
Purchase of agricultural land: the necessary list of documents for registration

The current legislation establishes the criteria for classifying plots as agricultural land. In Art. 77 ZK contains a brief and comprehensive description of such territories. purchase of agricultural land

general description

Agricultural land is always located outside the settlements. Such territories should be intended and used as land, internal roads, water bodies, communications, as well as forest plantations to protect against the effects of harmful industrial and natural phenomena. At these sites it is also allowed to erect sites for structures and buildings operated for the production, primary processing and storage of products.

Purchase of agricultural land: features

One of the fundamental aspects of the transaction is the obligation of the owner of the territory to use it strictly in accordance with the established category and type. The purchase of agricultural land is recorded in the Unified State Register of Real Estate Transactions. The procedure in accordance with which the object is transferred to the new owner is established by Federal Law No. 122. One of the essential conditions established by this law is the pre-emptive right to purchase agricultural land by municipal and state bodies. In accordance with this provision, the seller of the allotment must receive a waiver from these organizations. This procedure is similar to a deal with common shared ownership. preemptive right to purchase agricultural land

How is the purchase of land made?

The procedure for concluding a transaction is established by regulatory enactments. The main documents required for the purchase of land are a certificate of state registration of law, a cadastral passport. The law also requires notification of the executive authority of the intention to sell the plot. The notice must be in writing. It indicates the cost of the plot, coordinates and size. In addition, the seller sets the period during which the offer is relevant. According to current standards, this period is not more than 3 months.

If the administration refuses to purchase the allotment or fails to notify the seller in writing about the intention to buy it, then the owner gets the right to sell his plot during the year at a price not lower than that indicated in the notification. In the event of a change in the material terms of the transaction, the owner must send a new notice. The purchase of agricultural land in violation of this procedure is not allowed. If such a transaction is concluded, it will be declared null and void. This provision does not apply to territories intended for private household plots, as well as to us allotments, which are executed in gift or barter agreements.

Is it possible to conduct residential construction in such territories?

It was said above that legislative norms require the new owner to use agricultural land in accordance with the established permitted category. These include, in particular, gardening, summer cottage, gardening. The way out of this situation may be to register the owner as an individual entrepreneur who will be engaged in farming. In this case, the site can be used not only for private household plots, but also for the construction of a residential building with the possibility of residence and registration in it. purchase of agricultural land

Independent assessment

The purchase of agricultural land is carried out at a cost that does not take into account the price of structures located on it or assumed subsequently.To determine the cost of the allotment, an independent assessment is carried out. This is a special direction in working with real estate. Even if there are any structures on the site, their cost will not be included in the price of land. However, the seller provides information about them.


The cost at which agricultural land will be purchased is formed in accordance with various factors. The most significant of these is the permitted category. Since the markets of territories belonging to different groups are developing in their own way, respectively, the cost of allotments located nearby, but having different types, can vary significantly. The purchase of agricultural land is carried out after assessing the topography, soil composition, water regime. The value of the land is determined by fertility and possible application factors (as arable land, pasture, and so on). Of all the likely options, one is selected that will allow you to get the maximum economic result. purchase of agricultural land [

Reasons for Acquisition

Agricultural land is purchased after fertility assessment. To determine it, a comparative analysis of indicators is carried out with similar climatic and agronomic parameters with the same intensity of cultivation of the terrain. This procedure is called soil scoring. It is quite complex and time-consuming. In this regard, the purchase of agricultural land is made using existing scales. They highlighted the main features that affect productivity.

In particular, they include the power of the humus layer, the level of clay fractions in the arable land, the nature of the reaction of the soil solution, and so on. After the fertility and the option of further use of the site are determined, the development of an income model for agricultural production is carried out. It takes into account the likely costs of organizing the process and income from the sale of grown products for a specific time period (year, quarter, month, week). The positive difference indicator formed between expenses and incomes is discounted to the current parameters and indicates the market price of the allotment. The costs in this case include the acquisition of equipment, the remuneration of all employees, including the owner himself, interest on the use of capital and entrepreneurial income. land purchase from destination x

Reasons for cost reduction

The price will be significantly affected by the presence of a dilapidated structure, even if it is owned. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the possibility and amount of restoration of the building for its subsequent operation or the necessary costs for its demolition and removal of the resulting construction waste. Along with this, the availability and condition of communications are taken into account. They can act as netting and increase the cost or, conversely, reduce, because they require repair or dismantling. The same applies to clearing arable land from shrubs, uprooting trees or leveling the landscape and backfilling pits and ditches. In these cases, there are reasons to reduce the cost of the territory in proportion to the estimated costs. In this regard, the determination of the amount of required or necessary additional costs is of the same importance as the assessment of undeveloped plots. documents necessary for the purchase of land

Common misconceptions

The public's perception of the existing prices for plots is based on information provided by the media and the Internet about sites similar in location and area. However, in most cases, these data do not reflect actual market value. The difference between the transaction price and the offer is called bargaining. The determination of the correction indicator acts as one of the stages of any assessment using comparative methods approach.In this regard, it is not surprising that the transaction price and the initial cost of an object put up for sale can have significant differences. There are many reasons for the difference. One of the most important is the perceived market dynamics. If it is growing, then even a five percent discount will be quite large. However, in the absence of forecasts for market growth and in the case when the decline will be fundamental, the difference between the value of the offer and the transaction itself may amount to several tens of percent. how is the purchase of land made


Usually sellers are in no hurry to reduce the value of allotments. This is understandable, because no one wants to give up the income that was counting on. In this regard, the purchase of agricultural land should be carried out taking into account economic feasibility. When making a transaction should be guided by common sense, and not unverified information.

The basis for a successful acquisition is a reasonable calculation of the difference between the actual costs of arranging the territory and the economic profit from production. In addition, legal minimization of possible risks should be ensured. The transaction is executed according to general rules. After receiving a refusal from the executive bodies, you should contact the state cadastre service. The basis for entering data into the Unified Register will be the contract of sale. A cadastral passport is attached to it and certificate of state registration of law previous owner (seller).

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