely undesirable, but was not an offense, now the driver will have to pay a fine. At the same time, it does not take into account whether he knows the answer to the question: is it possible to ride winter tires in winter without spikes or not. For the offense, it was planned to introduce a fine of at least 2 thousand rubles. However, in the end, the amount was only 500 p. In case of repeated violation, this penalty remains the same.

Is it possible to drive winter tires in the summer by law

But in the spring and autumn, drivers have the right to decide for themselves which tires they ride. The impetus for the introduction of this norm was the long Moscow traffic jams, which were exacerbated just because of the use of non-seasonal tires.

Automakers on Seasonal Tires

Automakers also recommend that vehicle owners use tires only for the season for which they are intended. Regular tests that are carried out unambiguously answer the question: is it possible to ride winter tires with spikes and without them in summer. Tires that are selected correctly and seasonally provide optimum driving safety. In addition, they will last longer. After all, wear, for example, of winter tires in the summer is much faster.

Choosing summer tires

So, if the article convinced you that you still need to change the tires for the season, it remains to choose the right ones. It is recommended that the following parameters be taken into account:

  1. The direction of the tread.
  2. Size.
  3. Noisiness.

Remember that sometimes the all-season is the best choice.

Is it possible to ride winter tires with spikes in summer


Now you will not puzzle for a long time over whether it is possible to ride winter tires in summer without spikes or with them. The security aspects are obvious. But also legal norms, which were introduced by the legislator quite recently, also play an important role. Therefore, if it is June 1, you need to urgently change the rubber in any case. Otherwise, soon the police will have the right to fine you.

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