
Own business: board game for a child and an adult. How to do business on games, where to look for suppliers and how to sell games

business board game

Previously, board games were considered mainly entertainment for children, although there were "adults", but less common options (such as monopolies). Today, this lesson has moved to a new level and has turned into not just a popular pastime, but also fashionable among young people.

The assortment of games has become much wider, and they themselves are brighter, more interesting, more complex and often more dynamic. At present, the gaming industry is of serious scale both in our country and in the rest of the world, and the sale of such goods has turned into an attractive and rather profitable business.

A board game is a specific product, and therefore you need to work with it according to certain rules in order to become a truly successful distributor (and possibly a publisher). How to open a business in this direction, we will describe in this article.

Why is it worth doing business in games?

In the context of universal employment and the computerization of many processes, communication is becoming increasingly difficult. Live interaction is not enough for many people, which is observed even within families. Board game is a great opportunity to get together (family, friends), have fun and have fun. And often also useful.

Modern games can not only bring pleasure, but also develop a wide variety of abilities and important skills. For children, this is fine motor skills, attention and memory, for adults - the ability to think logically, act quickly or strategically. Young people can show creativity, psychological techniques during the game, develop dexterity and intelligence. And all this happens easily, cheerfully, compensated for by the lack of real communication.

Abroad, the tradition of board games has appeared long ago and exists to this day, in our country we are not used to such entertainment yet. This market in Russia is quite small, although in recent years it has been developing rapidly. This is an ideal time for young entrepreneurs to start their own business in games, with the support of more experienced colleagues. In order to help you navigate the necessary actions, we will analyze the basic steps for opening your own “game case”.

Plan: stages of business organization

The specific actions depend on what you want to organize. Will it be just a sale, or are you also planning to organize the production of board games? If you are just starting your journey in this matter, then it is better to focus on the implementation of the finished product, and as you develop and become more familiar with the world of games, you can think about publishing them. In order to open your own store, you need to consider the following points:

  • assortment of goods;
  • supplier search;
  • promotion and sale;
  • sellers;
  • development.

A consistent solution to each of these issues will allow you to organize your own successful business in games, capable of developing and expanding your influence in this market.

Assortment of games

The variety of this product is amazing. This is a large number of intellectual, logical and dynamic games. Each category has its own established leaders. In order not to miscalculate with a choice, it is better to focus on world ratings and analyze the demand for a particular product in your region.Initially, an assortment of 50-100 games will be sufficient, given that most buyers are conservative and choose something familiar, recommended by friends, etc.

Along with such well-known games for a wide audience as Monopoly, Scrabble, Twister and some others, the Uno and Cow 006 card games have been quite popular lately. They are not so much intellectual as they require attentiveness and quick reaction.

A plus is that up to 10 people can play them (suitable for a large company). The logical game "SET" is interesting, which is in good demand abroad, in particular in educational institutions. Many interesting products can be found at the French publisher Jigamic. The games he produces are distinguished by an elegant and stylish design.

In general, at first it’s worth choosing what is popular all over the world. And then you can gradually introduce some new products into the assortment, having tested them beforehand.

Where to get the game: suppliers

Today in Russia there are several large companies ordering games from foreign manufacturers. Some of them have their own publishing houses. It is better for a newcomer to agree on cooperation with one of them and purchase board games in bulk.

Suppliers will gladly go on discounts in order to sell their products more efficiently, and many of them can also get consulting support. This will allow you to quickly rise, declare yourself and count on interest from buyers in your region.

Larger businessmen are more profitable to work directly with foreign manufacturers, however, for this you need to be well-versed in the gaming market, know the needs of the audience and be able to correctly present a new product.

Promotion and sale

You can start this business with minimal investment. Initially, it is better not to rent a retail space, but to limit yourself to virtual space. Opening an online store is much faster and not as troublesome as a real point. You can advertise it both through social networks, and among your friends and acquaintances, in groups and on sites devoted to entertainment in your city. And so on.

You will see, demand will appear rather quickly. Especially considering the fact that in many cities there is simply nowhere to buy board games (except for ordering on the Internet with delivery). At first, you can assume the responsibilities of both the courier and the operator. And when the process goes faster, hire the first employees. Then you can think about opening a store.

If you decide on your own outlet, then carefully consider its location. It should be a crowded, passing place. But do not forget to analyze your audience. Who is your customer? Family or youth?

A person in search of a gift or maybe a company purchasing games for organizing leisure activities for employees (is this trend becoming more popular? Answer this question and only after that look for a suitable place.

Store staff

Board games as a business have their own specifics, in particular, in the implementation process. People usually buy a product, evaluating its external properties, content, consumer qualities. Often the game cannot be seen or touched beforehand, as it is sealed in a box.

So, it's hard to evaluate. Therefore, many have a hard time deciding on a purchase. The sellers help them in this. They should be well-versed in the world of games, know the range, rules and features of each product.

If the consultant is interested in games and loves them, then he will be able to give the right advice to the buyer. It is very important to find out the goals of the acquisition: how many people will play, what kind of company this is, what kind of activities she is interested in, etc.This will allow you to choose the most suitable product for the person, and in gratitude he will surely return to you again or advise his friends.

Business development

What are the prospects for a gaming business? Today they are pretty rosy. Starting with a small online store, you can first grow into a full-fledged outlet, then create a network in your city, region, etc. In addition, in parallel, it makes sense to launch your own publishing house, where foreign games will be studied and creatively processed. popular in other countries.

Gradually, you can become a distributor and a game provider yourself to smaller companies and private businessmen. Fortunately, the game market in Russia is just starting to fill up, and therefore you still have prospects for being among the leading players.

board game production


Despite the fact that the virtual world today is diverse and interesting, people still feel the need for real communication. Board games can be an excellent attribute of it, both in terms of exciting communication and as a useful developing activity.

In our country, they are only becoming fashionable. That is why the gaming business can be seen today as a promising business that can bring real benefits and good profits. It's time to enter a niche, but you need to do this systematically and gradually. Successes.

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