
Tennis club business plan. The cost of building a tennis court

Despite recent events, the situation in our country can still be called economically favorable. This can serve as an impetus for the development of previously unpopular types of business.

People have increased salaries, and they are willing to spend it on their own health and relaxation. And the best symbiosis of health and relaxation is sports. Therefore, the popularity of such sports facilities as gyms, swimming pools and fitness centers is growing. But it’s time to develop further and come up with something new and interesting. In this article we offer you an approximate business plan for a tennis club. Well, of course, we’ll talk about what is needed to open it.

Market Appraisal

Now a tennis court can be built in a couple of months. There are plenty of companies providing such services. The most important thing is to have significant capital, because the cost of building a tennis court is quite high. An ordinary dirt one will cost about $ 20-25 thousand, and indoor - from $ 100 thousand and above.

Despite the large number of courts under construction today, this business will definitely pay for itself. But do not count on a quick exit to the plus. You have to wait at least 3 years. In the West payback period Such projects range from 3 to 5 years.

tennis club business plan

First stage

Now you know how much it costs to build a tennis court. Talk about where to start. At the first stage, it is worth deciding on the configuration of the court. That is, whether it will be closed or open. Indoor court is much more profitable, as it brings profit all year round. In addition, the tennis court can be used for other sports: badminton, volleyball, futsal, etc.

On the other hand, the construction of such a court will require significant financial injections. If we consider the clay court, then in terms of profit it is not entirely profitable, since it is seasonal. The period of its operation is spring and summer. Given the weather comes out about 3-5 months a year. The average cost of an hour of play is 150 rubles.

So it is better not to include clay courts in the business plan of a tennis club. It’s best to build them exclusively for yourself. A good tennis court in your country house or in a country house will be an essential element of personal prestige (even if you will not play it). In general, in order for the invested funds to pay off faster, it is more profitable to build a closed structure.

Of course, this is not cheap at all, but in a couple of years you can become the owner of a large sports club. If you are going to draw up a business plan for table tennis, then also lean toward building an indoor facility. Indeed, in this case, even a slight blow of the wind can affect the game result.

the cost of building a tennis court

How many courts to build?

To make your club profitable, you need to build at least 2, and preferably 4, courts. Even if the tariffs are high, the sites will still not be idle. The thing is that with the abundance of clubs there are still few good tennis courts.


A decent tennis club with four courts will cost about $ 1.5 million. Naturally, with a bar, lounge, showers, locker rooms, etc. Of course, you can save a lot. For example, to build an air support structure, rather than an expensive capital one. It has a spherical shape and consists of a single or double layer membrane, rigidly fixed around the perimeter.

The material used is an awning coating based on PVC. It does not support combustion and will properly last 10-15 years. Such a construction can be erected in 1-2 months.Compared with capital buildings, the cost of construction will be significantly lower ($ 100-700 thousand, depending on the number of sites). Consequently, such a structure will pay off a couple of years faster.

Such sites are very popular in the West, but now their construction is increasingly being ordered in Russia. All of the above can be projected on table tennis. The business plan for building a club for this sports discipline (as for any other) needs to be as detailed as possible.

business table tennis

Advantages and disadvantages of indoor courts

Mobility is a definite advantage of an indoor court. It is not at all difficult to rearrange it entirely to a more "bread" place. Since the air support court belongs to the category of temporary structures, the registration of permits for it takes place without any problems. There are only two drawbacks: the vulnerability of the canopy (it can be pierced with any sharp object) and a significant consumption of electricity.

The construction of a frame tent tent will also cost inexpensively. It is suitable even for the climate of the middle part of Russia (only if you pull several layers of coating with insulation on the frame). The procedure for its construction is extremely simple, and the tent cover itself will last at least ten years. Moreover, it is much more comfortable than a capital and air support court: in hot weather, the awning can be rolled up, well, and in winter, heating will be carried out using air conditioners.

An important advantage of fabric structures is the ability to create translucent roofs. Firstly, this creates the effect of an amazing visual volume indoors with natural even lighting, and secondly, it can significantly save on electricity. In general, indoor courts are a good alternative to capital structures and allow you to pay back your investment in business much faster. Table tennis can be a good alternative to the big one, so at the time of planning, think about the possibility of the existence of these two games in one sports club.

tennis court business plan

Coverage selection

The greatest attention should be paid to the arrangement of a tennis court. Choosing a cover for it, one should focus not only on price and quality, but also take into account future operating costs. Therefore, your business plan for a tennis court must contain this part. And the more detailed it is painted, the better.

Clay court

Initially, tennis was played on grass or a freshly cut meadow. But such sites had a significant drawback: the grass was quickly trampled down. After some time, clay courts began to appear, on which brick chips were used as the top layer. They were invented in Germany, and they are still popular because of the low cost.

However, such courts require a good drainage system and regular maintenance. If you do not level and moisten the surface of the court on an ongoing basis, then pits form on it and it begins to dust. This not only makes it unsuitable for commercial use, but also imposes additional costs on its owner (additional staff will have to be hired for care). In addition, in our conditions, such a court can be operated only in the warm season (April-September). And if you also take into account rainy weather, then the service life is significantly reduced.

how much does it cost to build a tennis court

Hard court

Hard courts have no such disadvantages. They are made of concrete or asphalt. But you cannot call them ideal: because of their hardness it is very tiring to play them. In addition, the muscles and ligaments of the athlete's legs are severely affected. Such courts are unlikely to suit amateurs because of the very fast pace of the game. This problem is solved by applying a special elastic bulk acrylic coating. The pace of the game will slow down, but the cost of coverage will increase.

Artificial grass court

On this type of court, as well as on the ground, there is a drainage system.The artificial grass coating allows water to pass through and dries quickly after rain. Even snow does not interfere with the game: you just need to sweep it. That is, the coating in question is all-weather and all-weather, and the factory warranty is at least 7 years. And the process of caring for such a court is very simple: you just need to periodically level the sand.

Rubber court

Now on the market there are a fairly large number of roll (rubber) coatings. A huge plus of these coatings is that they lie on any surface. Also, rolled coatings are easily folded and transferred to a new place. Their thickness is selected depending on the particular pace of the game.

That is, it can be set in advance. But in most cases, these are slow courts with a tireless and comfortable game that completely eliminates the injury of athletes. This type of court is most suitable for commercial use. Consider this moment when you are preparing a business plan for a tennis club. After all, the quality of coverage is one of the main indicators that affect the gameplay.

business table tennis plan


As you understand, the construction of a tennis court does not belong to the category of cheap pleasures. That is why the matter must be approached very carefully. It’s better to thoroughly think through the business plan of the tennis club and take into account all the details than to regret the lost money invested in an unsuccessful project. We wish you good luck and success in business!

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