
Certificate of state registration of ownership. How to get a certificate of state registration

According to Art. 4 of the Federal Law No. 122 governing the registration of real estate transactions, ownership, other property rights and the turnover of objects are subject to state registration. The number of transactions also includes easement, trust management rent and mortgage. Let us further consider the procedure for state registration of rights to real estate. certificate of state registration of law

General information

The fact of entering the object into the register is confirmed by a certificate of state. registration. This document is issued by an authorized authority in the region where the property is located. Certificate of State Registration The right should be for every room or building, which is considered by law. The objects to be entered in the register include apartments, land, buildings, non-residential premises, a cottage, a house and so on. A certificate of state registration of ownership must be held by each owner of such property. In the event of a dispute, it is this document that acts as evidence of the property belonging to a particular person.

What is a certificate of state registration of law?

In fact, this document captures certain actions that are committed relative to the object. The certificate of state registration of law has the established form. Each form has its own number and security mark. These elements ensure the uniqueness of the document and prevent its forgery. Forms of certificates are issued to the state registrar of real estate transactions under the report. After filling out the document is transferred to the owner of the object against receipt. certificate of state registration of ownership

Information contained in the form

The certificate of state registration of law contains the following data:

  1. FULL NAME. owner, place and date of birth, passport details.
  2. Object characteristics: location address, type, number of storeys, residential (if any) and total area, cadastral number.
  3. Type of registered right: operational management property, perpetual (permanent) use, and so on.
  4. Documents-grounds: a deed of gift or sale, certificate of inheritance by will or by law and others.
  5. Encumbrances or restrictions imposed on the property.

When is a document needed?

A certificate of state registration of law is mandatory in all cases relating to the circulation of objects. This may be a gift or purchase, alienation or inheritance, and so on. If the property is leased for more than a year, then it is necessary to obtain a certificate indicating the established burden in the form of a lease. If a citizen decides to donate part of the share in the object, then a document for each owner is also needed. What is a certificate of state registration of law

Important point

The certificate has no statute of limitations. In this regard, it is issued only once until a new transaction is completed. The document is issued not only for the construction or apartment. The certificate also acts as title paper for the circulation of land, which, according to the law, is also classified as real estate and is subject to accounting. In addition, when changing any signs of property, you will also need to change the document. For example, this is necessary during a redevelopment that entailed a change in area, a change in the name of the street or the number of the structure itself, and so on.

How to get a certificate of state registration?

As mentioned above, the issuance of documents is carried out in Rosreestr. When applying, it is necessary to provide papers confirming the grounds for acquiring the right. These documents include:

  1. Contract. It acts as a confirmation of the transfer of the property to another person. The contract must be signed in at least three copies: for the buyer, seller and registration authority.
  2. When transferring property by inheritance, an appropriate document is required. The certificate confirming this right is issued by a notary.
  3. Plan of explication for the premises, technical passport for the building or cadastral passport for the land (originals).
  4. In case of acquisition of an object in a mortgage, three copies of the loan agreement are provided.
  5. The original of the previously issued certificate of state registration of law.
  6. Consent of spouses of the buyer and seller to conclude a transaction (notarized).
  7. A receipt that a state duty has been paid.
  8. Application for registration of a transaction (filled out by participants when submitting securities). procedure for state registration of rights to real estate

The above list is not considered exhaustive. The registrar may require additional securities, depending on the nature of the transaction, the subject composition, method of disposal, type of object and so on. Documents must be submitted to all parties to the legal relationship: upon purchase, the owner and acquirer, upon gift, the transferring and receiving property. If the object becomes a property using a loan, then a representative of a credit organization with a power of attorney must be present during registration. The latter must be notarized.


It is carried out by the registrar after the adoption of all necessary documents. An authorized person shall establish the accuracy and legality of the information contained in the submitted papers. If there is no fact of fraud or other illegal actions, two weeks later, a citizen can come and get a certificate. How to get a certificate of state registration

How to recover a document?

In case of loss or damage of the certificate of state registration it must be obtained again. This process will be faster and will not require as many papers as at the very beginning. Information about the transaction is present in the Unified State Register. To get a duplicate of the document, you will need to pay the fee again, write a statement. It, along with the receipt and passport should be handed over to the state registrar. Contact an authorized organization in person. Documents may also be submitted by a representative. To do this, he must have a notarized power of attorney. After the set time, a duplicate of the certificate will be issued. It will contain the new number and series. It will indicate on the reverse side in exchange for which document this certificate was issued.

"Country amnesty"

The general procedure for obtaining a title document is described above. However, in practice there are a lot of special cases in which its issuance differs from the standard procedure. For example, if the housing is not formalized in any way, then a simplified procedure applies. It is provided for in Federal Law No. 93. Its provisions mainly concern residential buildings and land plots. For this he is also called a "summer cottage amnesty." certificate of state registration


At the moment, the certificate of state registration acts as the only document confirming that a citizen has rights to a specific real estate object. Of course, all data on transactions with such property is entered into the Unified Register. It is conducted nationwide in electronic form. However, this does not mean that you can neglect your documents. Keep the certificate, as well as other title papers, should be in a safe place. In life, various situations may occur in which proof of ownership of the property may be required.In these cases, it is the certificate of state registration that will act as the main and indisputable argument.

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